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Ohh jeez, her knickers will be in a tizzy when she got wind of this, the Queen she will.

never gets old. raging cagers are always funny


i can only imagine the fucking autism the camera man has...who puts 2 fucking cameras on the front and back of a non-motorized bike, plus the one on his helmet ,while trollying along abby lane

i just watched that one before, i like how the media completely avoids the whole "he broke the law first by lane splitting with his useless 2 hole girl"

>he violates a traffic law, so he should be physically assaulted
How about you get punched full force unknowingly every time you exceed the posted speed limit?

why would i exceed the speed limit in my prius?

that would just defeat the gas mileage efficiency.

now get out of the middle of the road you wanker


Ohh, OK. Pretending to be stupid. It's funny every time. +10 GBP, buddy.

maybe you should invest that 10 dollars in a helmet m8

watching this for the 10th time cause he cracks me up as soon as you hear the bog accent "VAT CLOSE ENUFF M8"

and you see theres an entire lane where no cars are parked and his fucking trike could have gotten over to allow the nice gentleman behind him to pass

Not up to date on your memes I see. Shame on you.

>Quaid, start the reactor!

this guy is a proper cunt on 2 manual wheels..OH GOD ABOUT 10 SECONDS IN U SEE THE GAY ASS LANCE ARMSTRONG HANDLEBARS and "cycling gloves"

this guy is a fucking MAMIL confirmed


i wish the OP driver got his hands on this faggot

why the fuck is he riding a bike on a short 2 lane road with no bike lane then complains about the cars not yeilding to him...yeah like they're fucking gonna ride behind your slow ass the entire way m8




It really seems like that bikefaggot was keen on making things worse to put it on Youtube to rake in mad ad dosh.

Fuck this gay earth. Not even a decade ago this wouldn't have been such a big deal. Both would have flipped each other off and that would have been it.

its even worse as i just found out cause i found the original guys channel and hes a fucking middle aged lycrafag

One of the best things about everyone being fat in america is they all have cars. There's a metro part of my relatively small city and I never see any cyclists. Assholes think they own the road, in this case the guy is unpassable because there's no "acceptable" way to pass him. Fortunately it isn't a hilly area in the video but I could never live with these people clogging up the roads. Get a fucking power assisted bike.

he also nearly runs over 2 different people in crosswalks without slowing down as he maniacally chases after him

bump for bogs

>Assholes think they own the road

Can you read minds?

But user, American drivers are a blight on the road, too.

but it doesnt sound funny as fuck when they argue


fucking dead. rofl


The actual news report does mention that actually.
>investigators say a motorcycle carrying 2 people possibly cut off another car
It's not like lane splitting hurt the driver in any way. There's no way it would warrant an assault.

If there's anything I've learned from talking to people that drive, it's that everyone sucks but them

Guess what. They suck too.

>Me sitting in truck listening to tunes
>Guy on his motorcycle passes me with gf on back
>go about my day

>You sitting in traffic fapping to eurobeat
>Guy on his motorcycle passes you with gf on back

But I don't know why the motorcyclist just sat there and let the guy come up to him and start shit. I mean christ. You are on a bike.

It was a single lane road. He would have had to completely pull over and stop to get out of the lane, as the gap was only like 2 car lengths.

>why the fuck is he riding a bike on a short 2 lane road with no bike lane
Maybe because he needs to get somewhere down that road? Are you implying he should ride on the open highway instead?

Pretty well handled by that biker tho, had I been in the same situation I'm pretty sure I would've punched the living fuck out of that guy.


You mean you would've swung and missed, and then when your fat rolls caught up to you you'd lose your balance and fall over. Then you'd roll away down the road at incredible speed. No I'm not projecting.


shit lad, didn't see your post

All these muh rights cyclist are embarrassing.

Did anyone else notice how his power level plummeted when he lost his shades?

Why cyclists are act like gay and beta as fuck ?

It's still not a big deal, bikefags just have a tell-mommy instinct because they're manchildren. The internet is their mommy, because they're manchildren.

>oh my god why can't you just cripple yourself and be late for work because I want to be a counterculture twat

Mostly the britfags that ride around constantly screaming the number plates of anyone who doesn't drive a train.

It is quite funny really.

>No I'm not projecting.

O-ok. In that case I guess there's not much for me to do but to give you your hard earnt (You)

's all good man
happens a lot with americans, that's why so many wear sunglasses

>obnoxiously revs engine
>unessisarily down shifts for no reason

sorry m8 cant ear u :3

What if you just ripped his cameras off and threw them in a river?
There's no way in hell some pissy little lycra fart would be able to remember a license plate number, and even then, how would he prove it?

>be me, never ridden my dual sport dirt bike on big roads
>decide to go on main roads today
>was cut off 3 times and honked at by some girls which was nice but
>car pulls out in front of me had to swerve
>baby boomers asking about the bike
>black people approaching me to look at it (and contemplate stealing it)

riding a motorcycle is so fucking hectic compared to getting in my shitmobile and driving to college or wherever

How does one even fall like that?

I get why people are riding bikes but why do so many of them have to be such miserable cunts?
Like in , what does he think chasing him afterwards and then talking to him accomplishes? Best case scenario: The guy apologizes (which is would still be dumb because nothing happened). But then to actively annoy the guy to the point to where he wants to beat the bike guy up is fucking pathetic. Like doesn't the bike rider have more important things to do in his day/life?

And it's not just that guy alone, I mean look at this:
Yeah, ofcourse that was a stupid move by the car but IT'S A FUCKING DRIVING SCHOOL. Ofcourse they're going to make mistakes, who knows how long the learner has been driving and if he's been to that spot before? And in the comments you can see him complaining about the red car driving past him
You were just standing around doing nothing while the road ahead was clear, and the red car drove past without any problem since the oncoming traffic was still very far away. WHAT ARE YOU COMPLAINING ABOUT?

And what about that video:
I don't understand the title, I don't understand what he's focusing on in that slomo of that Peugeot and I don't understand what the Peugeot driver supposedly did wrong.
>I guess I'll check the comments to see what the problem is
>pic related
>how do even you even recognize that she's screaming with such a shitty quality and without hearing them (totally couldn't be yawning or just a normal conversation)?
>why do you even care what random people do in their cars?
>how do you even have the time to rewatch all this footage to find such basic shit?
>why does someone screaming in their car warrant their license plate being publicized on the internet?
>what does the description "Teaching the daughter how to drive like a spoilt 5 year old." have to do with anything
>so many more questions

Guy in the car spoke the truth

Holy moly that biker handled that extremely well. what a calm chill dude. and what a weirdo that bald guy was.

yep. bike guy clearly goes around starting shit for views

thats the SAME cunt biker m8

that was the guys original channel which i stated when i posted it, the OP was someone who reupped it

and thats when i found out hes a massive lycra fag

WHY IS HE EVEN GOING DOWN THAT STREET, it barely wide enough to fit normal sized cars, much less a fucking Mr Bean skit


this guy literally has a faggy little horn as if hes an actual motorist


cyclists act like the sun shines out their ass even though they do just as retarded shit as your average motorist.

>comparing motorists to these cunts who dont even ride on proper lanes designed for bicycles


Holy shit I thought this rage attack I had () was the end of it all but fucking hell, this guy has legit problems.

The way how he keeps following people around to make them apologize eventhough nothing happened just shows that this guy has absolutely no life.

And now I've come across this video
HE FUCKING INDICATED. It was obvious from the beginning that he turned left there. How was he supposed to turn left without cutting across your path? People that think they are the king of the road () and just blame everyone else eventhough these people actually have places to go and don't participate in traffic to simply cry around. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


user, may I request that in future you refrain from any further attempt to sully the dignity of HM Queen Elizabeth II.
Thank you.


Check this shit out, the Youtube comments section is hilarious.

Camera man is a dick here, but damned if that wasn't funny

Someone who provokes people for reactions that's who

Holy fuck, learn how to merge. How do these people get licenses?

jesus christ this guy is a fucking PROPER CUNT and even made a "collage" of all the "driving infractions" hes encountered....

literally every road hes on is a fucking non-bike intended road with barely enough room for 2 way single lane traffic, much less a fucking piss taker on a trolly and EVERY TIME the camera is shown from the rear you see him with MORE than enough room to get over to let cars go, instead he then goes back to the middle of the fucking lane each time


what a fucking tosser

You are LITERALLY giving him money right now

>adsense works when the ads are blocked

>implying I don't use adblock on channels I'm not subscribed to
>very few of his vids have 1000+ views anyways, it's not like he would become rich

i can only imagine him complaining to youtube about how his 3 pounds from last month's monetized views was off by 4 quid and then keeps sending emails and leaving voice mails to departments at google which have zero connection to youtube


>hello my name is mark how ca
>M-A-R-K I got you on recording m8!
>sir we have our own recording system as indicated in
>you are gonna get done m8 you haven't given me muh dividends
>sir this is
>arent you going to apologise m8?!





fuckin hate when cyclists behave like they are the king of the road

this guy just starts shit for youtube payola

>filtering is illegal


It's legal in a lot of states

Love that Lance almost ran over a pedestrian to have an autist showdown .

It is, but not at two and a half time the speed limit in heavy traffic.

>muh dividends

that would be ironic if they were filming themselves walking, then confront him and have him respond the same way as his YT comments


If that was my chick and he pushed her I'd have went full retard strength and beat the shit out of him.

Top kek

He got cucked so hard at the end. Just gives up and lays on the ground. I love the grown up thing. How old are you? Shouldn't you know by now? That was pretty good on his part actually. Shut cager rager down.

iirc California is the only state.

Filtering isn't lane splitting

Filtering the cars are stopped at a light and you filter up to the front of traffic

Lane splitting is riding between to lanes of moving traffic

Both are legal here in california one is pretty fucking stupid the other stops you from getting rear ended by some retard not paying attention

cagers getting awfully salty itt

Meh, I use them interchangeably.
But is cali the only state that allows them both?

Fuck cyclists.

lane splitting at red lights is legal almost everywhere in the US. I don't know where this retarded notion that it's illegal comes from. It IS illegal to split lanes in moving traffic, and, let's face it, holy shit do bikers do this a lot in heavy traffic, and it's stupid and dangerous to boot. But what this guy did was lane filter at a light, which is legal everywhere. Fucker who assaulted him looked high on stimulants of some sort- his eyes were bugging out and shit.

why are brits so angry

holy fuck that ending

>let's face it, holy shit do bikers do this a lot in heavy traffic, and it's stupid and dangerous to boot.

When done correctly it's safe. The problem is bikers going super sanic when traffic is already going 50 mph

>ricefags claim downshifting unnessiarly and revving is to make sure everyone knows they're there, prior to lane splitting being a thing, or in places its still not allowed

>they do neither of those things while actually lane splitting

literally shown to be the pieces of shit they are

I kekked.

In all honesty though, while the guy over-reacted by getting violent, scum like this cyclist needs to get bashed.

No hate on the good cyclists, but i've seen countless videos of these attention whoring faggots specifically aggravating people so they can report them for keks, then post on youtube for youtube monies.

You can see he was in the middle of the road like a cunt at the start and the way he followed him to start a fight and prevent him parking, instead of being a bigger man and just letting it go.

These god damn assholes who can't ride properly, or use it to troll people need to fuck off. They make everyone hate legit cyclists who are sympathetic to a car's position and won't abuse their special status.

That's what I meant. I live by FDR drive in NYC, and even when traffic is moving (usually 35-50 mph), I see bikers zipping in and out of lanes. If it were bumper-to-bumper moving less than 5mph, splitting actually saves a lot of space and helps reduce congestion, but I see them do it almost regardless of the traffic situation.

Have you noticed that it only happens in some cities, like london for example?

The reason is cyclists there have unbelievable protection and get free reign of the roads, the laws are in their favor overwhelmingly, so they know they can get away with this garbage.

We should be petitioning the city of london to get these faggots following the same fucking rules as everyone else and for them to be wearing registration and helmet if they want to drive on the roads.

watch the other vids posted ITT, he does this all the time

when the camera in the rear is shown you seem actually veer more into the center of the road before then getting over

the best is when hes in the BUS LANE and posts a video of the bus riding his ass, as if they dont have a fucking place to be with a bunch of passangers

theres another video where hes in the fucking BIKE LANE and cars pass himwithout veering over the white line...SO WHATS THE FUCKING ISSUE M8?

fucking wanker

Yea, i completely get the vibe he does it for attention.

I understand why people snap, as a cyclist myself. It would be fucking infuriating to have these faggots doing this shit.

Trust me, most of us hate these god damn faggots as much as you drivers, because they give us the worst name. He literally needs to get bashed within an inch of his life to learn not to fuck with people.

i think its more autism

watch the 2nd of his ITT, he legit has a panic attack cause hes on a 2 way street with barely enough room for a fucking trolly as well, and when it comes to a single lane brige and the car has to stop, his shitty lycra bike with lance armstrong handles that cant brake properly cause he thinks hes training for the tour de force, i guess has to brake "faster than usual" and stands there sounding like a pussy breathing and crying

the one where he followed the dump truck driver into the private property lot and literally tells the guard there "ill come in if i have too again, i do it all the time m8, i had to let him know he passed me too close"

The british very truly are a blessing for our planet.