AKA Finland Simulator.
Completing the car should be a requirement for posting on this board.
The Trailer: youtu.be
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AKA Finland Simulator.
Completing the car should be a requirement for posting on this board.
The Trailer: youtu.be
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>tfw your image is in the OP
Were you part of the beta testing?
no, just happened on the changelogs and compiled them into 1 image
Can I leave the rocket cover off or will this break things? Makes a very metallic noise while cranking
it's called a rocker cover, and you can for a little while but beware, you will lose oil at a very fast pace and can brick the engine if you're not careful
Nice. It seems he's made quite a few changes since the 172 build, and that's only 6 months old.
You need to reset the valves. Go 20 ticks down and then 9 up with the mouse wheel, then adjust each valve after the engine is warm until it's one click away from pinging.
Thanks. Engine now makes a sharp pop and dies. Think I might need to do the carb
Pull the choke all the way out until it warms up. Then lean it out until there's a faint white smoke and it should be good. Be sure once it's tuned to backup your save file so if you total it, you have a starting point.
>Can take timing cover off with sump still on
>Cant put it back
How do I teleport?
>open door after getting timeslip
>this happens
I guess the car is trying to tell me it needs weight reduction with a 20s 1/4 mile time.
maybe your car is telling you to fix your paint scheme
I tried painting your mom's ass, but sadly the car is just too small.
not only that, but you also got the colours wrong.
How do I fill the tank, it only fill for a split second?
Anyone can find any new build of this game?
your jerry can is empty, you need to go to the shop
How do I refuel the van?
dev stopped releasing new builds to thwart "russian hackers"
172 was last released build because he found out about the leak
Does anyone have a link to the latest build (178)?
The Mega link is for build 172.
lads fuck off will you
the only leaked build is 172. the dev hasn't released any builds including 172.
diesel pump at the shop or save and quit out of game, van is refueled every time you continue
Fuck you, fag!
Where did you find the changelog?
some random forum
Can you link it? Thanks
Can you link it? Thanks
there's literally nothing there other than the 1 guy who posted the changelog
Oh, okay! Thanks anyway
how much did i fuck up
is there a full a-z guide for dummies?dont even know where to start.like a proper detailed guide what follows what
>not Veeky Forums
at any rate this belongs here, just as much as /ovg/ does, if anything, we should merge with /ovg/
Fucking hell.
Not much
>take off rocker cover
>take off head
>Put gasket on
>Put head on
>Put rocker cover on
so I installed the air filter before I put the hood on, and now I can't remove the air filter. I remove the two screws but when I right click nothing happens.
Also I was able to fill the engine with oil and gas but can't seem to get the brake/clutch or coolant to work.
Any help?
>I remove the two screws but when I right click nothing happens.
Check to see if they're all the way out.
>can't seem to get the brake/clutch or coolant to work.
Make sure all hoses/lines are there and make sure they're all tightened down. Coolant is a bit finicky. Make sure you attach the clutch and brake cylinders to the pedals.
Sweet thank you, will try again in a few mins
how do i get to the dragstrip?
How do I align the steering properly?
My picture finally came in
Aaawwww :3
>those straight lines
i would be lying if i said i wasn't jelly
Same situation dude, how can it warm up if it doesn't start?
Too much choke. You should only have to pull it out a little bit. you're running too rich now.
Try the choke like half way and feather the gas.
I also turned the idle screw all the way in and backed it out two turns. Started perfectly for me, still haven't found a forth fucking spark plug, so this set up should at least get yours started considering mines running on three cylinders.
Alright cool, what about the idle screw? Does it have too 20 ticks?
Don't even fuck with that thing until the car's warmed up.
Tried that, nothing. There must a be bug because when I continue the game the car cranks up like that van but nothing, next tries it doesn't even crank up and the finnish farmer curses.
How can I warm it up if it doesn't make ignition? Did I fuck the engine?
Okay, here's the thing
>Engine is too lean
Not enough gas to mix with air, engine doesn't wanna fire, thus won't run. Engine pours out white smoke
>Engine is too rich
Too much gas for the amount of air it pulls in, engine bogs down and can't fire due to all the liquid in the cylinders, engine won't run. Pours out black smoke
>Engine is just right
Shit runs, small amounts of white smoke.
Your choke is out of adjustment, or your A/F screw is WAY out of adjustment. What color is the exhaust smoke when you try to start it?
Hello im doing some more streaming yesterday i finished the car it took me 2 hours because i forgot some bolts. steamcommunity.com
taking request
Hmm, I'd double check everything man, must be something missing somewhere. Does it pop and miss or is it just spinning over with no sign of life?
Have you got the fuel pump on it, electrics?
>diagnosing a car in a videogame
God, I love it.
>Make sure theyre tightned
Saw no screws how the fuck do I tighten them?
Also oil doesnt wanna come out of can the fuckm8
Thanks for the info mate.
I don't happen to see anything coming out from the exhaust.
Everything is there, no part missing and everything bolted down.
Brake and clutch lines are 7mm. Oil goes in rocker cover, Make sure it's actually upside down over the hole.
steam green light when
Oh wow, do you have another view from higher up so we can see the house?
any complete guides for peasants?
Can anyone make a decent map and put it in the next OP?
I ordered parts and I'm waiting for the call. When will I get the call?
Meant radiator hoses, how tighten? Coolant keeps flowing out.
That's a long wait if you don't have anything else to do in the garage.
How do I secure the engine in the bay?
You don't need one. Put things together starting with the block and use common sense. If you get stuck on something ask for guidance.
Lower engine with hoist until bolts appear on subframe
I got the engine started but when I shift into gear the car doesnt move. Handbrake is off. Any ideas?
The bolts never appear.
Should the money go off my account after I made the purchase from the catalog?
Can't attach the driver seat. Wat do? (after drinking peer and eating sausssagesss ofc)
Yes, you will receive a call on the blue phone at home, then you will drive to shop, pay the cashier and you will get your stuff outside.
I mean no. lel
Got that sorted out: Saved the game and continued.
lol. But for how long do I have to wait?
For me it was 10 minutes at least. You can't skip time.
I've been waiting for 30 atleast and still no call.
Did you mailed the envelope?
Finally the call came. Posted, yes.
They will if you line it up close enough
How the fuck do i get the halshaft on?
Pulled wheel, and disc off line it up with the trans and rotor, wont connect, halp
>Oh wow, do you have another view from higher up so we can see the house?
Ill be trying. im actually trying to get a better shot for making a map
I accidentally ran my car all the way to the store without the air filter on, now it won't start. Do I have to walk all the way back to the house to get it to start again? I have gas in a tank and the tools with me in the car.
air filter isnt the problem here, the problem is somewhere else
this is most likely correct
source: never mounted the air filter and car is running perfectly after 28,6km
Map comming very soon, doing some editing in paint right now
You can't. Tighten your fucking radiator up. Or maybe it's the water pump.
>go to shop
>buy shitload of sausages and peer
anyone? Just took disc, struts, wishbone and rebuilt the suspenion peice by peice to try and get the halfshafts on and still nothing
You have to loosen the 14mm bolt holding the discs on, it holds the halfshaft as well
Here you go guis
Fucking kek everything else falls apart when I do this, thanks man
nice, finally a map that people can actually understand instead of that shit that 1 guy drew up in paint and that other half assed thing someone drew up when they fell through the world.
good job, senpai
Wow, nice job man.
That's not a dragstrip, that's a smalltime airfield.
how get to peer island?
is it full of peer?
it's a drag strip. it has staging lights and a booth where a guy gives you your time slip