/dbdg/ - Dead By Daylight General

Daily Rituals and Sexy Killers Edition

Previous Thread >What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical Online multiplayer. 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them

>Sounds like evolve
It's not. Survivors have to avoid the killer at all costs, whereas the killer has to hunt for them. Everyone has their own objective.

>General info
Pastebin with most questions asked: pastebin.com/DDddy4uE
Pastebin with all of the values (perks/items/whatnot): pastebin.com/vCh6gxR6
Saved game with everything unlocked or whatever: mediafire.com/download/3qmzt3ok3p47xqw/TakeTHATsociety.profje

>Official site

>Latest Patch Notes (v1.0.5)

>Report hackers

>Report bugs

Other urls found in this thread:


Why do you keep giving me Survivor Rituals, game? Why?

Isn't Jason like retarded or something.

That's fucking hilarious. I'm glad the idiot got banned, but Bahroo or whatever is a cuck. Infinite jukes are cancer but that guy was asking for it extra because he probably knew it was a streamer.

Yes, Jason is retarded in the lore. He drowned when he was 7 years old, so his supernaturally-reanimated corpse still has the brain of a 7-year-old but the body of an adult.
If I'm not mistaken, he was also retarded before he died, so that's double-retardation. The body of an adult and the mind of a 7-year-old retarded kid.

I always felt bad for him. Poor murderous double-retard.

post fanart


>Shadowborn: Reduced the field of view bonus for all tiers This perk has was so strong that it was a no-brainer to always use it, especially given the rarity of flashlight experts out there.

>flashlight experts

Why are the devs so shit at their own game? Why do they think the flashlight is remotely viable?

>Fake someone out as Trapper by instantly canceling trap under hook
>They go to rescue like I knew they would
>Still somehow don't make it in time to grab


Is the grab M1 or space? Because I've never managed to grab someone out of a rescue.

M1, you gotta be pretty close though.

Hey you.

Yeah, you, that dwight with all the teamplay perks who was playing your ass off even though some jerkoff d/c'd right at the start?

Even though I hooked one of you in the first 45 seconds? You kept coming back to save their asses every time I hooked em.

Yeah, I know it sucks when it comes down to a 1v1 at the hatch, and ever moreso when you're already bleeding, but thanks to you I've already maxed near everything except deviousness and sacrifice.

So I just want to let you know, even though I set you down next to the hatch, I didn't give you the escape, you fucking earned it you blood-encrusted, nose-dripping, scared-shitless twerp.

You go on the hook next time though.

I love it, and hate it just a little bit, when they save their friends. It's been mostly Dwights who save, oddly enough.

>darkest moonlight
>thick fog

I don't even know why i bothered trying

>shill discord link twice so you don't forget to put it on OP
>still forget it
I'll just leave it here. discord.gg/aanwuE6

Just think a bit man, think of the places they could be at and when you find someone snowball the rest of the players.

Why does douchiness in survivors seem to be higher the higher rank they are?

I'll take it.

I don't care at all about ranks. Actually the game is more fun with all the newbies around. Even though I regularly encounter high ranked killers, I wouldn't trade off these bunch of funny legitimately scared guys for pip farming bm'ers.

And by that I've totally missed the point I wanted to get across as in - when you're focusing on the fun parts of the game, you might end up low ranked.

You just left him to die quicker, you faggot. You didn't help at all.

Yes, lower ranks tend to be more enjoyable. The higher ones just teabag, all day every day.

Comeon user. We all know well that good intentions is all that matters.

You're an incompetent dickhead, at least soak a hit for them. But y'know,
I dunno what I expected.

>not pizza dwight

Got one of those too... regular user guy.

Those outfits werent available at the time of making these webms, they're old. I actually wanted to play with the red cap, but after one game I realised it's 500% easier to notice me in the grass. Sticks out like the red marks you leave behind when running.

Dwight's tie always makes me think of the scratches. It glows red.

Anyone here up for some survive with friends? I want to farm points.



Wraith kid quitting after opening exits but before I could leave. Reminder that if you play wraith you are cancer.

I actually tried a match once as Pizza Dwight just to see what would happen.

I ended up not being seen once. Everyone else died but me.

What about the freindly brightbongs?

I don't want to play matches with only high-level Jakes. Urgh.

Really makes you think how shit killers are at this low rank. Got caught because when that Masami cunt started being followed he came up to me and I got destroyed.

Shut up shitter, wanna get mori'd again?

It really doesn't matter much, as long as you're not attempting to hide in the middle of a corn field.

>it's a killer doesn't internet episode

That wiggle buildup when you drop someone seems to be massive now. Did one of the popular Twitchfaggot get the pick up drop down treatment?

I haven't noticed since wiggling is almost worthless. Your chance of getting off the hook is higher.

Just bought the game yesterday, been playing it pretty much all the time since.

Who's the best when it comes to getting points? I'm thinking Claudette for those self-heal points but everyone touts around that Wraith is easy-modo. I just want points to level up and I was wondering what the best way to get a ton would be.

Jake and hope for an early saboteur so you can farm the hooks/traps. Also you can do stuff like in webm related if you get lucky with bloodwebs. And do dailies.

>do dailies
literally all my dailies so far have been hillbilly dailies, user
I cannot play hillbilly. I never use his chainsaw

Did someone say do daily rituals?

You did remember to do your Daily Rituals, right /dbdg/?

Just practice it on some rank 20s.

>prestige 3 hillbilly with only 41 hours
>disconnects as soon as we power all five gens since he never killed anyone

lmao, typical cheaterfag

you can remove dailies when you're stuck at 3, soon you'll get regular ones

Flashlights do have a use - throw down a pallet, wait for smashy smashy, then get flashy flashy.

What the fuck is that?

Fuck you and your matchmaking and fuck sabotage.

>I Am Lucifer....
I don't think he's shitty because of his rank, user

I've had 3 survivor dailies for the last month

Fuck that noise


It's the fucking 3rd game in a row someone does this and I'm fucking tired.

It only gives me Survivor ones too. Sucks.

You got 20k, quit whining.

don't hook the 3rd person, idiot.

>Has deerstalker
>Can't prevent the last guy from hatching out


And do what? Roam the map until I see him?

It's not that easy trying to look for someone when they are not fucking retards, it was ironworks too, he can just fucking hide in a closet until last one dies, and I'm not going to camp the hatch like a retard and force a stalemate, not that I knew where it was anyway.

>implying it matters much at all
If I go away to look for the hatch I'm just going to end up with the downed guy being up again and me 50 metres away and not being able to do shit.

You're supposed to kill 2, down the third guy and then hunt for the last guy while leaving the third guy on the ground. Frequently check back to see if the guy is being healed. If he does get healed you now have a wounded guy making noise and a fix on their general location.

You also have Spies so finding them is easy.

You have possibly the best perk setup in the game, there's really no excuse for failing to kill them all, nor should you rage when one guy gets away anyway because your build is an auto-win.

This, only thing you could improve is swap out brutal strength for bloodhound and you'd be unstoppable.

Bloodhound is only necessary if you're bad at the game. Rather than boosting your strength it removes the need for a brain.

Brutal Strength is much better for a skilled player.

Is there any reason to take whispers if you have spies?

>Bloodhound is only necessary if you're bad at the game.

Right, which is why I recommended it to im.


Worst fucking game all week because of anger, I'll just stop playing for a while at this point.

Theory works nice, but when they are just one touch from being able to walk away then you have 1 full healed guy and another guy who's about to be fully healed aswell.

And if you need to go back to check on the injured guy you might aswell just stop searching for the hatch because unless it's somewhere 40 metres next to you you're fucked, and might aswell just hook him up to save time and avoid a possible complete loss of points.

Almost made me grin but after this game I might think you're right.


Oof, that one's a heartbreaker. Sometimes you do gotta just take a break from this game, or at least a break from playing super seriously.

>And if you need to go back to check on the injured guy

You have tier 3 deerstalker. You don't literally have to check on him. A quick glance at his silhouette will show you his status.

And if he gets up, so what? You now know where the fuckers are at

Are you having a bad time?

Cringed into the next lifetime.

It's ironworks, they could be anywhere in the seconds I am not checking, plus they had sprint.

>shelter woods

The game refuses to give me that vulture achievement.

>darkest moonlight
>greatly thickened mist
>against the trapper
i didnt want to walk anywhere anyway

>not using your perks right

yeah, on second thought I don't think it matters....

He's probably just gonna trap pallets and those brick walls you can vault over. Maybe by a 99% gen.

They never expect it by a 99% gen.

>mfw I'm the trapper and I trap bushes on the outsides of the map

>Playing Sheltered Wood
>Finally popped the last genny, only me and a claudette left
>Literally about to pull down the lever to escape because I know Wraith is chasing claud
>This happens
Is this some kind of sick fucking joke

unplug your controller

I don't use a controller

claudette is flat chested

New qt survivor when?

How the fuck do you use a secondary action? I want to know how to use these medkit addons but it never gives me the option to use them

Space you dummy

>Vs. Jake Squad
>All my hooks are down
>Manage to sacrifice 2
>Left the third crawling on the floor
>Last one escapes
>Know that I won't make it in time to drag last guy to the basement before he wiggles free
>Don't want to waste time chasing him around
>Find the hatch and escort a crawling Jake to it
>Show him the hatch
>He sees it and crawls towards it
>Decide to pick him up to bring him to it
>What's this
>A single hook at the edge of the map
>On to the hook you go

No mercy for Jakes.

Don't talk shit about my waifu

Claudette is hideous. Only her art makes her look good.

claudette is a boy in a wig

I sometimes see survivors trying to send signals by mashing m1 after being hooked.
What the fuck are they trying to say?

They are being camped stop being retarded and do gens

>prestige 3 survivor
>profile is private
>1 VAC ban on record

This, although I always thought the other way around would be more effective. Like tapping m1 to signal "hey guys killers not around COME GET ME PLEASE"

Thanks for the info

I always found that to be retarded. Especially since the killer can see the signal and most likely knows what it means. As soon as he leaves, he knows you're going to stop signaling and the others will come to your aid.

This makes a hell of a lot more sense.

>not wanting to fuck a qt trap

what are you gay

Except that it's not qt at all.

I would really like to see a map that takes place mostly indoors.

They hinted about one during a dev stream.

What days are the dev streams scheduled anyways?

I think they stream after updates.


Is the speed limiter addon for billy any good?

>SWF with a friend
>search for a game for 10 minutes
>find one
>killer nukes it
>rinse and repeat at least 3 times before being able to play
there should be a cooldown on creating lobbies so killers can't just nuke it when they see things they don't like and so i can actually play the fucking game

not only that but they need to fix their shitty fucking system for joining lobbies so you dont constantly get NO MATCH FOUND

Sure, if you're playing against rank 20s and want some extra points. It was pretty fun to used the rusted chains with it before they fixed it.

SFW should work like this:

1: Ready up
2: Game continuously searches for lobbies, and you can customize your character and use the bloodweb while waiting. No countdowns or other crap.
3: If someone unreadies, it stops searching.