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angela ziegler

Genji doesn't need a nerf.

You need to git gud.

How do I git gud AT Genji? I want to become the cancer

>Seriously i'm rank 40 and I am shit
>Should I just ask Blizzard to remove Overwatch from my library because I am too shit to even play with friends

I mean you probably should. How do you even get to a rank that shit legitimately? You need to find a more casual game because it's clear that Overwatch isn't for you considering rank 40 is the bottom 5% of the skill area.

instalock genji every game until you git gud

The rewards are based on the highest rank I got to in this season, right?

Spam jump+RMB


also I keep getting quad kills with Dragonblade at rank 53 on PS4. like, every match I'm getting triple/quad. they need to nerf me and buff everyone else familampai.

meant to reply to the person in last thread and didn't quote him

no it's based on the rank you are when the season ends

Amelie Lacroix

double jamb like a retard 90% of the match and think to yourself that your a skilled player

No, it's your rank where you currently are at the end of the season

I love her!

Irena Goldstein

no brain genji main here

genji needs a love tap nerf but i don't understand why everyone just keeps crying about him with the current iterations of jesse "le 1-second ttk" mccree and zen "best hero in the game" yatta still in the game

the worst thing is reading reddit style balance suggestions to heroes

>"hey genji shouldn't reset his dash with an elimination xd that's too annoying"
>"hey mccree shouldn't be able to headshot with his left click that's too powerful xd"
>"hey maybe zenyatta should only be able to move straight forward and backwards, strafing is kind of op xddd"
>"perhaps roadhog should have only 100 hp???"

>currently are

Anyone else think this game is extremely fun but rather casual and not meant to be played competitively?

The rank you currently are is the maximum rank you achieved, you fucking dolt.

Just because you were number 1, ten years ago doesn't mean you're number 1 right now it means the rank you are right now is the current maximum.

Alright lads, competitive is ending soon. And we know how many points we're going to get. So post your:

Max Rank
Amount of coins you have + going to get
Which golden gun you're going to buy

69, 325, Zarya

Hana Song

imo the only things making overwatch comp a joke at the moment are 20 tick, sudden death and the amount of hackers at pro level

>The rank you currently are is the maximum rank you achieved, you fucking dolt.

>"I'm going to practice Tracer"
>Anubis offense against a Hanzo and Junkrat
Nevermind I guess.

but genji is too strong user

zen buff couldn't stop him, mcree buff couldn't stop him, winston cannot stop him. he's hard to click on and we must ask blizzard to nerf him for us.


guys I'm rank 51 and play only torbjorn no matter what

I currently have a 60% wr, how much longer can I do this

>genji / soldier / reaper / mccree / junkrat ult
>everyone runs away but dies anyway instead of actually fucking shooting him

retards every fucking time

His ult needs a range nerf.

You get coins for # of rank wins or wuh? Coins are useless anyway though tbqh already got all the cool skins I want and the merchants at Blizzard will never let me buy new cool skins with coins.

How do I exploit Lucio ball so I can shit on people as Dva

>I think I'll play tracer for once in my life
>Gibraltar on attack
>one clip their hanzo
>one clip their mercy
>one clip their zen
>blink around like surefour, do they think I'm hacking now?
>recall and it's like I was never even hit

I won't lie, I usually talk shit about her but Tracer is pretty fun.

>play Tracer
>run in
>die instantly to one of the many heroes in this game that deal 70-200 damage per shot

I don't understand this hero.


>This time i will totally play Tracer.
>See team and pick D.va
>This time for sure
>No healer, take Lucio
>This time i don't give a fuck i am going to practice Tracer no matter what
>Start loosing horribly and give in and switch again.
I will never be able to play Tracer.

teleport around a lot and rewind your damage

Requesting the Genji name board some user made

Spam h as fast as you can while loading, sadly you can't pick which character you get.

but there are already blind spots on his slashes

if you're in a certain spot on his screen the hit won't register at all

the hit registration is already serverside, so that would make it nigh impossible to hit anything with it

of course you probably didn't even know that because you've never tried genji except when the game came out and you decided he was too hard

>seasons lasting 10 years.
uhhhhhhhh. . .


Nice game, nice pros.

>Try to flan a chokepoint and just die to fireworks that the enemy randomly spams.
I imply that i am good and the character bad or anything, but i just cant see how to do it, i can only do tracer things
effectively when we are pushing the enemy team and are already winning thanks to others.

This is what Pharah would look like if she were actually Egyptian and not Arabic.

This is a Pharah, take care of her, and avoid lewdness.

>the hit registration is already serverside
haha no it isn't

t. genji main

>it's another three grays and a blue episode


All he need to do is wave his sword at the continent the enemy is standing on and they all get sliced like a fucking onion.

>play only torbjorn no matter what
Well, there's yer problem son

Mommy > Daughter tbqhwyf

I placed at 48, but I had absolutely terrible luck had terrible luck with leavers, and just general retards.

The lower I go, the worse it gets.
I end up with at least two gold medals every game.

It's not a me ooga team booga thing, it's a 5 of us ooga one fucking retard booga.

When the whole team actually stays for the entirety of the game, two or more of them are Koreans who don't understand English, so everything I say is pointless.

>Fucking level 200, rank 30 something guy who has played pretty much nothing except Widowmaker in competitive
>he is somehow still shit at Widowmaker
>keep getting matched with him as he drags my rank down
Surely the problem they originally had with the avoid player option could have been solved by only having it apply to your team mates, not the enemy team.

kill yourself

swift strike should only reset on final blow, not assists

it is with the sword

you can hit a speedboosted lucio dead-on from melee range and it will make a hit splash effect, but won't register any damage. the server checks if anyone is in the sword hitbox when it is informed of the swing, not the client

maybe young ana not old

But the daughter is pure.

competitive points not blizzcoins you shit

but it's not a problem because I have a 60% wr...

do you really want to have that become a game mechanic

having to argue with your team not to take your last hits so you can actually play your class to its strengths

you havent played genji, dont try to balance him

>Got meleed to death by a Bastion
Time to quit this game

>having to argue with your team
just get kills instead of assists, if you're such an mlgenji that won't be a problem right?

true. I guess for pros his sword never misses, but I usually end up wasting a couple slashes because I'm bad

i'm never going to get any of the skins am i


oh shit, are you a pro genji?

didn't try the method myself

Welp I think I just had my worst team comp on Ching Chong Towers
>D.Va (me)

Yes I lost all 3 rounds

60% is not terribly impressive m888888

Sounds like it would lead to further stigmatizing of genji players.

Fucking make it happen.


ok so you admit to have never played him

dont try to balance the hero you haven't played. why is this so hard to understand?

>tfw my best rank was 64 and been 62 for weeks now

I don't understand Speedbong. I run in, be as evasive as I can, and just get instantly whopped by the first thing that hits me. I don't understand why Tracer needs to put so much effort into just staying alive and getting kills, when I watch my kill cam and it's just Junkrat spamming grenades everywhere.

Or, when I do the same as Soldier or Reaper and get kills easy without dying.

genji is my 2nd most played hero and swift strike resetting on assists is dumb

>This is a Pharah, take care of her


I didn't say I haven't played him, I asked if you're a pro genji

>ywn rest your head on Mei's lap as she runs her fingers through your hair

why live?

lol this guy

Gonna have to ask you to delete this, bud.

ladies and gentlemen i present average ganja main

gross, that's like something a mother would do.

I need this general to not consist of 30% vaguely sexual, overly descriptive waifuposting

Really does not help my sexual frustration and now that Mercy is bad there's not even any fags around

>There's no amputee porn of Pharah

Reminder that some people actually defend pro hackers:

>sausage fingers

>tfw the honeymoon period is over.
>feel bored already.

how do you people stand playing this game solo? is it because you have no friends and have to? or do you actually enjoy being solo?

It's just QP, pick her anyway if you want to. Winning is irrelevant there, just deathmatch with Tracer. You might die a lot but that's not really an issue when practicing in QP.

She's awesome and highly underrated. Go after tanks too, it's mind-blowing how fast Rein's bar melts if you're decently accurate and you'll build ult charge like crazy doing it.

People have this weird idea that Tracer can't do damage and is a squishy hunter, and that couldn't be further from the truth. She's capable of some of the highest damage in the game, and a good Tracer will almost always have silver damage and often gold.

All my friends are doing their mandatory army service this year, its truly suffering because i know that i have a potential team but i am still forced to go solo in this game.

>It's another OW fanart where they completely mangled the face

What is wrong with these artists?

The OW proscene seems like an absolute mess. All these fucks trying to be the first to cash in on the Blizzard ESPORTS $$$$$. Fuck all these established esports teams, they're cancerous.

all of my friends are playing on console

>mandatory army service
do you live in israel?

English is clearly not your first language user.

>"I wouldn't worry about it. The game will reward you at the end of the season for your highest rank earned that season, not what you end with."
>Jeff Kaplan: "Correct"


probably finland because i have the same problem

but my friends are jewy af so they wouldn't buy a 40€ game anyway

Like I said in this last thread in this gif He's using High Noon it's McCree's ultimate, it automatically locks on targets and head shots them.

How do we fix Tracer?

>getting baited this hard
is this your first time on a libyan spelunking forum?

>giant tits

Give her 100 HP instead of 150, that makes it balanced that she can self-heal.

Then make her ult not stick to people make it like a regular frag grenade.

I would add 2 seconds to each of her cooldowns too for good measure.