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>not playing midrange secret hunter when the new card comes out

second for karazhan will shake the meta in ways you cant even inagine yet


care to suggest some 2 drop to play as priest? I'm dying to hear your ideas

>Internally we found a pretty strong deck that uses purify!

>Fiery War Claws
need more ooze

Nth for Priest shitters on suicide watch

>no good minions to play for the first 3 fucking turns of the game
>"lol just play minions"

Ancient Watcher and Sunfury Protector

how's my dick

Coin Blademaster Circle

the last deck zetalot had success with was resurrect priest

now imagine playing purify with watchers/statues with resurrect

i think this is the unicorn priest we've all been looking for

>all this anti aggro cuck shit
glad to see blizz love warrior money

>priests so starved for good minions they need 2 (TWO) cards to do something turn 3

holy shit no wonder priest sucks fucking ass

Reminder that only shieldbearers think this is the worst card ever printed. Silence priest will be at least a tier-3 deck.

And its one of the only cards that will be playable without building a deck around it

That shit will be in every Yogg deck

>brode: we want to make priest the healing class!
>had a chance to give a healing portal
>give it to druid instead


I wonder what his reaction will be?

would he actually quit hearthstone? even just to send a message?

>now imagine this deck but with watchers/statues

you mean the deck that already exists and fucking sucks ass

it's not going to get better because you have a 2 mana cantrip silence

Exodar portal would have been cool

5 mana deal 2 damage to all enemy minions and summon a random 4 cost minion

Do the guys advocating for shitty silence combo seriously not realize how inherently weak they are?
>draw both cards
>discretely powerful play

>draw one card without the other
>have a dead card in hand

and the 2nd situation is statistically way more probable

>inb4 just have multiple sinergies
yeah just taunt up the minion that you're gonna silence the turn afterwards :^)

there already was that in the past, with two better silencing cards

- Silence is better thatn Purify
- wailing soul silenced all friendlies and it only had 1 (one) attack point missing for it.

I made and played such deck a lot. it was incosistent as fuck and was never tier anything deck

The way Brode and friends completely fucked over Priest is amazingly hilarious.

Glad I got to see that shit live with the collective groan of everyone around the world.

Post interesting comboes

>Fool's bane+Violet Illusionist
>Stranglethorn Tiger+Managerie
>Sylvanas+Moat Lurker
>Hunter secret lady+LnL+Bunch of secrets

Though I agrree it's not the worst printed card. You really have to give it your all to create a card worse that Poisoned Blade.

>95%+ people don't even play priest
>They're just joining in on the bitching

Consider the following: Mass Dispel is 4 mana and silences all enemy minions and draws you a card

It has never been played

The hunter secret will be amazing with double lock and load, maybe it will see playing yogg hunter

play that combo out on turn 9 with 2-4 spells

Shit, quoted that guy for no reason, ignore the (you)

I'm calling it now that this is going to turn out like Princess Huhuran where it looks super powerful if you combo it with like sylvanas or something but in reality it's too clunky to get off 90% of the time

Where were you when even Blizzcucks realized how bad the expansion is?







Silence it first then taunt it :)

so are we only supposed to call out dogshit game design if it personally affects the class we play?

we already know that. hunter and shaman have much less clunky deathrattle activators, and those decks were tried, but never took off.

that Purify combo though
>kill any enemy minion
>purify Moat Lurker

literally purifying the water.

i tried a wailing soul combo with fel reaver once

i might just be the only person to ever play it, though

Short evaluation of the priest cards by a legend player.

Let's start with Onyx Bishop
- Synergy with 5+ mana legendaries (imagine the value by playing EXPENSIVE OP LEGENDARIES) and reviving them OMG so broken
- It's a rare so you can have 2!!!!!!!!! of these in your deck. Imagine playing Ragnaros, it dies and u play this twice OMG
- OP arena card, 2 minion by the price of one is pretty STRONG

Now we have 2nd card, Priest of the Feast
- Auchenai synergy, that way enemy think you're dumb and will laugh so much they will DC and you instantly win.
- Shadowpriest MASSIVE buf, they now can use this card to have lots of healing
- Mind blast now deals 5 dmg to enemy face but heal your face by 3. Face priest now can survive against other face decks!

- Shaman have 4 mana 7/7? Now priest can use Eerie Statue to have 4 mana 7/7 too!!!!! Or even better yet, 2 mana 4/5!
- Silence auchenai when u need to quickly heal instead of doing damage
- Remove taunt from your minions so the enemy Druid can't use Black Knight on your Bog Creeper.
- Did I mention it cycles itself? That is MUCH value! Priest now have more ways to draw cards!
- OP Synergy with Corrupted Healbot, since enemy face now doesn't heal

Overall Priest looks EXTREMELY broken and I hope Blizzard gives them trash next expansion, they just got SO many good cards...

Through shitposting, unity.

Barnes synergy may turn out to be amazing. And Silence was bad precisely because it doesn't replace itself in your hand. The effect usually isn't big enough to spend a whole card on, that's why the card draw is a big deal. That's exactly why a card like Divine Strength never sees play but Power Word: Shield is in every single priest deck.

Even if it was a blank "2-mana draw a card" it'd still be better than Poisoned Blade. You're completely full of shit if you disagree.

What happened is that most of the blizzard team took a summer vacation and as a result very little actual work is currently being done

Not joking.

>mfw playing Yogg to change the tide of battle
>mfw the sound I'm hearing when it happens wowhead.com/sound=15757/ur-yoggsaron-slay01

Why is Yogg so fun?

>tfw this game will never be as good as overwatch because team 5 are a bunch of incompetent fucks

ah well.

Anytime I get salty about some stupid shit in OW I remember that at least it doesn't come close to how retarded things are in HS

this adventure is par for the course compared to TGT

Beast druid will be the next cancer deck. I promise you that much.

the excitment of rng

Just got this guy.
Any chance he'll ever see play, or can I safely dust him?

I think 2 mana is still way too much for the effect and just makes it clunky as shit. The only way I can see it working is with Barnes, silence ancient watcher/statue decks already existed even with wailing soul and they were too inconsistent because of drawing the combo in the first place, not the silence not cantripping.

says something about purify when even that combo is shit

I was saving gold for Karazhan, but now that it is shit how many TGT packs should I open?

I have no TGT cards, not even common ones except for a couple random ones I got from Arena and end of season rewards

I have 3000 gold save btw

Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I’m so distressed right now I don’t know what to do. I didn’t mean to do that to my mom but I’m literally in shock from the new cards tonight. I feel like I’m going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is priest getting bad cards? This can’t be happening. I’m having a fucking breakdown. I don’t want to believe blizzard is this stupid. I want a future to believe in. I want priest to be good and fix this cancer meta. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn’t supposed to be like this, I thought blizzard knew the problem with priest???? This is so fucked.

wait to see if barnes can impact the meta imo

Do the Hearthstone devs even play their own game?

enjoy your epic of choice, user

I doubt it. At least not in combination with that card.

buy 30 packs right now before you have a chance to think about what you're doing

Or you could just play entomb...

1. wailing soul was much better, wailing sould wasnt good enough, wailing soul is gone

2. self-silence priest could only win as an aggressive tempo deck. there's no tempo with a 2mana silence.

purifying ancient watcher - thats just a fuckin yeti
purifying eerie statue - that's jsut a boulderfist ogre with 1 more attack.

nobody who knows anything about card games could think purify is good.

>open HS
>check quests
>go into brawl with quest class
>alt tab
>hour later remember HS and alt tab back
>AI killed me, giving me a win
>repeat 3 times to finish quest
>quit HS

>Karazhan is shit
>Considering buying TGT packs instead

Well I needed a second Twilight Guardian anyway.

dont see why you guys bitch about priest so much. i've been winning with this deck lately.

The best card in the game

Is this a good concept?

TGT has more playable cards than ONiK

You can EASILY (EASILY) build a Mage deck with no vanilla barnes pulls.


Might be because it has roughly 3 times more cards than Kara?

>purifying ancient watcher - thats just a fuckin yeti
>purifying eerie statue - that's jsut a boulderfist ogre with 1 more attack.
Are you really this dim? You get to play your yeti on turn 2, and your flamewreathed faceless on turn 4. The only downside is they have overload (2).

Not saying the deck is going to take off but saying it's the same as playing a yeti is just ignorant. I guess flamewreathed faceless is bad because it's technically only a 6-mana 7/7.

has no place in warlock cause of hero power.

Craft them. After you open a few TGT packs you will realize why.

Crafting commons is dumb and a waste

You can open 28 TGT packs or get all of the adventure

Those packs will give you more bang for your buck just because you have a chance of opening justicar

Yeah, that's what i thought, but it's hard to evaluate something like this, since mortal coil is the only warlock card that draws cards, and it was/is used in a couple of decks.

read this

>Crafting commons is dumb and a waste
How many commons from TGT do you need to craft? Buying TGT packs is way more wasteful.

>The only downside is they have overload (2).

...and they cost two cards. Faceless is good because it's one card. Watcher + Purify is two cards, and each individual card is useless by itself.

>I guess flamewreathed faceless is bad because it's technically only a 6-mana 7/7.

Shaman shills unironically believe that.

Anyway to play 477 you just play 477. To play Eerie/Watcher plus Purify you need 2 cards. That alone makes it harder to pull off.

Coil is good because Warlock can't ping so you can use it to finish off minions. Drawing a card for 1 is simply good too, but if that's all your card does then you better have cards in your deck that are worth to actively cycle for.

Unpopular opinion:
Moroes will be good because he force opponent to play aoe/random spell dmg and if your opponent doesn't have it he become paladin hero power
Barnes will be medicore because he will mostly summon 1/1 - do nothing so he is only 4/5 for 4 mana

>>inb4 just have multiple sinergies

You can dark speaker your 477 and then silence it to make it a 7/6 that can attack

>Thijs, arguably the best player in the world right now, just called all the Priest cards crap, and Purify is absolutely terrible

>/hsg/ shieldbearers still arguing that Purify is okay

never change /hsg/

>Those packs will give you more bang for your buck just because you have a chance of opening justicar

>Literally 1 legendary out of 20
>Not only that but a legendary to boot
>Meanwhile you can get shit like Bolf, Skeleton Knight or The mycardtextliescaller
>Not only that but most commons, rare and Epics are thrash to begin with

Flame Juggler

t. clueless idiot

it doesnt work. i've silenced my ancient watcher as priest countless times (not with purify, obviously). it doesn't work. it's just not consistent. and what is it, is it aggresive, is it control, how does it win...

its always the same shit. shieldbearers see a combo of two bad cards that can be good together and you cant explain to them that this isnt an episode of yugioh where you always draw the exact card needed for the op combo every time.

>Buying TGT packs is way more wasteful.
Not when you have no cards from it

1 pack for 100 gold gives you 260 worth of dust that you would send crafting

the question is how many packs is it worth opening before stopping


>Barnes will be medicore because he will mostly summon 1/1 - do nothing so he is only 4/5 for 4 mana

Now imagine summoning a 1/1 Sylvanas, Tirion or Cairne. Or imagine summoning a 1/1 rag that suddenly swings for 8 damage. Or maybe a y'shaarj

>Bad stats
>Can only benefit from it if you destroy it/buff it
>Not worth the effort of destroying/buffing it
>Fucks up Nzoth
This card is absolute shit

But most hearthstone pros know nothing about deckbuilding and the way cards change the meta, all expansions show this

>pack for 100 gold gives you 260 worth of dust that you would send crafting

Or 40 dust since most TGT cards are shit

but is is like 4 to 30 chance for this
This will happen once in 1000 games. From the other hand we have Mores which is not so RNG-reliable

>free trade draw a card

>Fucks up Nzoth
lol no. only way to fuck up nzoth i can think of is *sometimes* with chillmaw

>the question is how many packs is it worth opening before stopping
If you want to answer that question you need to know how many of the cards you want

For you :^)

Boneguard Lieutenant. He has inspire so healing your full hp face still gives him +1 Health.

Why should I attack it? To do my opponent a favour?


Nigga he only pulls minions and on top of that you have a starting hand so the chances are kinda good that he will pull something useful

because opponent will buff it somehow and trade up if you dont.

anyone else install that hay day shit for the free cardpacks/expansion?
where do i fucking check if its in (i got the email)