>sits in overtaking lane doing speed limit
Sits in overtaking lane doing speed limit
Other urls found in this thread:
>you cant go faster than im going anyway so i dont get why you're so upset
>actually thinks the speed limit protects you from fast-lane yield laws
Obstruction of traffic, failure to yield, etc...
This. Whenever I'm in the left lane, I'm regularly checking my rear-view for other drivers approaching. Doesn't matter how fast they're going, I always move over when I have the opportunity.
>going 25 on the freeway onramp
Ugh. This is so damn annoying. It ruins a smooth merge for everyone behind them, slowing down the whole right lane, and potentially causing traffic.
This is the worse for me, It's like people think their cars gonna blow up if they rev past 2500 rpms
>getting upset about a few seconds difference
>gets upset about people not wanting to break the law
>try to justify your road rage by citing "unspoken rules"
25's too slow but I'm not going 60 on the ramp. Not everyone drives a little jap cornermobile.
>>getting upset about a few seconds difference
Doing 200km/h and some fucktard doing 120 deciding he's switchin into the fast lanes is dangerous. It's not about some seconds but having a proper working brain and using it.
Hey nu-male faggots! Getting excited for the self-driving Google pods?? Then take your faggot asses to
Keeping pace with traffic > driving the speed limit
If you're driving at the limit, say 65, and everyone else is going 80 you are the dangerous driver.
Not to mention sitting in the left lane not passing is also illegal. Also take your /pol/ shit somewhere else, you're not helping anything.
Fuck off, these asshats for the description whether you cry about the /pol/ Boogeyman or not
>gets upset about people not wanting to break the law
It's the law in some states (my state :-) to yield to faster drivers in the left lane. Get over it. Stop using "unspoken rules" as an excuse for being a stubborn cunt.
>spouting /pol/ buzzwords and insults like an underage retard
>goes damage control when called on making an ass out himself
The issue that you agree with me but you're making all of us look retarded with your enlightened fedora nonsense
>people abiding by the law are the dangerous drivers
wew lad
>giving way to a faggot doing 90 behind you is a law
No, it's not.
>No, it's not.
It actually is in some cases. I'm too lazy, but I'm sure someone will dig up proof from their state.
Speed of the overtaking driver is irrelevant.
And it is somewhat dangerous to camp in the left lane. You're not only irritating drivers behind you, but forcing them to pass on the right if they'd like to proceed.
>forcing them
No one is forcing them to go over the speed limit and break the law.
It's not a nu-male thing.
If the limit is X, you can go over X for some miles, for overtaking purposes, on the left lane, and then go back to the centre lane.
You are not supposed to speed all the way home.
I usually drive 20 km/h over the limit, sometimes more, but if there's someone on the left, somewhat closer to the limit (i.e. 120 km/h), I'll slow down a bit.
>I think the limit is too low! I know what I'm doing!
and why not? Any car post 1990 should easily be able to merge on the highway going at least 60
>Driving down a motorway overtaking cars doing 80kph in the fast lane of a a 100kph zone near a junction exit because plebs ahead of me
>Get past the junction exit and the other two lanes beside are completely free for a couple of hundred meters
>WTF plebs...time to move over
>No one moves over
>I cross the middle lane and into the slow lane so I can undertake in the safest way possible
>See the two fuckwits in the fast lane in front of me have about 10 car lenghts between each other and a 3rd car is about 30 car lengths ahead of them
>Up to 110kph I go and pass them
>Move into middle lane because more cars will be joining from another junction soon
>Hang out there for a few seconds to see what everyone is doing
>Fuckwits I just overtook are not gaining on me
>Indicate then move into fast lane again to overtake a car coming up in the middle lane
>Fuckwit in fast lane accelerates towards me as i'm about 80% into the fast lane
Should have done that a long time ago faggot
>Maintain my speed
>Look in rear mirror at the car now tailgating me
>Furious guy flashing his headlights (not full beams....headlights) and giving me the finger
I was more likely to crash from laughing too hard than feeling intimidated. I wish my dashcam had a rear view camera, I would have webm'd the shit out of that.
Other drivers breaking the speed limit is not for you to worry about. The real issue is you acting as some sort of self-righteous gatekeeper to the fast lane. The lane serves a specific purpose, and you're disrupting it for your own selfish needs.
So, you're admitting you're wrong, driving over the limit way longer than it takes for an overtake?
obviously a t-bone
Just the first googled picture m8
How do you keep missing my point? Speeding drivers is not for you to worry about. That's for cops to deal with. Are you really such a goody-goody that you get butthurt at people doing 80 in a 65?
You seem to be upset about people obeying laws and whatnot.
And you keep trying to troll
I'm not trolling you, you just can't admit you're wrong, and got upset about it.
Now, of you're not overtaking anyone, what are you doing on the left, going over the limit?
Moving slowly, or even better, just staying on the left is already wrong.
However, going over the limit 'because I want to" on the left is just as dumb.
There are places for obeying speed limits. The fast lane isn't one of them.
Seriously though.
Lol I don't move from the slow lane and always speed on back roads because I have a top speed of 55 sometimes i can even hit 60 mph if I'm going down hill
Also no power brakes so gotta brake hard and early to stop in time
I feel bad for everyone who gets stuck behind me
About as dumb as you trying to enforce speed limits when you're not a LEO, if anything you're a danger to the roads and are causing congestion in the first place, so regardless of your argument, two wrongs don't make it right
I dont sit on the left. I go on the left to overtake. Sometimes I get to overtake a bunch of cars at once, but then, I go back to the normal lane.
What's the objective of that gif? You feel better now that you pasted it? You're still wrong tho.
You can go on the left, and overtake and all the jazz.
You can't, however, get on the left and speed all the way, end of story.
>if you're not overtaking anyone, what are you doing on the left, going over the limit?
It's a risk-benefit thing. People are free to do so as long as they're willing to deal with the potential consequences of getting caught.
>cops can pull you over for going the speed limit and undertaking someone in the left lane going under the speed limit, since undertaking is a greater crime than hogging the passing lane
The law is meaningless and broken. Speed limits are supposed to be a safety measure, so why don't they change with weather conditions and road design?
>highway with long on ramps with good visibility and no blind turns
>highway with rampless entrances, business and houses alongside, short turning lanes, and intersections with other major roads, no cloverleafs or anything
>night limit
>day limit
>rain limit
>snow limit
Must be nice living in an area with less than 20k people, because where I live you'll probably get pulled over for aggressive driving if you keep switching lanes
>What's the objective of that gif?
To take the sting off of how dramatic my statement sounded. Even though I stand by it.
>You can't, however, get on the left and speed all the way
LOL. Yes, you actually can. You just accept the risk of getting caught by LEO. You really are a by-the-book person, aren't you?
user, that's not a population thing. That's a boomer cop frustrated with a young guy in a nice car thing. If you looked older and drove a camry, they wouldn't care.
You're probably going to get a reckless driving ticket for cornering fast compared to the usual amerifat crossover/suv/minivan/truck traffic one day too.
If you get pulled over for aggressive driving, you're not driving fast enough. No way a cop would catch up to my m3 when I'm in transporter mode
This is right, at least you're not as self righteous as the other fag.
So you use that excuse to speed in a large populated area? OK.
>frustade with a young guy on a nice car
Found the scoobie driver lol.
Did you mean western Washington drivers?
Los Angeles drivers are the fucking worst. I don't live there, but drove a rental around on a month-long trip. Those freeways are a goddamn warzone.
>Welcome to methland
>Here's your subaru outback for going slow and corolla for driving like a maniac
I refuse,to go to cali for a variety of reasons, the drivers are quickly climbing to the top of the list.
Man I drive all over western WA for my job and eastern WA is a fucking breeze compared to here. 9 times out of 10 the far right lane is the fastest Lane and the left lane is clogged to shit with people immediately piling in after performing the shittiest on ramp merge known to man.
As an east-coaster, SoCal truly has some stunning scenery and ridiculous weather. It's also super grimy in parts and absurdly overcrowded.
>nice place to visit, wouldn't wanna live there
After living in LA for a week and having to commute on interstate 5 every day during that time, you really start to hold no value for other people's lives. This is true for the reverse: nobody gives a shit about your life in LA, so you have to behave as such
Fuck SoCal
Yes, it's a very car-based, sprawled out city. Everyone spends a ridiculous amount of time isolated in their little commuter boxes. Better bring a Gatorade bottle to piss in...
I wish I'd brought my motorcycle that week so I could lane split through that river of automotive bullshit
>those passive aggressive drivers who slightly turn their car out to give lanesplitters a hard time..
The scenery is fantastic, but their political bullshit combined with everything else isn't worth it to me.
Many other states have just as much to offer without being cali
>political bullshit
LA County < Orange County
>punches off side mirror
>bye, bitch!
I rented a V6 mustang convertible(wanted SS or GT vert but not 25...) from Hertz for my vacation in AZ. Added my 20 year old brother on as a driver since he paid me $150.
He literally believes this:
> I stay in the left lane because I am entitled because I have a mustang. Im faster than other people and better.
I cringed every time someone clearly was traveling faster and had to get in the slow lane to overtake.....
>People are free to do so as long as they're willing to deal with the potential consequences of getting caught.
That's part of the problem with today's society. As you just said, you feel free to break the law as long as you don't get caught. That attitude has translated over into many other things such as the huge increase in shoplifting, scamming, lying, cheating, and more.
And then you with your attitude that it's okay to break the law as long as you don't get caught get angry at people obeying the law because those people might get in the way of you breaking the law willfully and frequently for your own personal gain.
You are the one with the actual bad attitude. It's why society goes downhill in some parts of the USA.
>two cars in the right lane
>rear cars changes lanes to pass
>literally going one mph faster
>takes 30 seconds to pass the other car
>doesn't change lanes until like 5 car lengths ahead
>2 lane 70km/h zone that turns into 3 lanes
>Cars speed match at 50km/h, then rapidly block the 3rd lane
>2 lane 60km/h zone
>Fast lane is going 40
>Slow lane is going 50
>Sit in the slow lane making more progress
Everyone is so terrified of the cops they just go at max 50 all over the city.
You sound pious as fuck. Who wants to have a beer with this guy? Any takers?
Bad attitude leads to speeding. Speeding leads to shoplifting. Shoplifting leads to rape.
>Sometimes I get to overtake a bunch of cars at once, but then, I go back to the normal lane.
same desu. 90mph in the slow lane pulling away from people to my left is fun
I thought the left lane = fast lane was just a meme. Is it actually a law that if you're doing the speed limit (aka going slow) you can get in trouble?
I smoked marijuano once, now im sucking dick for it.
If you are holding up traffic and not passing in that Lane it is a ticketable offense
The thing is why the fuck are you even in the passing lane anyway? There 3-4 other lanes to the left of you with Boy Scouts like you going the speed limit.
Yes, I can confirm there are "keep-right" laws in some states. Though rarely enforced by LEO, it's the courteous thing to do.
I drive a 78 Nova with a stock 250.
No running car on the road should have any problem merging at a reasonable speed.
Because he believes he has the right to be in any lane regardless of his speed, and doesn't have to yield to faster drivers if they are speeding.
>thought different lanes exist for different speed was just a meme
do they just hand out drivers licences in cereal boxes nowadays?
You are the reason society has gone downhill. Repent your sins!
If your car is too dangerous for that your car is too dangerous for the road
In Norway the left lane is not different from the right one, it's just a courtesy thing here.
Depends on where you live, really
In Maryland keep-right laws are pretty enforced
Western Australia is a prime example of the degradation of the passing lane concept. The concept is now obscure as hell, people honestly have no idea what the 'keep left unless overtaking' signs actually mean. Any and all lanes have just become another place for cruising at the speed limit or under.
You guys have a lot to look forward to when everyone forgets the concept in your states too. Gradually people will just ignore the rules entirely.
down to your overzealous anti speeding campaign.
no fucking point leaving an overtaking lane when everyone goes the speed limit and no one dare overtake
>overzealous anti speeding campaign
True, but people going under the speed limit won't yield for people going the speed limit
speedlimits are enforced pretty strictly in aus
pretty daft seeing as most of the country is empty
Ohhh. "Your" meaning Australia. Thought you were talking about user.
Speed limits on many highways could easily be raised 10 MPH and still be safe. Problem is if you raise it from 65 to 75, people are gonna get brave and start going 85-90 on a regular basis. Too many eco-shitboxes on the road that aren't particularly stable at those speeds.
Problem is "just speeding up" to pass quickly can make you go 10-15 over which is enough to get ticketed for and some of us have Prayer for judgements or other wise cant receive any more tickets.
So, you'll live if someone take awhile to get over and around.
>needing to rev past 2500 to get on the highway
i go 80-90 on a regular basis on a 65 limit, with no problems from the law
Didn't they do a study that found most people just drive at speeds they personally feel safe at, regardless of the law? And aren't low speed limits just a relic from some oil crisis a gorillion years ago?
People that drive slow in overtaking lanes aren't trying to obey laws, they just have no situational awareness.
In Western NC most highways are not capable of more than 70 MPH. The limit is set at 55 but if you were to go 70+ you might have a really bad time on some of the curves. Going 90 would be a death wish depending on the car and exact part of the highway.
I was in Arizona recently and you could easily set the limit to 100mph and probably see no increase in deaths expect idiots in shitheaps killing themselves maxing their cars out.
Then most drivers would stay below 70 on those roads because it feels dangerous to go faster.
Found the article.
I am that guy.
I stay in the middle wait for someone to go fast in the passing lane and just use him as my rabbit
>riding in the breakdown lane and weaving in and out of cars on my motorcycle
>tfw everyone else beeps at me angrily only because I'm not "waiting my turn" and passing them
If you want to go somewhere fast and not be tied down by traffic, get a motorcycle yourself instead of being pissed at me because you bought some humongous SUV pile of shit that can't merge into a lane without slowing everyone else down
This. I really don't give a fuck if some biker wants squeeze by me, as long as it doesn't cause me to hit the brakes or other evasive maneuvers. Everyone else is just butt hurt they can't move through traffic as efficiently.
this is a good point. making roads feel safe simply encourages people to drive even more carelessly.
the dutch or brits did an experiment removing road signs and markings making an area pretty much a free for all.
people got confused, slowed right down to figure out what to do and no one crashed.
worth thinking about
>punches side mirror
>loses balance because squid
>eats shit and hits at least 4 more cars in a jam
>no one cares
>Drives faster than 55 MPH
tfw i drive my evo like the russian BMW dude from youtube who died
tfw people gettin jelly that they have no chance of even getting on this level
tfw with the flick of the wheel and a violent foot to the floor i shave 10 min off my commute and 10 years off my life