/4ccg/ Dicks Out for Harambe edition

Previous Thread: >Main Page:

>Stuff you need to read:

>Where can I watch the cup
Literally Shitbox front page, or the wiki front page


>Archived games:
>implying it's unfucked

>Next Cup:
implyingrigged.info/wiki/2016_Veeky Forums_Summer_Cup

Today's matches
/s/ - /r9k/
/f/ - /p/
/gd/ - /soc/
/wsg/ - /trv/
/s4s/ - /m/
/tv/ - Veeky Forums
/an/ - Veeky Forums
/pol/ - /adv/

Everything went wrong except /mlp/ losing

Other urls found in this thread:


First for /mlp/ getting fucking relegated


>tfw Veeky Forums didn't make it

/a/ is a powerhouse!

>yfw /mlp/ will play against /trash/

Why hasn't Boris made Veeky Forums the favorite team in his PES? I realize it's not that important but it's a nice detail and we did it for other cups

I hope so

kuro is dumb

>muh dora
Teru should've blown you the fuck out


Is this the cup where /mlp/ finally gets relegated?

Yes, /vr/ and Veeky Forums will advance.

>shitty facebook memes



/pol/ pride world wide

As long as we all agree that it is indeed Veeky Forums's year, I'm happy


Tipping for Matchday 2 closes in three hours. The following have not submitted their tips:


Anybody can still enter, it's just that the odds of you winning are lower.

buttbot's tips will be done later.


>putting your tips in the dying thread

wait why are the odds lower?
I wuz distracted


/s/ 5 - 2 [r9k]
/f/ 4 - 1 /p/
/gd/ 3 - 0 /soc/
/wsg/ 2 - 1 /trv/
[s4s] 3 - 0 /m/
/tv/ 3 - 2 Veeky Forums
/an/ 5 - 4 Veeky Forums
/pol/ 0 - 0 /adv/

>inb4 /sp/ drags you down

/r9k/ wins, 3-1
/f/ wins, 4-2
/gd/ wins, 3-2
/trv/ wins, 5-4
/s4s/-/m/ draw, 2-2
/tv/ wins, 2-1
/an/-Veeky Forums draw, 3-3
/pol/ wins, 4-1

Will we get an Elliot Rodger hat trick?

I'll probably become Elliot Rodger if the match against /vp/ goes like the testing.

>tfw someone will head down to your city centre and kill all the normies playing pokemon go
please win /vp/

Kuro is a friendly idiot

You mean Veeky Forums

2 hours until memes

Why are groups E and F so fucking boring holy shit. Might as well just skip the first 2 hours of the cup desu.

E isn't so bad, /r9k/ is in it

Here we go let's flip the magic PES coin and see how these do

/s/ wins 3-1
/f/ wins 2-1
/gd/ draws /soc/ 2-2
/wsg/ wins 3-2
[s4s] wins 4-2
Veeky Forums wins 4-3
/an/ wins 3-1
/adv/ wins 2-0

>/f/, /gd/, /tv/

>2 hours
>he thinks it will only take 2 hours



Think he ment the odds of someone who missed yesterday and started today would be lower, but they'd only be 5-8 points behind so it's not too bad considering a few right score predictions could catch them up

Wait, /a/ is back in the cup? What happened?

Forever is forever

Also we're top of our group while /sp/ is at the bottom
It'll be truly memeworthy if we actually manage to break TF by shunting them into babby. Something about yanderes maybe, can't dump them without facing consequences.

/wg/ and /gif/ fucked up exports, and /g/ is dead.

Hi, Sou

managers rigged it for /a/ to stay in

He probably forgot, you can ask him in the stream chat. It's just that since PES15, we barely ever see the main screen with the favorite player anymore.

/adv/ is a scapegoat

Are there any preshows planned for today?

Fuck why do I always miss the fun threads. Guess the red string of fate is really unbreakable.

Dude, there's a 24/7 comfy stream running for the entire weekend.

/g/ doesn't have a manager
/wg/ uploaded their export after the deadline
/gif/ manager is retarded

I meant Wrasslin or F4CC or mugen

I kinda don't care about starbound or whatever
those tests won't do themselves

Is Rigtor still kill?

He is literally kill. RIP

It's Veeky Forums's year.

Thanks kuro

Just realized I used the wrong tripcode, hope this is right


what is stopping /vp/ from winning lads?

/vp/ being shit

Speaking of which, is there any chance of some GB comfy?

A good team

I'm going to bed, I have a headache.

You have 70 minutes to get your tips in, Fummy, McKek, Resolink and Technetium, and anybody who wants to join late.

implyingrigged.info/wiki/User:Kitfag/2016_Veeky Forums_Summer_Cup_Tipping_Competition

late but

/vp/ is actually better than /out/ and may very well end up topping the group.

Welcome to the five year anniversary rigshop that is actually the 2.75 year anniversary rigshop for the five year aniversary rigshop please god somebody let me out of here. They're prodding me with bamboo sticks until I make anime teams the favourites to win. Help me.
Read the pastebin for more information on how to play the 4CC's one and only original Betting Shop.


>/s/ vs /r9k/
/s/ - 1.75
Tie - 1.90
/r9k/ - 1.80

>/f/ vs /p/
/f/ - 1.60
Tie - 2.00
/p/ - 1.90

>/gd/ vs /soc/
/gd/ - 1.50
Tie - 2.10
/soc/ - 1.85

>/wsg/ vs /trv/
/wsg/ - 1.75
Tie - 2.00
/trv/ - 1.80

>/s4s/ vs /m/
/s4s/ - 1.75
Tie - 1.60
/m/ - 1.75

>/tv/ vs Veeky Forums
/tv/ - 1.60
Tie - 2.00
Veeky Forums - 1.75

>/an/ vs Veeky Forums
/an/ - 1.80
Tie - 1.60
Veeky Forums - 1.85

>/pol/ vs /adv/
/pol/ - 1.50
Tie - 1.80
/adv/ - 2.00

6 on /f/
4 on /pol/
I don't give a fuck anymore

5 on /m/ and hold the other 5

inb4 this makes the top 5

4 on /s/ , /p/, /soc/
6 on /m/ , /tv/ , /pol/

>tfw you got every bet wrong yesterday

I'll keep the 10 rigbux in my pocket, thank you very much.

Reminder to all you degenerates that gambling is a sin.

6 on /pol/
3 on /pol/ and /r9k/
cheeky 1 on /pol/ and /p/

Two on /f/.
Two on /m/.
Six on /f/, /tv/, /an/, and /pol/.

Jesus, what a bunch of shitty games

every time

2 on /s/ /f/
2 on /gd/ /wsg/
2 on /s4s/draw/m/ /tv/
2 on /an/ /pol/
2 on /s/ /f/ /gd/ /wsg/ /s4s/draw/m/ /tv/ /an/ /pol/

6 on /r9k/
4 on /f/, /gd/, /trv/ (lel), /m/, Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, /pol/

Who //a/ and didn't know they were in the cup/ here?

5 on /gd/ /soc/ tie
5 on /adv/ I guess

2 /p/, /wsg/
2 /s/ , /pol/
3 /gd/, /m/, /an/
3 /f/ and /p/ draw, /tv/

Continuing the proud tradition of winning LITERALLY NO MONEY.

2 on /pol/ and Veeky Forums winning
2 on /s/ /f/ /trv/
2 on an /s4s/-/m/ draw
4 on /tv/ because kill me

Cheeky fiver on /tv/
3 on /m/
2 on /f/

Merely a coincidence, nothing to see here lad :^)

1 hour until memes

2 accy on /r9k/, /s4s/
3 accy on /f/, /gd/, /m/, /tv/
5 accy on /r9k/, /f/, /gd/, /trv/, /s4s/, /tv/, /an/, /pol/

who here /LIVvsBAR/?

4 on /f/ /gd/ /tv/ /pol/
3 on /gd/ /an/ RIP HARAMBE
3 on /f/ [s4s] /pol/

3 on /gd/
2 on /m/
3 on /tv/
2 on /an/

3 accy on /p/ /gd/
3 on /trv/
2 accy on [s4s] /pol/
2 on Veeky Forums

6 on /m/
4 on /f/

4 on /r9k/ /f/
3 on /m/ Veeky Forums
3 on /an/ /adv/

4 on /p/
6 on [s4s]

3 accy /f/, /gd/, /tv/
3 accy /an/, /pol/
2 accy on [r9k], [s4s]
2 on /tv/

3 Accy /s/, /f/, /wsg/,
3 Accy [s4s], Veeky Forums, /an/,
4 Accy /gd/ draw /soc/, /an/, /adv/

5 on /f/, /an/ and /wsg/
3 on /s4s/, /tv/ and /gd/
2 on /s/ and tie on /pol/-/adv/

2 on /gd/
2 on /an/
2 on /r9k/
2 on /m/
2 on /tv/

5 on Veeky Forums
3 on /m/
2 on /tv/

4 on /f/
3 on /s4s/
3 on Veeky Forums

2 on /tv/ /an/
3 on [s4s] /pol/
5 on /gd/

2 on /f/
2 on /gd/
3 on /m/
2 on /an/
1 on /pol/

Anyon have the link for the intro for this summer cup? I missed the intro.

4 on /gd/ and /pol/
3 on /s/, /s4s/, and /tv/
3 on /p/, /wsg/, and /an/