/fgog/ - Fate/ Grand Order General

Fluffy Coat Edition

Previous Thread fate-go.cirnopedia.info/news.php#20160730

>Anniversary Rewards

1. Singles are 3 quartz now, and Ten is 30. Forever.
2. 30 free quartz.
3. One week of anniversary login bonuses.
4. Automatic expansion of Servant and CE inventory sizes to 300. If you spent any Quartz before, you get a refund.
5. 1st Anniversary CE.
6. Jeanne, Waver and Vlad Animation update
7. Great and Super success rates have been tripled
8. 1/2 AP for all daily quests
9. New Servant Strengthening quests
10. Grail Ascension added, Max level is 100

To reach level 100:
5 grails for 5*
7 grails for 4*
9 grails for 3*
10 grails for 2*
10 grails for 1*

Swimsuit Event news on 8/10

Da Vinci Rateup along with different chapter servants.

Pay to win Gatcha has been split between Knights and Calvary with a guaranteed 5*. Can only be used once and it uses paid quartz.

New bond CEs for Mordred, Jack, Nursery Rhyme, Robin Hood, Ushiwakamaru, Jing Ke, Lu Bu, George, Leonidas and Mozart.

>4* Anniversary Heroines CE
10% attack up, Three stars per turn
>5* Leisure Walk
Crit Weight 400%, Arts up 10%
>5* Participation of the King
Buster 10%, NP charge 50%
>4* Goldfish SCooping
Sure hit, Buster 8% up
>3* Fire Flower
Star gen 5% up, Crit damage 5% up

>News and Reminders
- Latest changes: fate-go.cirnopedia.info/news.php
New vers - emulators, rooted androids, jailbroken iPhones, & androids with developer options on are prevented from launching game


>Frequently Asked Questions

>Mega Pastebin

>Translations Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet


>Camelot Spoilers

>Max Servant stats

Skill interlude when


>Lowered summoning cost
>Meaning anything
Yeah even more 10 rolls worth of dogshit, means nothing you fucking autist

>Double the rolls
Double the 3* shit and 4* CEs, yeah that's what everyone is rolling for after all since 4* and 5*s might as well be a myth especially the ones on "rate-up"

First for Red Bone grinding.

I hope everyone is excited to roll Medb!

Medb is easily the worst character in the franchise.
I hope you know you're a subhuman with shit taste, OP.

Because bullshit. Cu is supposed to be stronger than Scat. The immortal queen bullshit doesn't excuse the fact that she has a much lower Fame rating than he does, and wouldn't have any higher level of Mystery.

Chariot Cu 5* Rider when? This game is bullshit.

>I have no luck, so fuck good things

delet this