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reposting this question:
what do you guys think the nameless kings name is? gwynondorf?
xth for comfy big bro
>Dark Souls 3
>get rekt by everything
Is it possible to finish the game without levelling your character?
Does levelling do anything at all? I still feel like I'm doing piss damage and every attack removes 90% of my life.
Have you tried gitting gud?
Every souls gane is doable at SL1. I don't suggest it if it's your first playthrough. It's better when you know which items to rush for.
i had 27vig for the final boss and he was doing laughably low damage to me
i was pretty much tanking and outhealing him
Because part of bosses damage is %
No way, sauce?
I almost shat myself just seeing this.
What troubled child comes up with these ideas?
Wasn't the wall mimic enough?
But do they do anything at all? Levelling cost an arm and a leg (almost literally) and only gives me +3 dmg.
What armor?
What? Source?
That;s because the final boss does shit for damage and NG endgame is balanced assuming the player will have anywhere between 20-27 vigor, with 27 being the absolute upward ceiling, the range where someone would go to be a tank.
Nameless King is probably the only boss in the game that does enough damage on NG to be a threat to an embered player with 27 vigor, and even he doesn;t have enough HP to deal with the effective healing of 15 +10 estus flasks or deal with the damage output and poise damage buildup up of a +10 straightsword.
It's Sen or Faraam, with ''Gwyn'' put in there somewhere.
yes, it is. it's easier to play with a straight sword in this game. Raw ASS and Barbed Sword carried me all the way to NG+6
someone with a female character put on executioner leggings
>Is it possible to finish the game without levelling your character
yes lots of people do SL1 runs
>Does levelling do anything at all
This has to be bait. No shit it does, where are you in the game? And what level? are you dodging attacks or just letting them hit you? Because the only conceivable way this is happening is because you started as deprived and are in settlement with level 1 still
Does someone have that Artorias lord of cinder picture?
Faraam apparently just means "the one with the exalted name" so it's likely just the Forossan name for the Nameless King.
Isn't Sen just literally "thousand"? Also DaS2 isn't canon.
yeah no, straight swords in pve can't stunlock worth shit
poking halberds and hammers are where it's at
>Because the only conceivable way this is happening is because you started as deprived and are in settlement with level 1 still
I kind of start all my games as deprived. I love that feeling of being happy with any weapon.
Another neato crutch for pve is the raw DSA+resin or LB
At 60 faith and LB cast with 220 spellbuff you get 682 AR
How should I start off a Moonlight Greatsword build on DS3? Never done an Int build before, but it looks like fun.
Someone already beat every boss without rolling at SL1. Obviously you don't have to get that gud but seriously just get gud.
>Obobobo vs Baobao coming up
Will it top that one video?
I'm demoralized.
I have the feeling any mob can make me his bitch is I don't roll and move around all the time. Shields are almost useless, and my favorite weapon has a shitty range.
Gonna be "that guy" and say Faraam.
Do you want to use offensive sorceries at endgame as well or just use the MLGS?
Want to try a few. Must admit, whenever I see an invader throw Soul Stream at me, as shit as it may be, I'm a little jealous I can't use it myself.
What's goin' on guys?
"Sen" in "Sen's Fortress" isn't written the same way that a thousand (千) is. It could be a pun on thousand a la "fortress of a thousand traps" but that also doesn't necessarily mean the pun doesn't operate on multiple other registers. For example, the most obvious one is Sun, Son, Sen. Sen itself also has means relating to the sun, divinity and royalty in various arabic languages.
Mostly, people are enamoured with the idea of Sen's Fortress being the Nameless King's old fortress because the environment of Sen's appears as though it would have once played host to a God of War. It's practically lined with statues of silver knights, for one.
>1st time doing pyromancy build
>Beat ODK
>Google tells me his soul is useless
>Eat it for levels
>Just find out I could've made that really cool fireball tornado thing that invaders keep using on me
Faraam is a title, not a name.
>Feeling of being happy with any weapon
>start all my games as deprived
I'm sorry, does this mean you've played souls games before? If so, then you should understand what it is you are doing wrong. If you mean you start in other, similar non-souls games as "deprived" class or a class that specifically lets you use any weapon you want, then you don't have to worry about that in souls. As a matter of fact, for most "builds" in souls, deprived isn't even the ideal starting class for minmaxing. Anyway, assuming this is your first souls game and you aren't baiting me, what have you been levelling, what armor do you have, and what weapons are you using?
Then 60 Int is your goalpost
i have an average as fuck example build for you
The 17/15 str/dex is for the greatsword of Judgement, another int GS thats fun to use
Spells are just my personal favorites and not optimal i think
Start the game with RAW ASS, rush for Oceiros then respec.
Learn and adapt, don't feel entitled and think that everything in the game has to go your way.
so should i use dragon slayer greataxe or profaned greatsword
>1st time doing something in a souls game
>rather than taking time and figuring things out for yourself, like actually checking what the boss soul does or reading informative tooltips designed to provide you with the necessary information to make decisions, just read some random bullshit from google and swallow it without hesitation
>realize afterwards that you're a gullible idiot who ruined their playthrough by being a guidereading faggot.
>upset at anything but yourself
Kill yourself, fampai.
im convinced its gwynf- something
idk, with a straight sword you can attack some bosses in their idle state and recover before they attack you and roll away. you can also punish many openings with more than one hit and some openings give you enough time to recover from rolling and do a regular R1
Should have gone to Ludleth the Manlet first to see what you can do with it, dummie.
I think it looks bad
Cheers anons, will give it a go.
You're literally retarded
Gwynnie the Pooh.
Gee, I wonder what could possibly be transposed from the soul of a fire boss that uses fiery attacks and wields a fiery hammer? Certainly nothing that would be useful on a pyromancy build.
I did. Was under the impression GCF or BFO was still better. I'm still content with them, just a shame I missed on the actual good looking one.
Already on it lads.
You can see the bulge there
Ironically, the hammer is useless for a pyro build because it only has like a base of 60 fire damage and abysmal scaling. It;s one of the outright worst split damage weapons in the game, and somehow has a WA even more useless than normal greathammer perseverance
I knew it would give me a Pyromancy, I just wasn't sure if it would be good or not.
>oroboro actually managed to get BSed in DaS3
>I'm sorry, does this mean you've played souls games before?
Kinda, yeah. I started with Dark Souls, it was unplayable on the computer I was using, so I skipped it and started Dark Souls 2. Only finished it once, though. And it was the SotFS version which is easier. And byfinished, I mean "killed Nashandra". Vendrick is still alive, like the Smelter Demon 2.0 and Aldia.
Still started with Deprived.
>deprived isn't even the ideal starting class for minmaxing
I don't exactly want to minmax, I just want to start from the bottom with the shittiest stuff possible and work my way to the top instead of spawning directly with an armor.
Iudex Gundyr murdered me 20 times before I killed him but I was extremely happy when I got my first sword from the hag in Firelink Shrine.
>assuming this is your first souls game and you aren't baiting me, what have you been levelling, what armor do you have, and what weapons are you using?
Not my first Souls game, but I doubt Dark Souls 2 really count, given what I read about it. Anyway.
I levelled Strength and Dexterity to deal more damage (more strength than dexterity, because I use melee weapons more often than bows), attunement to get one pyromancy spell (the flaming weapon one) and the rest in vitality.
And I'm using Solaire's set, with demon fists, a straight sword, and that little blue shield who blocks 100% physical damage.
Everything still kills me in two hits and sucks massive amount of my stamine if I try to block.
I'm probably just bad.
I know, but it's just my morale. I feel like the game doesn't want me to have fun, because each time I start mastering an area, the game throws a new one at my face, with totally different mobs that are even worse than before. I feel like I'm restarting the game each time, getting shitted on by everything.
I find it hard to stay motivated when I feel like I'm regressing constantly. and since I dropped the game a while ago, I probably lost my gudness.
>not collecting very pyromancy in the game
I want casuals to leave
DaS3 actually has a fair bit of backstab tech. You can punish forward rolls with a BS almost every single time, and can reverse-backstep into people to BS them from the front.
The trick is that the angle for initiating a backstab is really forgiving, like DaS1, and you can trigger it even when the person is not in a hittable state, like rolling iframes, to vacuum them into a buggy-looking lagstab.
It works better with the hornet ring since it unironically speeds up your BS confirm.
Just returns to the game and it seems dead as fuck at SL80
Did the community settle on an actual fucking sl meta yet?
>Keeping things you know you won't use
Collecting shit for the sake of collecting is more casual tbqh m8.
>I am a pyromancer
>I do not know which spells are good for a pyromancer
>I have a soul that transposes a new pyromancy
>rather than collect spells, try them for myself and determine which spells are good for a pyromancer, I will just assume that every spell is bad and lock myself out of being able to acquire them for the rest of the playthrough
>then I will go on the internet and lament my poor decision making skills because I am L I T E R A L L Y unable to think for myself.
I'll bet you probably murdered Karla and Cornyx because some post on gamefaqs told you too.
vestiges can 4shot NG+ second stage abyss watcher
it's literally the best pve pyromancy for bosses in the entire game
Chaos orb does more total damage, but only if the lingering lava manages to tick before they move out of it. It's better for static bosses, while vestiges is better for mobile bosses since all of its damage is up-front and it casts faster.
someone help me pls can't find it anywhere
>when you and your buddy waste 8 crack orbs in total trying to invade each other in Blighttown
>Demon fists
Sounds like you're pretty far in the game then, on my first playthrough I dropped my shield around irithyll, I haven't played through DaS2, so I'm not sure how to educate you on the difference in mechanics from 3, but what I can say is in DaS, shields are WAY more viable than in 3. also, check out how much stability you have if you're really adamant about using shields. Also, you want to end the game with about 27 vig, which is more than enough to get you through ng, especially if you use embers.
Remember when Dark Souls 2 was about masket men?
tell me about the lost sinner, why does she wear the mask?
please respond
uh the lost sinner is actually the bug crawling into the prisoners mouth who is wearing the mask :)
>rtsr in ds3
Because I reached Irythrill.
Well, Irythrill on one side, and the underground demon lake on another.
In both areas, I get rekt. Except one has the Old Demon King that I don't want to die, and the other has the Pontiff faggot that I want dead.
>"I can say is in DaS, shields are WAY more viable than in 3"
>mfw I love shields
>mfw I went into Dark Souls to use shields without any retarded reflecting mechanism à la Kingdoms of Amalur
Annnnd, naturally, I picked the game in which shields are most useless. Fuck my life.
>27 vig
Okay, I'll check how much I have once the game is reinstalled. I believe I must have 20 vigor, I'll probably need to boost it a bit.
I don't remember if the rolling buff stat (adaptability, I think) is still in Dark Souls 3.
so the bird on top of the adjudicator IS the adjudicator?
adp is not present in ds3
>I still feel like I'm doing piss damage
That's because :
1. Weapons scale less in DS3 if you haven't infused them. Infuse a weapon to be Heavy / Sharp early on or Refined at high levels.
2. In Dark Souls 3 you shouldn't be taking hits if you're not gud enough to dodge. Get a shield with high stability.
If you're too ungud for even PvE, you shouldn't be starting deprived. Start as Knight since it's the go-to noob class that gets equipment than can carry you through the entire game.
If I may, how come you don't want Demon King dead? Also, personally Irithyll is my least favorite part to go through on new characters. The pontiff knights never stop attacking, and the stretch from the fountain to the church bonfire is absolutely ATROCIOUS with those motherfucking firet witches. If you are having trouble with the pontiff knights, try doing them one at a time, and just observe their moves. It took me a while to figure them out my first time bc of the whole infinite stamina thing, but once you understand their moveset (which is really only 4 different sets of attacks) they are really easy to backstab and dodge. If you are having trouble with the pontiff himself, that is probably just the "git gud" filter boss doing his job. I really don't think you can use shields on pontiff save parrying him as he has many sequences of attacks that WILL guardbreak you. His fight is really something you have to grind and grind until you understand all of his attack sequences. He shouldn't be too bad with demon fists/ a SS, just don't get too greedy, even if the fight lasts for a million years, and learn to roll through his attacks.
explain to me how grabbing some Dark Sigils allows me to steal the First Flame?
leaked boss names:
>Gertrude, the Heavenly Daughter
>Darkstalker Kaathe
>The Dark Soul
They act like a black hole for the first flame. You become even more hollow and the first flame fits in there. trust me.
Isn't kaathe dead?
Also, second DLC names, go
Why does the fire keeper follow you as if she can see even though she's blind. All the other blind npc act blind.
An oversight or something more?
Kaathe is literally the one in charge of Londor. Not just speculation but pretty much confirmed by yuria
>Kaathe, I have failed you
but the Dark Sigils are filled to the brim with Humanity? How can the first flame fit in their if the hole is already full?
>the Dark Soul
>invade people at Shaded Woods
>show them the way out of the fog
>kill them after they light the bonfire
I-I used to kill these nerds on sight, what's happening to me?
the weirder question is this:
Undead go hollow when they lose their humanity, right? Then why is it that having a hole in your flesh permanently filled with Humanity INDUCES hollowing, instead of permanently PREVENTING hollowing?
Oh. Well, that simplifies things.
Haven't infused anything yet. I don't have enough Strength to compensate for the loss of Dex scaling.
And I think I'm far enough so that the cons of starting as a knight faded. I'm at Irythrill. I should have got whatever stuff I spawn with as a knight.
thank you
when you are a true hollow president of the united Londor, your hollowness knows no bound.
but how can you be hollow if you're stuffed to the brim with excess humanity in the first place? It's oozing out of the hole
anyone have a spare zweihander for a guy on PC who started greirat's questline with all bosses already dead?
Humanity is The Dark, by shoving the flame into the darkest of anusses, the dark has overcome the flame and is now in charge.
>started greirat's questline with all bosses already dead
wow good job nerd
sure. it would be nice if you could give me the Dark Hand for it
The flying fuck is the Tournament, fucking christ.
>The Dark Soul