WHERE IS GSGOY???? OH WAIT..he became a eurofag.

Could not avoid twig. Rip oil pan. Resulting slick caused accident resulting in both hands amputate

He bought a Mercedes so he's probably having his weekly repairs tended to.

Currently driving his car off a cliff
He can't go more then 5mph so it will be a couple days until his death is reported

legit almost died from laughing so hard.

Danny hasn't been on lately

It's not American bro :^)

-butthurt merc rider

>posts a pic of it rolling into the shop

And? I can't service my new car?
I only use this car for bank trips ;)

Do you still have the GS400?

mfw 1-800-TILTMAN doesn't even own a tilty car anymore

Hey I also have a w211!

oh he still does it's VIP as fuck.

Good job fucking up and doing exactly what you said you wouldn't
Enjoy your airmatic bedshit

the e55 was like the only good merc from that era that didnt have airmatic suspension or any abc wahtsoever

you can even buy coilovers for them and bags can be fabricated to work

>still giving the gayest tripfaggot to ever live attention

>that park job

Pls don't stance it.

holy fuck dude you're so retarded
stupid fwd lancer autist shithead pretending like you know what you don't


But I guess you wouldn't know anything about that, since clearly your parents didn't find a solution for the failure that is your existence.

its part of that culture, its a faster and more luxurious gs400 but at the end of the day its not a post 6.2l v8 or a 5.5l TT v8 so its not that special

the self leveling shit you just read about off wikipedia is a small module that can be removed in like 1 hour

and if alternative solutions were engineered for common failure points on mercedes than they would have addressed the piston slap issue in the C63s or the ABC issue in pretty much every other good mercedes made during the era of the e55 and the 55 series engines?

dont act like a little know it all brat
also my evo is indeed awd as is every evo silly

Yeah, selling it tho


Easily can swap it to coil suspension, but there's nothing wrong with the air suspension as of now so I will leave it. Black looks sweet, but yeah I fucked up, again.

It was either that or the handicap spot with a no parking spot next to it. I like to keep away from pleb cars. Their solidified poverty doors like to come in contact with my car because they're careless people without values.

Depends on what your idea of "stance" is, but I'm planning on it

Rip gs400guy
New name same fag.

>being a stancecuck
its summer here

Hey man welcome back to the club
Sadly not moving to OC but I hope to meet you one day

Road trip down here so we can hardparque our black as fugg Mercs? :D
I talked a lot of shit on my last Merc, but the slav in me keeps coming back lol

What a turning point in Veeky Forums history
Let us rejoice in the fact that hes moved to fucking up Mercedes and not godtier Lexus/Infinity.

On another note, anyone have GS_400guy's shops number? Id have a hell of a time calling in hundreds of times a day asking of he can stance my 2002 Ford E350 van on 24inch chromies

> Id have a hell of a time calling in hundreds of times a day asking of he can stance my 2002 Ford E350 van on 24inch chromies
kek, that sounds fun

>24in chromies

i would but my ABC pump is chattering like a bitch
and something is still dripping, even after replacing the main line.

Coilovers incoming - then we can hardpark at shows :^)

> Coilovers
I been telling you man, when they have issues it's not worth even playing with it.
Pumps can be rebuilt in 30 minutes or less tho :)

How much you want for your gs? I'll give you 5000$ if you remove all the mods. What about your is and your q45?

fuck rebuilding it
ABC'S heavy and sucks at weight transfer and my front struts are gonna start clonking soon.

If I'm ever gonna break in the 10's I need to shed it

deciding whether t ogive you the number or not...

stop being a fag and do it

Everything has been removed, but I'm asking closer to 7 though being everything on it is new. List is so long. Sure you can go get a GS for 5k, then spend another 5k on new parts refreshing your GS. At which point you can have fun installing it all yourself or pay someone to do it.

Weight and light small wheels/fat sticky tires will do you well. Fuck man yours looks so gud

Lol this is why I hardly even open Veeky Forums anymore, everyone is so edgy over literally nothing.

A1 Auto Performance in Costa Mesa CA

>the e55 was like the only good merc from that era that didnt have airmatic suspension





>he actually did it the absolute madman

holy shit it's real

LMFAO who did this.

wat? this even real?

so when are we spamming his telephone line?

>Everything has been removed, but I'm asking closer to 7 though being everything on it is new. List is so long

You literally destroyed the body work and suspension geometry, every bushing on the suspension is garbage, the buyer will have to check for subframe damage.

You're lucky if you get over 4k.

Reported. Why are you guys doxxing gs? He's literally the only guy here with money and a successful business.

Every arm aside from RUCAs were replaced with a new one once removing the aftermarket stuff. Rear subframe is from another car, alignment is dead even side to side. Also it's a stock body car.
I'll let it rot in my driveway before I sell it for 4k.

>You literally destroyed the body work and suspension geometry, every bushing on the suspension is garbage, the buyer will have to check for subframe damage.

I guarantee he won't tell the buyer it was stanced because anyone who's smart would walk away from a completely fucked vehicle


Everybody already knew the shop and shit before, just nobody was dumb enough to publicize it in their post. I don't care though, aside from calling me there's not really anything you can do.

>mfw he is such a faggot his stance is seen from space

This is why I don't use a trip anymore

because he is a fucking faggot?


>wheel alignment with that car under the sign

Hey gs you promised me cool shit like Moog posters and other cool shop shit if I paid for shipping, I still want that lol. Also, how much would you charge for alignment for a s2000? I just need it for daily driving

I'd take it with a grain of salt, nobody on here is honestly fucked up enough to call you a million times. If it had been taken to /b I would be scared. If anything more popularity means more business.

Weird that you had to scroll past this one to post that.

all you guys really did by posting shop info is give him free advertisement lmao.

yeah and both cars in the pic have their wheels pointing to the moon

Two wrongs don't make a right

satellite rates 8/8 on stance from space.

Three rights make a left

Yeah I still have your email, just too busy to remember to send out posters lol. Email me again when you get a chance, I have a ton of shit now.

S2k alignment, depends on what you need. Would range from like 50 to 80 bucks.

I don't care it's just the fact that I come on here to joke around with people and this is what it always boils down to. Nobody has heard of "banter" clearly

I get you don't like it, but I've had lots of interest from random people of all ages and all sorts of cars.
Their face when my car with 14 degrees of camber drives straighter than whatever they have, that's why they're here.
I've had comments like "I saw the car and just figured you guys know what you're doing"

Also, are you coming to the s/o/cal meet? need to see that is-f

mfw i'm still waiting for my decal fucker.

and is that colins lambo lmao?

I haven't been to a S/o/cal meet in a long time, so pretty doubtful. I work Saturdays and all the meets are on Saturday. If you want to see an ISF, just picture your car with an F badge and fake exhaust tips.

> Colin's Lambo
audibly kek'd
good job man

if you want bank like me but cant afford rotors for muh GT-R DM me. kek

Hey E320withabodykit

Guy with the Capri blue E320 here. Any website or place you know I can buy parts for this car? Mostly looking for aftermarket options to see if anything can be changed. Thanks a ton!