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Not that guy but you're seriously fucking dumb if you think that would take any effort whatsoever.

You see those nodes that are placed in settlements etc. where people will sit down to smoke, kneel, eat etc.?

Yeah see after an alert you just place some e.g Alert Phase 2 nodes down in more secure locations.

Wow so fucking hard.

what the fuck are you talking about?

what do animation markers have to do with stealth?

Scale was the other word in that sentence. There are only 30 something settlements in the entire game Even if it were as simple as slapping down animation markers, you still have dozens upon dozens of varied locations to add patrols to, would have to design those locations to accommodate them, and possibly have variants in locations where different factions can set up.

All for ONE playstyle in a game that doesn't make any claims towards being a stealth game.

Anyone know what's causing this bug? It's on this outfit, the harness, and a few others. Just updated by CBBE to see if that fixed it but it didn't.

MGSV did exactly that, though.

If you fultoned someone, the enemies would react to it and shoot down your fulton.
If you headshotted soldiers, next time they would have helmets.
If you went stealthly without anyone noticing, next time there would be dummies, mines, cameras, tripwires, etc.
If you trigger a full combat, the next time enemies would have body armour and heavy weapons to deal with you.
If you attacked at night, next time enemies would have Night-vision.
If you sniped enemies, next time enemies would wield sniper rifles to counter-attack in long distance.
And if you used too many gas grenades, sleeping gas and the likes, the next time enemies would have gas masks.
If you use transports a lot, they will have rocket launchers the next time.

Fallout 4 could have that if Bethesda wasn't so incompetent.

>I'm dumb

How do you think other stealth games work? Have you ever played one in your life.

Go get spotted, lose sight of your enemies, and then watch where they move. They always either go back to where they were original standing, or move to an alternate fixed location after an alert. They don't just randomly roam everywhere.

This isn't hard to program, it's literally public college level stuff.

MGSV is also tries to have something of a persistent world, Fallout 4 has the player go in, kill everyone, and then, and then they simply respawn.

>If you headshotted soldiers, next time they would have helmets.
>If you went stealthly without anyone noticing, next time there would be dummies, mines, cameras, tripwires, etc.
>If you trigger a full combat, the next time enemies would have body armour and heavy weapons to deal with you.
>If you attacked at night, next time enemies would have Night-vision.
>If you sniped enemies, next time enemies would wield sniper rifles to counter-attack in long distance.
>And if you used too many gas grenades, sleeping gas and the likes, the next time enemies would have gas masks.
>If you use transports a lot, they will have rocket launchers the next time.

All of these would be impossible because its not the same enemies.

Not to mention that MGsV has a lot less shit to do in it then Fallout 4, and is primarily based around stealth gameplay

I feel like you have absolutely no fucking clue how vastly different the core design goals and philosophies between the two games are if you think Fo4 could have had all that.

Do you have unemployment retention areas /fog/?