You have ten seconds to explain why you haven't put every penny you own into Ethereum.
You have ten seconds to explain why you haven't put every penny you own into Ethereum
>he bought the top
Because that whole ETH/ETC thing was just so confusing..
Why should I do it? I heard something about Devcon, but I haven't look into it.
Is it too late to do this?
What's the profit you expect?
I only have a small amount of BTC on Poloniex, should I go for it or just play the pump and dumps of small altcoins?
>we're at the top
I expect ETH to triple (at least) over the next 6 months.
You just gotta believe
you should buy the top, too
just gotta believe
Why do you believe eth won't continue rising at least until devcon2 starts?
>bagholders have been holding their breath since ETC
>a tiny pump because people thinking devcon2 will bring value, as opposed to it being a desperate attempt to justify value
This market is fucked if a some circlejerking conference bullshit makes everyone completely forget about DAO/Hardfork (and the creation of ETC).
Just more shitheads trying to use news to lure bagholders into to their pump 'n dumps.
The fact of the matter is, nobody is going to touch eth/etc because of the controversy surrounding it. It's a worthless coin.
The only coins with a future are BTC and XMR, which have real usage, sound technology and most importantly, volume/interest. They are more than PND coins.
I agree, but also think that will only become clearer to most people during or after devcon2. Until then ride the hype train.
Bagholders would be the ones luring the people. Like you're doing for xmr kek.
Btw what do you guys think of sdc?
What's not to understand?
If you had 10 BTC ETH you now have 10 BTC ETH and 1 BTC ETC.
Invested a year ago at 70 Cent. Took it all the way up to 20 Dollars and down to 12. Sold all ETH and ETC.
In my eyes their mcs are so high they won't go up much more. They really blew it with the DAO bailout.
You are thinking too small bro. Ethereum could be worth 10's of billions.
I estimate 40 billion market cap in a few years. There's just nothing else like it.
>I estimate
I love stuff like this. Keep them coming.
>I estimate 40 billion market cap in a few years.
Show your work.
nice imagination m8
Too afraid to take the risk, don't know what the fuck Ethereum is
Your laziness will be to your own financial detriment
Its powerful enough to make the whole internet redundant
>Powerful enough to make the Internet redundant.
>Runs over the Internet.
Well, ya know, the internet as in the system of centralised apps, servers, etc
I think you're thinking of the web
You're going to have to be more detailed.
You crypto shills are overly reliant on vaguery and baseless speculation.
Do your own research grandad im not shilling anything
The DAO debacle and hard fork proved ETH is neither decentralized, consensus or immutable.
Why should anyone trust it?
Nobody should and nobody has been. Devcon is just making a good opportunity to create hype for a pump and dump. Anyone holding is going to do everything in their power to convince people that it's the next big thing.
But it was up to the miners to decide what to do regarding the DAO, is that not the definition of decentralized consensus?
I heard that they did it in a rather sneaky way, short-term, low profile and therefore had a very small voter turnout. As if they didn't want anyone to know about it.
because of the DAO hack which exposed it's vulnerability
i have 33 ETH. Someone told me they will be worth 30k each in a few years. Is this true?
And bitcoin will be worth $1,000,000 due to its adoption as the world currency in 2018
bitcoin already has a market cap over $9 billion tho
I have some ethqueerium but im more bullish on XMR. I feel it has hit rock bottom and will go up
Per coin :^)
Every coin is a p&d coin if you think about it. Just do the research.
I don't want to be that guy who lost 40 btc to xmr
Would you rather be the guy who didn't gain 1000 btc with eth
I don't know how to.
>Writes Proof
>No Proof
because its shit
nice satan get proofs of shit
lisk, ripple,dgb, v cash
xmr is shit compared to v cash
>buying lisk
Top fucking lel
Lisk is dead and will never work, the dapp sdk is far from ready and when it will be ready it will still suck. I don't know how they are going to enforce determinism in javascript, for me it's web devs who haven't any theorical background on computer science.
Not sure where you heard that. it isn't like the ethereum foundation did the vote, I was mining on dwarfpool and they had a banner at the top of their site for voting to determine what they would do, I assume the other large pools did the same. I didn't vote, and I assume most others didn't because it didn't matter to me either way. Pretty sure it was up for at least a week.
ETH is now $13 on polo
Because I put all my money in Waves
good idea
> You have ten seconds to explain why you haven't put every penny you own into Ethereum.
but I did user
I minned 75 ETH before the hardfork
Does it mean I also have 75 ETC ?
What happens if I sell my ETH?
Why do I get the feeling that right now there's a shit ton of XMR bagholders shilling with all their might against ETH?
XMR was over-hyped and over-valued. It was bound to go down with or without devcon, it'll pick up some value eventually when the gui wallet or other news come out.
What the fuck are you talking about? Do you even understand what it does? It has a few use cases, but it can't replace even 0.0001% of web/internet services that exist today.
It will replace the centralised internet. Whats so hard to understand salty little bitch
Bro i really need to know what hardfork means
Btw satanic trips checked, satan slways tells the truth
It means they made a copy of the blockchain with changed stuff and start using that instead. The old unaltered one was supposed to be left behind and forgotten but some folk kept it going, that's ETC.
how to say it politely....
Please, kind sir. Go kill yourself
Is tomorrow too late?
Cryptocurrencies aren't used widely enough, and the guy running ETH seems like a massive autist who I wouldn't trust with anything, let alone a bunch of money.
Because Eth is a mess.
If the DAO and Hard fork debacle didn't open your eyes, you're either braindead or bought in at $20.
8% gains and counting since a week ago. Devcon starting in 8 hours so more is to come.
No jigger that's when a coins improves, they straight up bailed them selves out ,decentralized horse shit
Fuck Satan eth is shit prais kek
I did at one point, for several months.
I made great profit, then pulled out to fund something else in the real world conveniently right before the DAO clusterfuck. I had extremely high hopes for the Ethereum platform because I was well versed in the technical aspect and found it amazing.
The recent blunder however is not repairable and the whole thing is destined to fail, all because of a fucked up experiment merely running on the network and the Reddit moralfags who decided to fuck the whole project to refund some cunts or whatever.
when ethereum goes to $20 the dao will be forgotten about, all people who sold will be crying.
>Its powerful enough to make the whole internet redundant
This is one of the most retarded sentences I've read on Veeky Forums. You have zero understanding of anything related to tech or the internet.
Heard all this shit before, even when there was substance. You cannot 'forget' when it caused the whole network to permanently fork, you retard.
the hard fork was necessary. stop being so butthurt about it. seriously you sound butthurt as fuck. ethereum did a hard fork, just like there will be a hard fork when the switch to POS happens.
get over it man, all that happened during the hard for was ETH holders got free ETC which they dumped on the butthurt brigade and everyone who bought DAO tokens got refunded.
literally only mad sour grapers complain about the fork. actual ETH holders got free money and DAO investors got everything back. and now ETH is going to pump to the moon again. so buy some before you end up butthurt again.
Actually I see more ETH bagholders whining about ETC than the other way around.
Anyway, 7 hours until devcon starts. Hold that shit
>4 instances of butthurt
>obvious projection
How am I butthurt when I sold 1 month before the DAO fuckup? I made my money and got out, fucking dumb bagholder.
Is there some place I can read about the history behind the hard fork?
I didn't care about cryptos until after it had happened so I'm still not sure what it was.
Google it man. I think hard forks are common, xmr has one coming up. The controversy with ethereum's hardfork is that it was made just to bail out a botched investment venture of some deep pocketed users.
But that's all in the past, ETC is in the shitter and XMR is on the downtrend. ETH is on the rise now, the devcon2 will soon begin and will likely push ether into chinese markets. Buy and hold.
Fuck lying etherm shills.
Almost every coin hardforks. Bitcoin has hard forked multiple times in fact. But it's usually to implement some sort of feature or security measure.
Most the time it doesn't create a controversial second blockchain.
most coins don't hardfork without consensus, which is what ETH did.
>all these people who bought the top
wew lad
This thread is bad, and you should all feel bad. I guess all the clever/snaky Eth shills have dumped and moved on.
I'm not a retard.
Praise kek!
Eth suck my dick
Panic sell, good spot to buy in now. Devcon in a few hours
I made some super shitty OC for you guys
(I barely know how to use GIMP)
dude what are you talking about? want to see the miner votes? check out the hash power focused on eth vs etc. ETH hashing power is at all time highs
yup. use (open sourced site) to split your etc from your ETH account. i ended up selling most of my etc
big announcements for DOGE
Thank you, so I just have to send ETC to kraken and sell for ETH?
I hope DOGE finally makes a move.
Isn't DOGE just a dead reddit meme?
Nononono fuck that bro!
I imagine it to be several trillions of dollars!
I think it's going to go to $19 like it did last time. I'm in at $10.90.
Retard cucks
Eth is bloated shit
Plenty of other blockchains with dapp/bapp capabilities
Now go to rehab ether buffers
I want my investments to produce positive returns.
>there, under 10 seconds
Fuck off I fell for Pandacoin. Fool me twice? Like hell you will.
>the hardfork was necessary to bail out Vitalik and friends' failed investment at the cost of screwing over those who bought in at 10$+.