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this thread is shit

Jaden Smith will play Lucio in the Overwatch movie

hana song

>about to win my last placement match
>stomping the enemy
>server errors

kill yourself OP

thighs > ass > belly > pussy bones > shit >>>> tits >>>>>>> vaginas

Now I know why this game has gotten so stale for me.

The entire point is always to just rush the single objective as 6 and blow out your ults. That's it, there is no more depth to it. Games like Counter Strike or Battlefield have several objectives available, which leads to smaller skirmishes and overall more varied gameplay.

The literally only strategy in OW is to rush in as 6 while having more ults available. Small skirmishes are pointless, games are always the same because there's only one objective to focus.

i bet you would hate pussy wouldn't you mr. boy-lover

>pussy bones

>feet > thighs > ass > belly > pussy bones > shit >>>> tits >>>>>>> vaginas

Hips> thighs > ass > navel > flat chests > fat chests > cunt bones > cunt


What should I do as Lucio against persistent weebs who hunt me down and spam alt fire while running around me in circles? Is there anything I can do to one when he has his sword out?

/a/ meme

personality >>>>>>>>>> any physical body part


Great taste

Blizzard lied
People died

I like you, except face > all of those.

It would actually be pretty sweet to have a game mode that has you try to hold multiple places at once. Then the teams actually have to split up.

Or a game mode with like five points and up to two of them can be active at a time. It takes less time to capture the objective, but once you do it deactivates and your team gets a point. First team to 10(maybe?) points wins the match.

This one knows, nothing worse than a crazy bitch even if she is hot as the sun.

Twintail tsundere > any other personality

Twintails > any other hairstyle

say that to my onahole RIGHT NOW and see what happens

Fuck off Drake

I want to actually git gud at aiming

do I just need to fuck with my in-game sens until I find something that "feels" right?

tfw the guy in pic related is going to get an absolutely FREE golden gun while I grind out another 100 wins for my 2nd

>Playing Comp to maybe push past 51
>Am first in and lock 76
>they all lock in tanks and dps, not a single healer
>wait till a few seconds before we have to leave the door on the russian level
>Play Lucio with a Roadhog, DVA, 76, Pharah, and Genji
>they refuse to group up and rush in alone
>76 cant kill their pharah to save their fucking lives
>constantly telling them to change heroes and they wont
>"We got this bro" as his fucking parrot squacks in the background
>trying to heal these fucktards while parrots squack in my ear and they all howl OMG HOW
>naturally we lose like a bunch of fucking retards
>"Jesus Lucio where were you?"

What are you trying to do, find love?

Hey everybody! Get a load of this guy! He's trying to fall in love!

>actually liking girls
What a fag

>Implying you have the balls to protect and defend your onahole.


You mean kind of like the Sector gamemode they just added to Doom 4?

>74 to 39
How even
Was he ranking down on purpose?

>it's a neither team picked Genji episode

i bought 50 of those and only got rollerblade nigger skins. im mad

do not bully hana unless you are also making her cum

Mouse sens until you "feel" good about it, practice with your preferred weapon (or in the case of Overwatch, hero) until you can reliably hit headshots and you're happy with the results. Also don't be afraid to upgrade your mouse.



Sure. I don't play Doom 4, so I wouldn't know. Is the Sector game mode fun?

>tfw can't find these episodes anywhere

that's an unreleased episode

Am I an okay Reaper on PS4?
Any tips to improve?


>Make a new account
>Raise it to 25
>do my placement matches
>Play between Rein, Soldier, and Winston
>Get disconnected from 2 matches due to server issues
>finish with 8 out of 10
>place at 70

Holy shit how are any of you lower than 60?
I accidentally placed at 70.
Don't tell me it's your teammates when I only played with one other friend, making 4 out of 6 of my teammates randoms.

I feel bad for all the people who come to discuss the game and are less than 60.

I think she'll be the one making you cum, you fucking nerd. Don't be so bold as to think you could make any girl cum, especially not a girl like Hana Song.

What channel are you watching? I'm so fucking tired of seeing more than 3 Genji's a game

What channel is that on?

Never gonna happen.

Mostly because I've been trying to learn Genji recently, so I'm that faggot who autolocks him and then sucks ass all game.

>it's another episode of "Roadhog kills you instantly with his hook and you can't do absolutely anything about it"

Please explain to me how this is balanced, this is just as bad as D.VA's current condition

so i did a thing last night



>tfw a level 432 tracer on your team

>how is this balanced
By not being retarded and dodging
>inb4 le hitscan meme

Just know that you are playing a fragile hero and stay away from him. He is specifically in the game to counter shitters like McCree and Genji.

We merge Hanzo and Genji back together.

The new character gets Genji's ult and melee dash, Hanzo's M1 and recon arrow, and wall climbing.

Is he balanced?

Huge Hitbox
No way to actually block damage
Literally walking ult charge
No armor or Shields
Hook can be baited out then he can be easily killed

Anyone else feel legitimately sorry for the people that spent their time creating Battleborn?

I don't know how they all drank their own kool-aid to think that art style was acceptable and the combat could move that slowly and it's fine.

Genuine pity.

what the ACTUAL fuck

mako rutledge

Whats the point of playing in defense in QP at High MMR? Attack is always a win cause "lol who cares if i die, i'll just get back to kill some more" and a continous push

>been playing a few days now
>reached level 25
>Junkrat is the only hero I've been having fun with
How badly will things go if I try my placement matches as him?


Battleborn has probably the worst artstyle and ugliest look I have ever seen

What kind of fucking artists did Gearbox hire for this shit?

>Gets fucked by Reaper and Zenyatta
>Zenyatta is highly used in current meta
>is little to no help from far away
>can hardly take aggro away from teammates
>is an ultimate battery for the opposite team

Roadhog a shit.

Holy shit, that swimsuit is amazing.

Is there a word for when clothing covers the pussy itself but exposes parts to the side or above that a normal bikini/panties would cover? It's like underboob of the lower half, and it's the hottest thing ever.

No. That would be a nightmare. Think of a Genji that always knew where the enemy was so he could set up perfect flanks relying entirely on himself. Or if a flank wasn't available he just sat back and headshot everybody with his tree trunk arrows.

I'm fighting an uphill battle from the 38 my brother placed at before giving the account to me so he could focus on playing the Legion prepatch. Right now a combination of leavers, smurfs on the enemy team, and coinflips is keeping me in the 40s.

Side puss

MADA MADA into weeb blade every 30 seconds without fail

> Tfw the enemy runs from your giant hammer of justice when they see you coming around a corner

I play Tracer, so the times he actually does hook me mean I was being shit. Any other time, he's a free pulse bomb. Not to mention a lot of Roadhogs like to try and focus you if you annoy them enough, so you'll get the heat off your other squishes while he chases you.

Just dodge it retard

venus mound or something like that


q of the month

>20 tick

you dodged it from your perspective, but the game still gave him the hook anyways.


>No hair


Probably not. I've been heading in the same direction. Solo queue is hell.

He's my secondary hero and he is a lot of fun to play, but if you want to do well with him you better understand how to use that trap. If you are good at trapping Genji and Tracer, and can reliably catch Rein and D.Va mid-charge then you should do okay.

>88 healing done
>only worthy medal is in objective time

You're not shit either pal, who gets 88 healing with Lucio?
Who were you before you switched?



Low 40s EU servers

It's amazing, no one picks the Shimada brothers, snipers, defense heroes, everyone coordinates and communicates either through text or voice chat, light-hearted atmosphere even in the worst of moments, no toxicity to be found, aftergame commentary is a delight, just great all around.

>play Junkrat
>enemy team Genji actually pays attention to the ground


dps doubled.

get over it, if a super low range shorter than ice spray hits you, you deserve to die.

zarya isn't even fair vs shitters

Who's the best hero to nano boost when they ultimate?


I was reinhardt and 1 guy picked hanzo and other guy started talking shit and everyone just went booga

WHAT ARE these epic comics called?

Don't trust Genji unless you can tell he's good, he wastes it half the time

Reinhardt is a fucking nightmare to deal with since he sprints at you with his shield and hits everyone with his 100m hammer swing

Holy shit isn't that level 700 or something?

>game put me against people who seem like aimbots

Just dodge it harder

Genji, Roadhog, Reaper, 76.


Isn't that the thing where the woman pretends to not like you but actually does?

>literally liking lying bitches

20% accuracy with all heroes is typically trash dude

>that body