/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General

cosplay edition

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xth for Vjera



xth for whats the latest ebin drama

More logs



Lonely au ra looking for friends...


Naka mpreg

what the HECK is up xivg

im having a fucking great day how about you

xth for be nice to each other

did ada give you some hyperscatties, is that why you're so happy

My jaw has been in slight pain ever since I woke up. Besides that p good day.

post stinky pits

post lewds

He still has solid performance desu, But Phoenix got a influx of good raiders. KT and AT are the dominant FCs on the server right now.

Post cute highlanders!

Dicks out boys, post 'em.


hyperscatties is only a meme user didnt you get the memo

im like super vanilla sorry

no but seriously i finally convinced a group to let me soloheal nidex, most pugs are just pussies that don't want to have fun

it went really well too so im happy about that

i only have old pits sorry

Post manipulative psychopaths!

KT is literally a bunch of elitists that are destroying the sales market on the server right now by handing out free savage carries.

pls take new pits for your biggest fan

MMO autism is the best

this one

Would pet this highlander.
oh wait



*smells the actual smell*

>Can't check any of them


>tfw want to change my Hyur to a Catboi
>tfw already sunk about 15 hours in the game

What the fuck do i do i don't want to play the 20 levels as CNJ again, it's just painful.

"Oh wait" what?

>TFW couldn't even get past level 39 as a WAR before getting bored by dungeon grinding in Coerthas
Feels fucking bad, man. Probably never gonna get to 50 at this point.

I already have!


>Free savage carries.




Why would that be me

I want to fuck blue freckles moonie

I am more curious as to why handing out free carries makes them elitists, as opposed to those good samaritans who charge millions for a page

>Glow freckles


Don't!! What the FUCK are you thinking!?

Saeha mugen

Forcing themselves in the sales market by luring people with gordias carries and then undercutting us with prices well below ours.

I don't even think they're in it for the money but are just doing it to piss actual sellers off.

I mean who would sell a thordan for like 2M

Noriko Makoto

Nothing wrong with doing a little Robin Hood work, making autists like mad.

What did Nori ever do?

>free samples to lure people into buying the real stuff
Sounds like capitalism to me, bub. Guess you'd better lower your prices or start offering the same promotion if you can't compete.

Read: You sound like one of the whiny assholes who complain about undercutting on overpriced items.

Guess someone is back "from abroad". Let's send him "abroad" again.

You know why, catslut.

Looks like Shotaextreme is at it again.

Fuck you. They are like a bunch of Mexicans and killing the money making scene for real raiders. We used to have a huge loyal customer base and people would buy loads of runs from us. Now it's simply not worth it anymore because they sell it for so cheap.

I know. I used to raid with Spool. Good to see raid scene there is still healthy.

Wear new pompadour, please. Bonus for included feet shots.

cry more

Real raiders don't have to sell runs :^)
Anyway this is just how capitalism works. Don't like it? Then either change up how you sell or just don't compete.

>real raiders
Well I mean, guess you should be real capitalists instead.

xth for fireworks



Adieu, Sanjou and Tsunderie. Reset them routers.

You're like a drug dealer bitching that the Cartel has come into town and nobody is buying the vile, toxic shit you used to peddle on the streets anymore.

You can't compete with them. We have drooling retards in this sales linkshell that wipe the group and KT is the elitist A8S clear or fuck off sales linkshell type that only has people who are apparently bored with the game and want to ruin it for others by killing their money making ways.

Would you buy a run from honest raiders or a bunch of elitist fuckwads who instantly move on after the clear.

this is an impressively stupid analogy

Just play on a server where run sales don't even happen.

Nobody sells runs here, so everyone has to work for their clears legitimately.

day off time for videogamessss

Why would anyone buy from somebody who can't even clear A8S by now?

Don't get your panties in a wad because someone is casting aspersions on your noble profession.

you're impressively uglier than before

i like how grimy it is

i like my au ra

>deadbeat hispanic druggie wigger hour

I'm out

>when your potato starts to act out

did you put those freckles there, user?

be nice to cocopuff

Why wouldn't you? Does it matter what I've cleared if I can sell the content?

I dunno I've done worse ones than that.

>inb4 "omg im not a wigger, whitey/cracker"

>We have drooling retards in this sales linkshell that wipe the group

They're better than you. They have better prices.

How can you be this dumb?

i'm not hispanic i'm latino

and by definition incapable of being a wigger

i dunno dude that one was real awful and didn't make even the slightest bit of sense to anyone with any idea of how anything it mentioned works


how is Hispanic different from Latino

>i'm not hispanic i'm latino

ones european and one is mexican

>free space
>it's not free

>i'm not a rodent, I'm a mouse!

A Rat is a Rat, all the same.

things just keep getting worse

Help help! I'm obligated to continue posing!

This is just like Xenoverse.

While the two terms are sometimes used interchangeably, "Hispanic" is a narrower term which only refers to persons of Spanish-speaking origin or ancestry, while "Latino" is more frequently used to refer more generally to anyone of Latin American origin or ancestry, not including Portuguese and Portuguese-speaking Brazilians.[2][3][4][5][6] "Hispanic" thus includes persons from Spain and Spanish-speaking Latin Americans but excludes Brazilians, while "Latino" excludes persons from Spain but includes Spanish-speaking Latin Americans and Brazilians. Because Brazil's population of 191,000,000[7] is several times larger than Spain's population of 47,000,000[8] and because there are more Brazilian-born Americans (325,547 as of 2012)[9] than Spanish-born Americans (88,665 as of 2012)[10] in the United States, "Latino" is a broader term encompassing more people. The choice between the terms among those of Spanish-speaking origin is associated with location: persons of Spanish-speaking origin residing in the eastern United States tend to prefer "Hispanic", whereas those in the west tend to prefer "Latino".[11]

"Latino" as a category used in the United States may be understood as a shorthand for the Spanish word latinoamericano or the Portuguese phrase latino americano, thus excluding speakers of Romance languages from Europe.[12][13] Both "Hispanic" and "Latino" are generally used to denote people living in the United States,[14][15] so that "[o]utside the United States, we don't speak of Latinos; we speak of Mexicans, Colombians, Peruvians, and so forth."[16][17]

no? spaniards are still hispanic

yes the ears and tail too

Elezen time

do you know how to mark a card

you're a Mexican

why are you ashamed of it

>crony capitalism

That analogy only falls apart when you split hairs and determine things that are subjective like whether drugs or carries are harmful products. You are the only person who seems to have taken issue with it, and you only spoke up because drugs were mentioned and you fancy yourself as some sort of Stringer Bell/Walter White kingpin.

cute, server?

So what you're saying is we should kick half the linkshell.

How are we going to sell runs then smart ass.