Fighting Games General /fgg/
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What degenerates like to sniff women?
what do the discord regulars look like?
Chie is worst girl
Daily reminder that sfv is shit.
Holy shit, I didn't see that face in a long time. What was this guy called again?
That was actually pretty cool.
What fighting game is she from???????
Daily Reminder sfv is good
go fuck yourself you secondary
>tfw missed sniffsona's heyday
So from what I've gathered, the big weakness of Gargos is his defense. If you can stop him summoning his little dudes and stay out of portal punching range and just get in and pressure then he's fucked right?
Unfortunately I play Glacius, the primo zoner of this game so that's really fucking tough. Is there a way to wipe the floor with the Big Nig using iceman or is it a difficult matchup and I should get working on a good sub character to cover my bad MUs? I'm a little proficient with Arbiter so I might consider him if I lose the first set and want to character swap and take a shot at victory.
Persona 4 arena
are any of the /fgg/ online warriors going to compete in the online tournaments?
KI is literally counter picking: the game, learn some subs
>get hit by a c.S in the corner due to unreactable grinder/charged stun edge/YRC oki mixups
>split ciel > 3H > split ciel > 3H > split ciel > 3H repeated into infinity
goobers will defend this
Ghodere is going to get eliminated by a 1 bar connection from Nigera
t. combofiend
delete this
literally can't happen you stupid fucking sack of shit OH MY FUCKING GOD YOU ARE SO FUCKING DUMB the tournaments are REGIONAL and entry requirements are a 5 bar connection you stupid SACK OF HUMAN GARBAGE
How do I learn to do inputs on both sides of the the other guy?
Imagine you're a shit sucking peruvian, your dad died 15 years ago down a mine and your mother whores herself to feed her various addictions, in your only free time between taking care of your bastard deflated head brother you play some fightcade on your PC made of components you got from picking through a trashpile. Then some American logs on after eating eight burgers inside his comfy house worth more than your entire neighborhood will ever make and beats you, how would you feel?
I can has cute boyfriend now?
what the fuck kind of question is this
love this meme
download the app
switch to a reverse gyro stick for training
buy a better router to decrease lag
Is this what they call an unblockable?!
that's the void mixup
t. maximillion shill
dumb cammyposter
>just practice xDDD
Don't listen to these fucking idiots, don't fall for the practice meme.
If you can't do it within 20 tries, you're genetically unable to - all the practice meme leads to is you forcing your genetics to do something they're physically unable to do leading to much frustration.,
Namco command unblockable>>>>shit>>>D buggy gimmick unblockables