Fighting Games General /fgg/
>onlineski hasn't signed up for the online event
is there any fighting game you can play on your own while having fun?
nobody plays these around here and i'm on wifi.
is skullgirls fun on singleplayer? or maybe MK for the cinematics? or arcsys games?
i'm lonely /fgg/
Where do you live?
The theme is still good, send help.
Mick's stuff is still better but at least this ended the season with a good track.
The entire Soul Calibur series before sc4.
Melty Blood ReAct after you read the VNs.
Tekken 3,4,5 and 6.
Mortal Kombat 9
Dunno how MKX held up
Super Smash Brothers Brawl
Inmaterial and missing Power
Scarlet Weather Rhapsody
Idiot made it early again.
Is it still wait until page 9?
marvellikes are the best trainingboar games
also there's a challenge mode in skullgirls
Why is /fgg/ so toxic? I don't mean le epic banter, I mean real nasty hostility
what gives?
reminder that pc players:
>don't play offline
>don't support their scene
>care about single player more than versus
>complain about everything
>cheat to win
>aren't even good
lk tatsu is legit.
All I know about Melty is that the vampire's theme makes for the best Slam Jam mix. What makes this game good?
Stop shilling your dead ea kusoge.
dead games general
ay thanks lads, i didnt even know signups were happening
we in there now
Imagine you're a shit sucking peruvian, your dad died 15 years ago down a mine and your mother whores herself to feed her various addictions, in your only free time between taking care of your bastard deflated head brother you play some fightcade on your PC made of components you got from picking through a trashpile. Then some American logs on after eating eight burgers inside his comfy house worth more than your entire neighborhood will ever make and beats you, how would you feel?
goobers can't help themselves
bunch of complete losers for over 20 years finally get a way to express their superiority in something
>Is it still wait until page 9?
Hell if I know. This is the first time I've seen an early thread shot down; for the last week or so some dork fires one off as soon as we hit post limit.
I need to hook up my ps3 for some castlevania HD.
Konami is retarded for not making a 2nd one considering how successful their little project was.
That vita game is a musou.
Nice, remember to rep /fgg/ when you get to capcom cup
extreme vs? no it's an arcade "fighting" game
Broski that compilation was cute
meanwhile in capcomland...
what is this stupid millenial shit? Online warriors get to use their online warrior skills. Big fucking whoop
born from the street poor streets
winners get to go to the (offline) regional finals
>sonyggers still can't stop buying hd rereremaster rereleases
>cobelcog, infexious and luffy in same group
>problem x, packz and tyrant in same group
do these get reshuffled on the day of the event?
at least it's better than the SF4 one
is I am Setsuna good?
To be honest it's the most bi-polar community I can think of sometimes.
Like on one hand it contains all the ultra faglords who are just permanently sour win or lose and will also of course just be cunts either way, no matter the situation. But then it's also really inclusive to a big spectrum. Like yeah gorillions of spergs play CoD and GTA and whatever, but those people don't regularly do meetups at community centers and shit and mix among groups and get to know each other like FGC does all the time. That and man, Ricky became Ricki, Kayo Police is a well liked person, even past serious genderflip stuff, FGC shit has non-joking crossdressing and stuff all the time and people are mostly good natured or receptive to it, or at least keep it to themselves and be sulky faggots otherwise.
probably reshuffled it keeps shuffling
That projection game on point though.
>"HD Quality"
It's an arena fight game, aka a party game.
is halfway right - Force is a beat-'em-up made from one of the earlier Extreme VS game, but it's not a Musou clone.
>played sim
>people uploaded my replays all the time
>switch to ibuki
>1 (one) replay of me losing with her on launch day
That user was talking about /fgg/ specifically, not the fgc
When is Mintjam going to work on another fighting game soundtrack?
No fighting is happening in the vita ver.
well analyzed
do you play non-gimmick characters as well or just those two?
dhalsim is the most honest character in the game
not even in like a meme sense where you say a dishonest character is honest
he actually is the honestest
Even if it's not really my game, I'm jealous as fuck at all the real production value and care that's in so much of KI's music. It's like that's the kind of cheesy ass fun electronic and metal that I'm astounded Mortal Kombat never ran with, after people unironically loved the techno in the movies and stuff.
i dont care what people say
ibuki is great for me to poop on
shut the fuck up onlineski
Thats just the nature of this entire site.
You're either a bully or pretending to be an anime girl
*+5000 on block joga gales you*
*teleports behind you, psssh nothing personnell*
I was gonna quit playing for the day anyway and just disconnected 4 times in a row on the load screen vs a ken gorilla masher that i always get matched with.
Now BOTH of us have the 120min penalty because capcom has competent developers.
What are some things I should learn when moving to SFIV from SFV?
Crouch tech
FADC shenanigans
I already have these down, what else?
who are you playing sf4
tk gale has 15 days of startup, requires tricky execution and is only +2 on block unless done meaty
What should I play to get into melty blood? Can I watch the tsukihime anime and be set?
OK, wait a sec. Doesn't "honest" mean that the character's tools are straightforward, with no extra gimmicks? Dhalsim has teleports, 4 types of projectiles and (in SFV) grey life gimmickry, how is that honest?
i've never been so fucking tilted as i am right now. just played this guy and all he did was jump so i stopped throwing fireballs but then he stopped jumping and just dashed and threw repeatedly
what the fuck do you do when somebody is so fucking stupid and random that you simply cannot get a read on them
Honest usually just means they're not all ebin inescapable vortexes and rapid-fire 50/50's for huge damage, that sorta thing.
Also why are there so many deleted posts here? Do jannies hear an alarm bell when somebody posts "sniff" and rush to delete it?
I think I have to switch to dpad or keyboard for uniel because the weird input interpreter combined with no octogate makes blocking lows a dicethrow.
I didn't, I just got it and played. Fuck anime.
you stop playing a game that rewards being retarded and random
Rashid and Zangief are the only honest characters
>tricky execution
not an argument 2bh
>15 days of startup
lol nah
might as well be + 5000000, and it is +5000000 if done meaty
d e v i l i s h
What if I'm in the US
buy a new router to reduce the lag
Just read the first VN and then do the react story mode.
yeah i literally couldnt react because the connection was garbo so i just had to predict him but he was fucking random and garbage so i just got destroyed
why would you register for an eu online event if you're not from europe
Fine, I'll roll with that. I just need a baseline.
>tricky execution
>not an argument 2bh
What's your opinion on moves that are balanced around how hard they are to do?
How about you ae happy that this place finally gets a litte moderation? Fucking kappa imbreeds.
michmichmichmich here, just unregistered for the tournament and signed up again, just so that i got put in broskis pool.
gonna sent him to losers in pools and once again solidify my status as the one true king of /fgg/.
webm related what i will do to broski's dhalsim
Buy a Netduma R1. The only router in the world that will fix lag. Built for gamers.
>What's your opinion on moves that are balanced around how hard they are to do?
they're fucking retarded. no move should be especially strong just because the execution is hard. you can grind the execution and you reliably have a move thats too strong
>implying im not on a wired connection
Because it isn't consisent?
Based, show these online warriors what true players can play like
>implying your wire doesnt connect to the router
>implying your router can kill lag
absolute madman
There's nothing wrong with these posts.
Is it normal to take like 1 -1.5 hours to warm up? I lose the dumbest shit for about that long.
Our Boys in Group L
what should dhalsim have done? Whatever he couldve done would be counter hit
Broski will body you with Ibuki though
Remember when Daigo wasn't a joke?
It's the best fighting game ever made
ryu is minus on block
or just vreversal it and pray they don't throw
sup broski
forgot your trip
back in 2012
shit kusoge game
shit you're right
Ground teleport away I think, but I'm no sim player.
yes, this is why we need hand warmies in tournaments
if broski is winning the first game at the end i'll just lag switch and disconnect so that we both get put in losers