One Piece Games General - /opgg/

Dreaming of half stam raids edition

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>Drops/XP spreadsheet

>Summer Time Stampede 8/2-8/15
>Skill Up 8/9-8/15
>Aug 4 - Aug 5 Mihawk FN
>Aug 2 - Aug 9 Young Arlong FN
>Aug 2 - Aug 9 Buggy FN
>Aug 2 - Aug 16 Breed Circus FN
>Aug 9 - Aug 16 Young Vivi FN
>Aug 9 - Aug 16 Kuro FN
>Aug 16 - Aug 23 Noland FN
>Aug 16 - Aug 23 Alvida FN

>Jul 26 - Aug 9 Film Gold FN
>Aug 1 - Aug 31 Summer FN (Fanservice FN)
>Aug 4 - Aug 11 Prisondile FN
>Aug 4 - Aug 11 Sadie-Chan FN
Aug 4 - Aug 11 Young Buggy/Shanks FN
>Aug 11 - Aug 18 Kimono Strawhat FN
>Aug 11 - Aug 18 Pervert Franky FN
>Aug 11 - Aug 18 Hina Vacation FN
>Aug 1 - Aug 7 Straw Hat Island
>Aug 5 - Aug 6 Shiki
>Aug 6 - Aug 7 Aokiji
>Aug 7 - Aug 8 Hera/Fatsopp
>Aug 8 - Aug 9 NM Luffy

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>new chance to max and socket Calgara
I'll take it

one day we will get a decent franky unit from a sugoset

SW Franky and 3D2Y Franky are both very good. More so SW, but they are both very useful.

alright I farmed 70 fucking mihawks
now I'm wondering whether I should gem for 5 more just to be safe or not

Would you rather overshoot it and start another Mihawk or be off one special level?

and both of those are units we will never get are you retarded?

>one day we will get a decent franky unit from a sugoset
>we will never get
You didn't state anything about global in your first post.

i maxed my mihawk with 50 copies so no stop farming

WE got Breed retard. Breed is filler that means we are gonna get Zephyr and SW

>Second Mihawk
Stop. This meme is actually dangerous for new players.

even japan is removing zephyr shortly after shiki you fuck we're never getting him

Fucking idiot.

wait, i thought 1 skill=3 copy, isnt 50 copy enough ?

the only dangerous thing here is your retardation level

I got 27 copies. God willing I will at least get a full socket

Sick burn.

1/5 is average, 1/3 is a meme. Until we get the permanent skill up chances so it will be 1/3 one average and better during a skill up.
Some teams don't benefit from Auto Heal, namely Whitebeard.

How much exp does Hime Princess give?

>Breed is filler that means we are gonna get Zephyr and SW

fucking idiot

do you seriously think the same company holds the licensing rights for a fucking filler arc and the SW movie?

If you're only ever going to have 1, how do you actually socket it?

Each princess turtle gives 262500 exp if matching.

>Young Aaron probably has the highest amount of good drops to bad ones
>Three good books, good event unit
>It's all rare as fucking hell.
This event is easily the one I just get flat out the least drops on, sub 3/4 items almost every time.

The filler arcs usually lead into the movies like this gold nigger movie and the filler with Barto

woops I mean the raid

Like 5k and change I think, it's not very stamina efficient. And Hime means Princess.

It's better than 1/5 in skillup. You can find very few people who have used more than 75 hawks to max in skillup.

actually it gives around 3.2k

Correction, they give 3990 per clear, not 5k and change.

>The filler arcs usually lead into the movies

Please entertain me. Which movie did the Breed fillers lead into?

Or the G8 arc?

Or the Lovely Land arc?

Or the Spa Island arc?

>Dragon Island is unironically my favorite arc
Movie when

I could be wrong but didn't Breed get btfo in his origin and now that I think about it didn't they hint it was the same gold nigger


Need friend points. Use my captains you sluts!

Know the feel.
Got my Marco up but anons don't seem to notice you can stalless run Aaron with Enel/Marco so damn easy.

>no ID
>no crewname

>270+ stam spent on farming Ohm
>No Ohm
>Undeserving faggots got Ohm during the friend point story unit recruit event

oh, right

anyone tapping?
439 803 179

75 copies here F I N A L L Y

75 copies is enough r-right, guys?

>farming Ohm
You got meme'd, bud.

Free yourself from the ohm meme before you even get one.
Saves you skill maxing him before realizing he's awful.
Farm a Wapol instead, who surprisingly is not a meme.

i feel you
it was the same for me
but he dropped eventually
ganbatte user-kun!

You're probably good to go.

>tfw 4/5 sockets

2 skill off for so damn long.
Got 30.
I refuse to not have this done.

Thanks for the Beli.

thanks for the Cola

>2 days until supposed half stam raids
>STILL no clarification of any kind from bamco
what the fuck?

what the fuck is your problem
it's not half stamina raid you mongoloid
it's half stamina weekly quests

Time travelers found half stam raids to be present throughout the week as well, everyone is still waiting for confirmation on if it will be true or false.

If they actually confirm it and Mihawk is in it I'll kill stab myself with a needle

If it is post pics with a needle in your arm

of course it's not true
they're placeholder for the evolver islands

Would it be possible to do Princess Turtle Time with a double Baccarat team? Let's say you have max Autoheal and CDR.

Has anyone time traveled recently to check on it?

Log Franky is a booster for shooters. So he's good as well. Maybe you just need to git gud

Fucking hime turtles, sneaking secret stages on me twice in a row, hate waiting on tilestone.

Yes, but you wouldn't be able to stall as long in the first room.
No time travelers have come forward showing that they're gone, so as far as I know, they're still there.

If you want I can stab you with my penis

>i hate exp and don't actually want to run it!

I'm at 39 Mihawks. I don't think I'm going to make it.

With gems, anything is possible.

get ready for...
>LOL people actually gemmed for regular stamina mihawk. what a bunch of losers
>people thought half stamina raids was actually gonna happen, idiots bamco blah blah blah...

there hasnt been an update since then so nothing changed

Whatever happens, we're gonna be shitposted to death.
Just a normal day at /opgg/

>Boosts ATK of all characters by 2x and their HP by 1.25x. If you defeat an enemy, increases ATK boost slighty. Stacks up to 8 times to a maximum of 3.5x If you did not defeat an enemy, lose all ATK boost stacks.

Yep, he's an extremely fucking good Legend but hard to actually use and plan for.

You're late to the party.

Anyone have a Kid anywhere or Barto primary up? I'm tired of G3/WB, and just want to chill for my last few Hawks with a striker team.

it's actually pretty garbage since it contradicts his special

sure i'll put a kid up
439 803 179

I can throw up Kidd for a while, FC 632 347 178

Thanks, I already have you added.

why'd you delete me?

>you get to the raid boss
>you don't kill him but manage to put him under 50%
>boss enrages
>you attack him with your Spandan boost next turn and die shortly after

Fantastic, happy hunting.

disregard that i just haven't had you fav'd

Who are you? I don't remember removing anyone recently.

It's all good.

user I don't think you realize how much damage 3.5 to all units exactly is.
To put it clearly, you can one-shot all bosses in the game, except the ones with a preemptive damage reduction.

They forgot to include the faggot that thinks asking to be spoonfed is the only way to discuss the game

did he finally lose it?

That might be whoever got the account when he posted it here. I don't think we'll ever know.

WPP gave his account here and dipped a while back.

If you're not gonna help people than what is this thread for? Circlejerking over Storm Pirates? You're in the wrong here man no one is on your side you look dumb

oh i see

>Global player
I don't think you understand how challenging the game gets. Watch a Kizaru fight.

I did it /opgg/!

I did my best and I got 22 mihawks for you.
...T-that's enough, right?

IF we get that content
wich is starting to look unlickely

if you want 2 skill ups

I mean, if you need threeish skill ups, that might be fine.

Why the fuck would Global not get Kizaru? You ugly fucks aren't slick, stop shitposting

Weekend anime stream: Saturday
Time for "Disc 3". Returning to Saboady and dive for Fishman island
Bring snacks.

4-5 skill ups if you're lucky. If we actually get half stam Mihawk get double that and he'll be usable or maybe even max.

Ah there he is

Global isn't making enough dough and Japan only tolerates the gaijin for the cash.

I'm right though you don't even have a counter argument

Of course it will be challenging, but I see it being possible with Haruta or Violet. Next Time he'll be up a video is sure to pop up.

>Of course it will be challenging, but I see it being possible with Haruta or Violet.
Excuse me?

Do you even know what she does?