>Fates FAQ
>/feg/ Castle Addresses
>Fates FAQ
>/feg/ Castle Addresses
Cutest family.
Find a flaw.
Protip: You can't.
>Pre-awakening ugly as shit character
0 skill
0 speed
His legs.
I love Severa and so do you!
I love Sakura!
That's nice, Laslow.
So, who was your first S-Ranked couple in Fates?
Mine was Peri and Jacob. I thought blue haired Dwyer would look cool, goddamnit.
Severa is shit. Kill yourself.
I love Severa and I couldn't care less if you feel the same or not
Morgan > Kana
It was either Corrin and Setsuna or Ryoma and Kagero I cant remember
If you really don't care, then why do you keep bringing it up?
>This is your partner for the royal ball
Because I love her and I don't give a shit whether anyone else likes her or not
Eh, I don't mind.
Give visit.
gonna get roofied
cant wait
Nina's the best!
Anything for her happiness
The first point, and the most blatant one, we must address is his relationship to Corrin, and as such, his very motivation. Anyone who has played Fates will know this in an instant; the very reason he became a knight is because he wanted to see Corrin again. The problems in this motivation are instantly clear. Even for someone so innately childish and sentimental as Silas, it is absurd. Avatar worship, to phrase it bluntly, is one of the cardinal sins of modern Fire Emblem writing. In this form of escapism, the story and characters are both weakened. To be able to be shipped with the player, the characters must be friendly with the avatar. The only exception in recent times that is not on the enemy side is Hana, and that is quickly dropped so they can marry each other and what not. Silas is the most extreme one of the bunch, but it is still rather telling of what characters must be. Silas literally must live and breath for Corrin, as that is all his character has to stand on. Have other knights done the same within this series? Yes, to an extent. Astram for Nyna and Kent for Lyn are two examples. The difference between that and someone like Silas is that they are still knights. They still uphold their chivalric vows, and a great portion of their character is their pride of being a knight. Silas does not have that. For Kent and Astram and others, their lord is almost secondary. Silas’ character revolves around Corrin rather than this duty. This only serves to weaken his character, as it becomes one-dimensional and meaningless. His background with Corrin serves as his character rather than a facet of it.
And here we get into another problem. Most prominently in Fates, but also in other Fire Emblem games as well, and not just exclusive to modern Fire Emblem, a character’s backstory defines their character and is used as an excuse for their behavior. Silas is in this boat as well, unfortunately. His backstory literally defines his character.
You forgot
Everything about him can be summed up to “Corrin saved me after a picnic”. It is used to explain his motivation to become a knight and his entire personality. To use another example, let’s leave Silas alone for a bit and beat up on a very controversial character; Peri. The main problem with Peri is really her backstory, or more accurately, how it is handled. It is an incredibly interesting idea; the problem lies in its execution. A trend in recent games seems to be that backstory isn’t used to expand on a character; it is used as an excuse or tidy explanation. During her Laslow support, for example, when she drops the bomb, Laslow is somehow portrayed in the wrong for it. Her ‘excuse’ of mindlessly killing people is just presented in the form of an exposition dump. It somehow excuses everything, despite it being hopelessly wrong. A lot of Fire Emblem games, not just Fates, seem to do this, but it is most prominent in modern Fire Emblem. The same thing also applies to Camilla and, once again, Silas. Camilla, unlike Peri, is not excused for something inherently bad like Peri, but her entire personality is explained in ‘concubine wars’. It only serves to weaken her character. A good one does not need a backstory to be good, but if they do have one, it must be handled well. It can explain certain aspects of their character, but it must overall not be their character. Most importantly, it cannot be used to pardon their actions simply because ‘I was traumatized in the past, therefore this explains everything I do!’ Characters can be shaped primarily from their backstory and still be done well, but the last bit is really the most important. Beruka, for example, is solid because even though her emotions are ‘dead’, as she phrases it, entirely because of her past as an assassin, when she talks about killing her mentor, you are not expected to pity her. It is very clearly cast as in the wrong. Nyx is also such an example.
Are you trying to make me feel feels I don't want to feel, user?
Morgan = Kana
Why whisper when a yell can travel just as far
A whisper yelled is a whisper heard
I like Hana
While she does come off as rude and condescending due to her fear about being a monster in other’s eyes, you still are not expected to agree with her when she is being petty or even downright mean.
Again, this whole thing on backstory ties back into Avatar worship in a sense, only this time it is more the game itself doing the worshipping. No character can be irredeemable, so they need some kind of neat and tidy backstory to fix it all up. This is why Hans, for example, is not recruitable. They need to be able to be pitied so that they can come off as appealing to the player. It doesn’t help if the backstory revolves around the Avatar themselves, such as Silas. This is why this trend seems to be most prominent in Fates. It was not an issue in Awakening because almost no one had a backstory to begin with apart from plot-important characters and a few exceptions. Not having a backstory is better than an unnecessary one that only really serves not to expand on a character but to justify one.
The last, and perhaps most prominent issue with character writing in modern Fire Emblem, is simply the overabundance of writing they must need. This might sound silly at first. How could more text be bad? It is not an issue in books or videogames like Ace Attorney because those only have one, maybe two writers at best, so the chance of inconsistencies is much less likely (unless you’re Phoenix Wright in Dual Destinies, then your character has been butchered, but that’s for another subreddit another day).Silas, if you extract the Corrin traits, seems to be a childish, but nice guy overall. Pretty dull, but on its own, it suffices; the reason Stahl is so popular is because he is a straight man among a sea of ‘gimmicky’ characters, so maybe Silas could be the same without Corrin, right?
It's gonna be hard for her to carry you after she drugs you, though.
Well if I listed everything I love about her I would run out of space. Just got the essentials
Here is something to stir up discussion ?
Make a weapon.
Give it a name.
Give it stats ( Mt. , Hit , etc. ).
Let me begin
Name : Assassin's Essentials.
Type : Shuriken
Mt : 2
Hit : 70
Crit : 55
Avo : 10
( Your trigger abilties have 10% more chance to activate )
-4 Def -4 Res +2 Skill +2 Speed ( Shurikens give +2 Speed )
Can't followup.
Craftable : Yes
Wrong. Oh, how very wrong you are. He is a self-contradicting mess in a lot of his supports. Go read his Hana support and his Nyx support and tell me those are supposed to be the same people.
He comes off as rude and competitive in the former support, whereas in the latter he is gullible and, well, not rude. He’s once again rude and crass in the Orochi support, while meanwhile over in his Beruka support he’s crying because he feels powerless to help Beruka with her emotional state. Multiple writers and too much text leads to contradictions such as these, and while it is most present in Silas, it is also in other characters as well, such as Stahl in Awakening. While he is by far and large consistent, he all of a sudden becomes pushy and even rude to Kellam at times during their support. This is a problem that is mostly non-present in older games simply because there is less text. Every character has far less supports than someone in Fates or Awakening does.
This concludes my thoughts on how Silas embodies most every present poor aspect of writing in Fates. While I have brought other characters into this show, note that I really do like most of the characters in Fates and Awakening. I do think that with a little bit of revision and much less supports on each character’s behalf, the writing could improve for the better.
*Chen intensifies*
Why repost this? I already skipped over reading it one time.
well like all shes gotta do is drag you to behind the building
Very first S rank pair I did was Orochi/Hayato
That's what dark magic is for.
Too late
What other Fates girls would make great prostitutes?
>So, who was your first S-Ranked couple in Fates?
Myself and Sakura
Need battles please. I visit/battle/gift back. All units are on hold.
Hayato and Hana, I think. I was rushing Rhajat because I had a female Avatar in Birthright and I wanted to be in lesbians.
The funny thing is I benched Hayato as soon as the S support showed up.
But why
You have good taste.
You have good taste.
You have good taste.
Fuck off to reddit.
Me and Azura
Shit taste.
I don't really know. I just kinda picked at random, but it did end up giving her pretty good Skill and Spd. I remember putting her as a Basara for 5 levels to get Rend Heaven, then going Onmyoji. She kind of kicked ass.
I didn't bring her up so you can reply to me. Fuck off.
I should do that then. I want to see how Hinoka works as her mom too, and try gimmicky as fuck things, maybe make her an Adventurer with mom Hinoka.
Me and the hick.
>He's seething
>He's shook
Just get over it already frenchie, holy shit.
why arent you humble anymore
I kinda didn't like her private quarters support desu. That voice and body though god damn. If she didn't have problem hair she would be fine. Also if she wasn't so bland.
I forgot to put it back.
Huh. That's pretty different to what most people do.
I actually S-Ranked Hayato with Azura. Dunno why, just thought that Shigure's and Rhajat's sibling supports would be cute to see.
That, and I wanted to give Shigure good Magic so he would work well as a Dark Falcon. His Magic stat is disappointing, to say the least.
Azura is pretty good for her speed, I've done it before, and I believe her res is pretty good there too, I'd say making her a Peg Knight like that would be good but Peg Knights aren't really good in this game.
Morgan > Literal shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kana
Fuck off
I'll make sure to do that Takumi
>Berukafuck shitposting this hard
This is sad. It literally didn't start until he posted his castle.
Kaze and Rinkah
I got confused as to why Midori wasn't showing up until I realized it was because of what happens to Kaze in ch 15
Is that Donnel!Noire?
You're a piece of shit Takumi, but some of the things you say are good.
>I don't want to fuck my daughter
>has her as his waifu in appchan
>Spic and Drill revving up the shitposting
Just when the thread was getting fast again. Wasn't this attention whore saying /feg/ should just die before? Oh wait now there's people to give him attention here (lol.
I was about to read your shit but you were filtered, so fuck off to reddit.
It's like having a picture of your kids in your wallet or at your desk at work. Now post more Pokemon
I don't think his hair is that purple
>I don't want to fuck my daughter
>don't want
>fuck daughter
Can you get great club in conquest or is it only available in Rev and Birthright?
Fuck off Makoto's dad, your penis got cut off and your son has a harem consisting of two yanderes and a trap.
I've always kept Azura as a Songstress, simply because of her singing skills. Maybe I'll do that so she'll have an easier time fighting enemies.
I married Subaki with Kagero, and hot damn, does Caeldori kick ass. She has really good STR, surprisingly. And her inherited Poison Strike skill works wonders when it somes to dealing extra damage.
I didn't give her Lethality because Kagero wasn't LVL 5 by then sadly.
>expecting a degenerate spic not to fuck his daughter when he lets his own wife abuse his kids on the regular
Don't even give it attention. Look how frequently it posts when it gets any sort of attention, even negative. Less meta shit, more on topic.
As a castle reward. But outside of that no.
I have to drop her, she dies too often for her one round anything gimmick to work.
hey its the nasty poop man
what brand of dookie are you feeding your daughters now???
>consisting of two yanderes and a trap
>only two yanderes and a trap
You forgot to count all of them.
Er, I meant making Azura!Rhajat a peg knight, sorry.
I've heard it's better to keep Caeldori as a noodle arm so her personal would activate more, so Selena works. Kagero always goes to Ryoma for that qt S rank
So just have to visit a hoshidilo castle?
Marry Azura to Arthur and enjoy the wonders of Zerker Azura. She's a complete beast.
Same goes for Kagero as a sniper, which she can get from A+ with Setsuna. Niggas just melt when they see her STR in combination with the high might on bows. She's pretty fast on top of that.
>So just have to visit a hoshidilo castle?
Nah that won't work cause the stores don't sell great clubs. Castle rewards are a separate thing from getting your castle visited and battled.
hate this meme
I'm going out. Don't kill yourselves while I'm gone.
>love this meme
>He fell for the Charlotte meme
I try to keep it contained.
Oh right. Never tried that. I have one last Ebon Wing, so maybe I'll give that to Rhajat. The extra speed, as well as Galeforce, would make her capable of committing mass genocide.
I kinda prefer Caeldori with high STR in all honesty. I tend to use units more if they have decent attack power and such.
I actually married Azura to Benny in Conquest. I just liked their chemistry, that's all.
I might actually reclass her into a Knight for shits and giggles.
As for the Sniper thing...
Well, I tend to try and keep all my units to their original classes. The only exception to this was Soleil, whose mother was Mozu in my game.
Soliel just kicks ass as a Master Of Arms.
>Walking through snow barefoot