Ded tribe edition
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>Some unskilled faggots took to demoing our base from within the tribe because they're incapable of raiding, so most aqualads quit. Most were going to leave anyway due to uni, but anyone who still wants to play can add Fusion Skydweller on steam and we can form a tribe on a new server tonight. 9:30 EST
Currently thinking of returning to A prime but I'm a little put off by The Island map.
Feel free to suggest other servers. Must be PvP and decent population.
Arkg - Ark: Survival Evolved
Other urls found in this thread:
>Wake up from a good nights sleep
>Tribe is dead
Can someone show me how to kill myself?
never 4get
The summer campaigning season has come to an end and the aqualads disperse once more
Muh heart can't take it I'm a lonely boi irl
Next summer if the tribe is just as big we should aim for 3x rates so it doesn't get boring too fast.
This. 5x just attracts too many shitters and casuals.
Plus the server will actually stand for a while and people might actually be able to get built up.
With a tribe the size of Oceania we could've taken out official servers, but no one likes that ridiculous grind. I think 3x would be a nice sweet spot. 5x is to easy for a huge tribe.
I just heard the a prime server has two alpha tribes who are being shitters.
Mite b fun
The thing is that official servers have very little war because of the enormous risk of building up and losing all your shit by making a bad call. In fact, most players on official rates are probably worse at PvP then they are on the servers we've played on.
I'm looking for 3x not official, no way I would play on official because what you said is true.
At least 3x lets people build up but it doesn't attract the casuals that 5x does.
>was considering joining the tribe
>tribe is ded
Welp, guess that makes my decision for me. See you fags next summer.
Since the last thread died b4 I got an answer, are it's stats good, or could I tame an even better bear?
Join us tonight. Smaller tribe made up of us who are left.
Looking to join Aprime arkland, but open to suggestion
Oh cool, I've got plans later tonight but I'll get in on it tomorrow.
The damage is really good, should be easy to get a health upgrade though.
Seems like we are stuck choosing between Fusions server or Aprime Arkland. I'm leaning towards a public server, or at least a server not run by us. Its much more fun to roll over pubbies than each other.
Looks like decent breeding stock to grow a monster.
Fusion here, a prime is the server I'm talking about. I don't run a server, I refer to a prime as "my old one" because I played there for 8 months before joining Oceania.
Well the way forward is clear than. At least for those of us who still want to play.
Yeah go get a head start I'll be on in an hour
Fuck downloading their anti-cheat software too, I don't want a bunch of freeware on my PC because Wildcard is to shit to police their own game.
any way to safely pen a shark without using behemoth gates?
No. Just make a stone behemoth and be done with it.
The best defense is more sharks. Alternatively, pillar walls will work to just keep wilds away from them, but players can still kill them.
Pillar walls + turrets and it'll keep away 90% of basic shitters.
Are you ready for a year of threads consisting only of the word bump?
for getting the sharks in past the pillars, would I just go up over the top or something?
they seem to be able to do that when tamed but not when wild
You build a dino gate to let the shark in.
I'm going to keep the thread going for recruitment and discussion. If it dies completely I'll make a steam group or something. For the time being in gonna use the aqualads discord, but I have my own if we need it.
Donut die plz
dont die already
yeah, the damage is pretty high tier from what ive seen (390.4 is highest ive seen post tame) should be a good breeder
>Tfw koksal baba casually tames pteras with 404% melee
which is awesome, but the 390.4 was on a rex,
inb4 pteraOP
We had 419.8 md on a rex on ride the ark, rip.
How populated is new server?
Decent, but not great.
Was 16 when I joined. Late though
Damn we gave up on RTR that fast? When did we become so bitch-made?
>Tfw I will no longer have a hardworking qt to breed my shit or to play with during ded hours
Is it me?
If you're Noco then yes. Breed my shitty Pteras again next summer.
Sounds gay. Can I breed you a few turtles instead?
I expect no less than 60 turtles.
That's only like a couple. I meant a few hundred.
Well shit, carry on then.
Sounds good. 100% Imprint on all of them or bust.
But in all seriousness I hope you all do well for your studies.
>I've literally never ever gotten a full imprint on a turtle because of how tight the time on it is
The life of an aqualad really is seasonal, isn't it?
Absolutely Haram.
>Have to sit around contemplating next seasons jihad
>I'm bored
>This party sucks
>I wish I was out beheading those who insult Triton
>Do these guys even put points into oxygen?
When we get to building a sea base, should we do it on an ice burg, or somewhere closer?
>2 images
We need lewds asap
>Chinks allowed
>Canadians are allowed
Shit clan, I'm happy you maplenigger loving queers got wiped.
I HOPE by the time a year rolls around Ark will have underwater bases added, so if it were up to me we'd live in a pineapple under the sea.
>mfw I used to log off on the table so that I wouldn't get swung around by quetzal platforms in the lighthouse
>my body is right there
>That perfect picture while shooting someone
bump b4 sleep, no dying
>be a bird
>run into jak
Snibbity snab
I literally said this before rtr and everyone said no
Don't die while I sleep plz.
Thred is already ded
bagina xDD
pls no diie while i sleep
As ded as my hopes and dreams
goodbye sweet thread
thread is kill
How fares the new serb?