Heroes of the Storm - /hotsg/

Fat Illidan edition

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Auriel Spotlight:

>Where do I find you panda-loving faggots?
/join Veeky Forums

>Do you have a discord?

>What hero should I buy?
Play all the heroes on free rotation and see what types you like. Don't buy heroes just to get into ranked. It's not worth it.

>Links nobody visits anyway
Official Site: us.battle.net/heroes/en
General News: heroesnexus.com
Tips & Tricks: heroesofthestorm.github.io/tips
Hero Rankings and Statistics: hotslogs.com/Default
Talent Calculator: heroesfire.com/hots/talent-calculator

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Kinda funny that you say that because this is more of an action brawler than a traditional moba. So spectating it should, on paper, feel more exciting and fun to watch. Unfortunately, that just isn't the case. I want to attribute that to the lack of impact a lot of the abilities have.
Also, Dota TI has been stellar so far.
You can't just ask for the succ. Gotta work for it.

Obtain the SUCCubus Kerrigan.

Reminder of reddit karma-whoring sell-out rats: reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/4mh256/theres_a_guy_on_Veeky Forums_who_has_accurately_leaked/


They are in this thread RIGHT NOW!

>want to play Zag but don't know how
>try a VS AI match for shits and giggles with her
>fucking Leoric does literally nothing but walk forward and attack enemy base, die, repeat, die.
>has zero hero damage until rest of our team start pushing into enemy base
>even then, probably just incidental
How is it possible to be a worse bot than the Blizzard AI?

I should note, we still won. But there was a time when the enemy team was 2 levels ahead of us because Leoric just kept walking forward.

Hey man,

I know nobody ever tells you this, but I appreciate what you're doing.

That is all.

>How is it possible to be a worse bot than the Blizzard AI?

Because he's probably botting himself

where did the "you are the only constant" meme show up from? is it from this game? is it some kind of pasta?

Seconded. It's not even the proper horsefucker too, the twat is into eqg.
Where the hell is Kelthuzahd and maiev

dunno if it comes from another game. in hots a single player cannot carry like in dota2 or lol since players share the same level thus losing xp/giving the enemy xp harms the whole team. in /hotsg/ a lot of people complain about bronze shitters feeding being responsible for their losses but get reminded that the only constant in their (losing) games is their own bronze ass.

Soon. I foresee no complications at thi-


Oh come on, Kel'Thuzad is probably going to be boring as fuck and shit.

It's from mobas in general. I saw it a bunch in lolg before I played this game. It comes from a common response to people whining about elo hell. The general idea is that, over a long period of time, if you are good, you will climb, since you are the only constant among all of your games. It's more or less a statistics thing.

What makes you think that?

I Think you're just upset all the elves got rekt for his ressurection.

Does /hotsg/ not watch events? I was expecting to come here seeing memes about ESL but it's literally just as dead a thread as ever.

Insofar in my placement matches (5 so far, 4W 1L) i've been with and against high golds and low diamonds, is that a good sign?

I don't bother even though I enjoy watching dedicated players. Just doin' other shit.

cant fuckin watch some shitters play rigged pro matches when I'M PLAYIN THE GAME YA DUMBASS, NOW CAN I?

It's not exactly something exciting to watch. MOBAs are a shit esport to watch

stopped watching it a few weeks ago
>40min waiting time, 20 min game, 15 min waiting, 20 min game, 40 min waiting,..
>casters who just shout ALL the time making a "HUGE PLAY" out of eveything (li-ming blinking out of a skillshot isn't that "incredible")
>casters who lack knowledge of the game
>widely stale meta
but i'm not a big fan of competitive (e)sports in general. only watch it hoping to learn something.

why even bother? what could i possibly get out of a lousy paid publicity attempt?

>what could i possibly get out of a lousy paid publicity attempt?
a generic ingame portrait

does it look nice at least or is it another one of those ugly shit icons with the year or a team name or some shit

HotS casters have no sense of pacing or buildup. They try to sound excited at every moment because someone drilled it into them that they need to be HYPE when it just makes them awful to listen to. When the excitement level of a core falling to 3% and surviving is only a tiny bit higher than every early game skirmish, there's a problem.

I stopped watching MOBA tourneys after one of the Dota 2 TIs was boring as fuck once the chinks were the only ones left. Basically maximizing meta and non-conflict.

I also forgot to mention the earlier HOTS tourneys were fucking forced as fuck. I don't know how they are nowdays and the webms featured from them so far haven't been enlightening. Rather just play the game myself.

the only "tournament" worth watching is khaldors meta madness because it bans heroes for the entire series so you actually see something different than the same old shit

it's always only a random hero's face with "2016" on it

you'd be lucky to see one good game outside the semis/finals so why bother. i watched all of the last EU seasonal but NA has been a special kind of terrible this year. they take stupid circus, low value play to a whole new level that shouldn't be possible on voice with people sitting right next to each other.

then there's the meta and the same few maps over and over. if you want to watch something just watch tempest/mvp from the last globals on repeat until blizzcon.

We should make a Veeky Forums team and go beat these chucklefucks and get some of that sweet esports money

i'd advise against it considering most of the thread is mad bronzeshitters

As neet as this was, it doesn't need to happen again. Don't force a meme.

So are these "pro" teams

Even if we had 5 players at master or GM, I see no way in hell that we could take a series off literally any of the teams in the tournament. I say this as a master/GM player that's played with and against most of those players in HL. I know it doesn't seem like it, especially if you're not accustomed to looking for the small things, but those guys are for sure some of the best individual players in the region, with loads of experience working in a competitive team. You can't just slap 5 dudes together and expect to do well in this game. Team synergy and communication is so fucking important it's insane, not to mention just how different comp matches play out compared to HL.

>pick johanna
>don't pick johanna

what did i mean by this?

As the person who originally posted this (and the version before), good job, user.

is there anything that actually counters johanna other than hitting her until she dies

What else would you do? She doesn't have anything in particular to counter.


That's really it. Valla and Lunara especially shit on her. Tychus as well but Tychus shits on nearly all tanks.


Blue wins. Uther is not gonna have a good time - too much burst. Rhegar will be able to trap falstad.

Hitting her teammates until they die.

Always bet on Murky.

it's a common response in multiple competitive games to shitters who complain that the only reason they're bronze instead of grand master is because their shitty team keeps making them lose

Red wins in a landslide if they aren't retarded. Blue has Chromie but not the peel to protect her. All red has to do is dive hard on her with Anub, GM and Murky. Rehgar could potentially keep her up through a dive with Ancestral, but Anub could just Web her out when he goes in.

Another game done!


some asshole programmed the xp system with floating point numbers

i swear this has happened to me so many fucking times, i hate it so much holy shit

>Page 10

dat murky lurking on the right corner...

it's the weekend, user
everyone knows not to play hots over the weekend

Not even on the list.

>completely forgot i was on ranked queue
>check back


From silver 3 to plat 5, thanks li-ming! Objective for this season achieved! Now I'll just see if I can keep going up but if I cant Im still satisfied.

Good job, user!

>"I should be thanking you user, after all, you controlled me so well~"

That you might tend to die a lot when you play heroes that run a remote risk of dying?

Don't be a faggot jesus christ

Good shit user, not even memeing.

That's got to be a record for vertical movement, at least in Veeky Forums. I started in Diamond 5 at literally the start of the season and I'm only just recently in Diamond 4.


I'll save you!

>tfw you're diamond 1 but still pick/ban over GMs

this system is awful

When does the season end?

>*Darkflights behind you*
>*Turns into a werewolf*
>*Goes for the throat*
>*Disengages and throws cocktail to your face*
pssst... my curse will be your undoing, kid.

>*Blinks behind you*
>*Singularity Spikes you*
>*Cleaves you*
>*Wormholes back behind some terrain
psssst... soup dash sallac, kid

>soup, dash sallac

mm, sounds delicious

>soup dash sallac
turkish food, nice

ur a bronzie so ur enemies dont know who/how to focus

Zeratul is a fucking gentleman, when he fucks you he makes you dinner afterwards.

>*runs and guns you*
>*pulse bombs you*
>*melee and recalls back to safety*
pssst... the cavalry is here, kid.

>team wants to meme with aba and tracer
>pick hammer to meme with them
>they dodge

>*charges you from bushes*
>*cleaves and slams you*
>*implaes you to the ground*
>*slams you even more*
grrr... fresh meat, meat
I want that rework, goddamit

>especially if you're not accustomed to looking for the small things

I'm late, but I'm interested. What are these small things you speak of? Can I use them to improve my game?


>he needs a rework to git gud with the meat man

I don't know, I'm a bronzie playing bronzies and my enemies seem remarkably adept at focusing the appropriate heroes.

Do this for Artanis

Bet you can't to be quite honest.

>*Phase Prisms through you*
>*triple slash laser katanas you*
>*Blade Dashes into you*
>*purifies you with a laser*

psst... en taro adun, kid

>*blinks behind you*
>*silences you and your team for 3 whole seconds*
>*calls down the moon to disintegrate you*
Psst, night elves are the right elves... kid

Time is running out anons why are you still not GM?

>*Dark Portals behind you*
>*Polly Bombs your whole team*
>*Gives you the master's touch*
>*Dark Portals back out*

Pssh, didn't even need to cheat, kid.




Those games where you're faerie waifu, and you have to finish off the enemy's sausage of health yourself because your assassins have lady parts.

You'd think people would realize how much arcane flare hurts by now. And people still discount unstable anomaly. I don't even bother with manic pixie anymore after the buffs she got.


It's really hard for me to explain it, mostly because there's so much and text is a poor medium to put this in, but I'll try to give a few examples.

For example: In one game of the tournament, red team was level 19.4 on tomb versus level 19.8 blue team. Red had just summoned spiders, but knew they weren't going to get full value out of them because blue was about to hit 20 and try to force a fight. They spent about a minute hard pushing as 5 as much as they could before blue got their shit together, and red ended up getting two forts. After the second fort, all 5 IMMEDIATELY mount up and pull out, even though blue isn't 20 yet, but they know that they'll hit it soon. Blue team also knows this and immediately gives chase, knowing they'll hit 20 in a matter of seconds due to trickle xp. There's a tense few seconds where blue, mounted up as well, chase red, still 19 v 19, with ETC being JUST out of range of a slide on zagara. Then, 20 hits for blue, and because red's zagara had mounted up just a SECOND later than she should have, blue ETC bolted in and stunned her before she could get to safety, leading to red trying to save her, leading to a convincing fight win for blue, leading to blue's victory. The fact that both teams knew what the other was thinking, knew what was the best option at the time, knew the exact time windows to start moving, and moved more as two single organisms than 10 random dudes.

I know most people still probably wouldn't see that fight like I and the casters did, even if I break it down second by second in text like this. Maybe if I were able to sit down and break down the vod in a video or something, it might be easier to understand. Second example coming up because character limit.

Another example: Another game on tomb, a fight breaks out near bottom turn-in. Red Sonya gets caught in the middle of the enemy team, but her team is close by to help. Red Tyrael knows their support won't get to her in time to save her, so the only possible thing that can save her is sanc. However, it's too dangerous to walk all the way over to her to sanc and risk getting stunned and killed himself, not to mention that it would take too long. He's also just used his Q to get as close as he currently is. So, he sancs right where he's standing to create a sort of safe zone, and Sonya tries to walk into this. Blue Thrall knows that this is what they're trying to do as well, and he has a good position perpendicular to Sonya and Tyrael. The sanc is already down, and he team is out of stuns long enough to stop the wrath Sonya from walking into it. So, he sunders to push her directly away from the sanc and seal her fate. However, he's just a fraction of a second too slow and Sonya manages to make it inside and to safety. All of this happened in about three seconds.

Even outside of these two specific examples, there are a billion small mistakes every game that high level players could make that would lead to them being garbage tier. Like in the last example, even being fractions of a second late on a small, innocuous decision like mounting up or backing can cost you the game. I hope you could at least understand the general idea I'm getting at here with all this.

>W when you're at full health and sylv is at 20%



W does damage and resets your basic attack, giving you 2 very fast basic attacks AND W damage, plus it can proc the talent that increases your move speed by 30% if you take it allowing you to chase. What you saw there was a player not fucking around and not taking any risks.

But he didn't use W to reset his auto there. The auto was already off cooldown (or so close that the W reset didn't matter) by the time he blinked over the wall. He essentially just W'd instead of autoing when a single auto does like 10x more damage than W. He also didn't need the movespeed from W because just a single auto would have killed her.

I mean, I know it doesn't matter at all in the grand scheme of things, and it doesn't really say anything significant about the skill of the player, but it was just a little thing that caught my eye.

W+AA still does more damage than just AA and if you're not sure one AA will kill... not saying it was necessary though.


anyone have numbers on win % for Raven Lord and Grave Keeper on Towers of Doom?

Please post the bees.
Do we have an updated full collection?
