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>tfw no chalice dungeon equivalents
>5 unique posters replying to my FC posts
>only one person shows up
Is it because of the location, you guys don't want to fight at ADP?
second for das1 has the best pvp
This is only because From is FUCKING AWFUL at balancing armor
having HSWC give poise is an example of their terrible balancing
I blame Bamco.
oh shit I'll come join
wait for meeeeeeeeeee
What the fuck is this shit. This isn't a souls picture you dingus.
M-maybe we'll get Chalice Dungeons in the DLC.
Can you still fashion in 3?
fuck you lucitard.
go get some friends you attention starved whore
God I hate posting off topic, but can some explain to me what the hell just happened in this .gif?
>This isn't a souls picture
It's from Soul Eater
Never could
Give me like 5 minutes to kill OCCCEELLOOTEEE
Dog having a dream. Sleep running dog.
Oh, I didn't know this was a Soul Eater gen to talk about the manga and anime exclusively.
He's got a point though. For some reason if gear has effects in Dark Souls it tends to be the ugliest piece of trash like the Duck crown, family masks or a literal clown shirt.
If you're use HA-heavy weapons, such as ultras, or abuse greatsword WA HA, I highly recommend running somewhere around 35 poise absorption (The stat disaplyed in your equipment screen). Ignore the anti-poisers. They don't use non-meta weapons without hyper armor and have no experience with low poise.
>/dsg/ is too shit to kill two sully doggers
holy shit you fucks are useless
Giantmom existed because havels boosted equip load by 50%, Favor by 20%, and a 3 piece set of Giant's gave you enough poise to resist a 2h ultra hit
It's having a nightmare. It's running. At some point it wakes up and immediately tries to keep running away, only to hit the wall.
>not a Soul picture
>point out it is a Soul picture
Giant Mom was popular because of the DWGR.
>tfw anus is on fire from constant farting
>can't sleep and it's 3 a.m
Do you guys have any recommendations of fun Souls Youtubers? Preferably PvE oriented.
post yfw the fucking Astora Greatsword__ was real.
Elijah's speedruns
DS2 360 anyone?
How to make a viable fist wep build?
I assume 40/40 would be a good start, but what rings or buffs if any should I use?
Also want to work in dragon form too.
EpicNameBro, but he tends to stop playing and listen to himself a lot.
oh zilrael when you're done experimenting with that can i have it back ;-;
it took forever to get
Aren't you on NG+? No need to kill again for gesture
It's not a Dark Souls picture. Just because it has "Soul" in it does not make it relevant. Your shitty joke isn't funny, Lucifer. Put your trip back on, you crazed tranny.
Is there any way to get 2 Morne's Hammer? I want to use one in each hand
Never went to archdragon on my mage/pyro
As long as they don't make a defiled Chalice, I'll be alright with them
Oh I'll give it back then
This guy's perma-gravelord, aggression, weapon-swap mod is entertaining youtube.com
The Anor Londo part is particularly fun
Trade with another player for a second one.
At least you admit you have autism.
The fuck? They should start with a defiled chalice. The chalices in BB were boring before you got to the cursed ones.
I think people who try to host FC's and have less than 100up/100down should be banned from the game
Are there any gauntlets in in DaS2 that look like Gwyn's gauntlets? Closest I can think of are the dingy cuffs or moonlight butterfly cuffs, and both are really stretching it.
I don't recognize the spot
where is this specifically?
Yes, get given it or play NG+
I watched that guys Giant Dad speed run, he's pretty alright
See what I said there, armor is a passive chouce and making it matter too much only hurts the variety in game. There'd be this best set for fast rolls and that for mid rolls which everyone would use.
my internet is good user pls dont bully me ;-;
Right next to the first bonfire outside of the ancient wyvern gate lads
Host doesn't matter, the connection is between players.
Hey, I remember that guy. He's the one who made a whip-only run, right?
It was pretty fun to watch, through a little painful.
Put your trip back on, Lucifer. If you've got a good bone in your body, doubtful as that is, you'll put your trip back on so that those who have filtered you can be spared from your 3rd grader comebacks and general autism.
Yes, because it's fun getting one shotted on Watchdog of the Old Lords and have to restart everything. I like the Ihyll chalice because, if I die, it's because I genuinely fucked up, not because I have half health
>people can go to level 230+ with no downscaling
His Tomb of the Giants run is hilarious
Skip to 1:33:10
Few people do, even if they can.
Oh boy! Is it plug your shit channel time already?
>trying to CLANG with guts build
>faggot just BS fishes with hornet ring
Guts has had a hard life
lobos doesn't post here
I honestly don't care if I fight against 230. If they throw magix at me it will be more entertaining.
Still a shit channel.
Well, no need to throw a shitfit over it, user
>first time in Anor Londo
>decide to try and summon solaire (at bonfire with him)
>end up summoning 2 other phantoms instead
>they rush off
>what the fuck
>follow them, blitzing through the silver knights and other enemies
>fog gate
>oh this must lead to another area
>Pic related appear
>2 phantoms destroy them in no time
>no deaths, 1 estus used
>I just got robbed of the most iconic boss fight in Dark Souls
I hate myself, console me
>le pessimistic toxic videogame player meme
Probably the best PVE related das1 channel on youtube. Just filter if it triggers you so much, autistic cunt.
It you got killed by the Defiled Watchdog then you genuinely fucked up too. Half health just forces you to get good instead of trying to face tank everything like a typical shitter.
>having autistic fit about a funny cartoon
>accuses others of being autistic
I've beaten 2 in like 20 different ways. What's some obscure build I could run for another playthough?
That's just your opinion, man
You avoided something that made a lot of players go hollow;
Sl1 fist only coc
There is the black crystal and you could let them kill you
im waitin to be summond m8.
I kinda feel the same.
I got lucky with the Black Knight in Undead Burg who dropped his BKS, and that thing made the game far too easy for me.
Bosses went down so quickly, and I killed O&S with little difficulty on my first try. I feel shit about it still.
At least, though, BKS is what got me into great/ultra greatswords. I don't regret it in that regard.
Yeah it is just my opinion. Tried to see if i'd enjoy his other videos but didn't. I guess I shouldn't have called his channel shit
No, it's because I made one mistake and need to redo the entire fight, baiting out its bite attacks the entire time. It fucking boring. what the fuck makes you think I try to tank everything?
What's your name, dude?
Signs go here, across from the bonfire, below the archway.
>tfw all the x-2 bosses are hard as fuck in demon souls
I forgot to put on the password
Christ man, gave me a heart attack. I thought I was just not seeing your sign or something and skipping over you.
Old Hero and Dirty Colossus are easy.
>I made one mistake
That's the key phrase there. You made a mistake, and you got punished for it. You still aren't going to die unless you do something completely stupid like getting hit by his super telegraphed charge, or getting hit by a bite during instability frames.
>baiting out its bite attacks the entire time
It's really not, and the entire fight takes like 3 minutes even by just baiting out the bites. If you just want to run in and mash R1 like a retard then that is on you.
>you live in a world where soneone thinks colossus is hard
Honestly, this is my favorite PC FC location so far.
How're your guys' framerates on you toasterfags?
>implying Old Hero is easy without cheesing him with arrows and praying to the rng gods that he won't do his circle attack
Downed him on my first try. Blocking is good, shields are great.
So...this is...the power...of /dsg/'s reaper play...Not bad
I love it when you're fighting a pyro and their animations don't play. :D
Git gud
What the fuck are you using that beats him in 3 fucking minutes then?
Why don't people with high FP utilize the Twin Princes' Greatsword? Sure, it's AR is pretty bad even with a quality character and slightly worse if you're going for a pyromancy/faith/sorcery build, but it's weapon art is what deals the most damage and is very unpredictable in the right hands, so I'd assume anyone who is deciding on using magic would have one.
>using shields
Considering it was 2010 and my first time going through a souls game, I'd say I'm okay with being called a casual.
Baiting out bites and smacking him in the face. It takes like 3 minutes. On a Str build with the Axe. On a Skl build with the Pick. Etc.
Need to two hand on use WA shield for it. As a caster, you're always rising a huge red flag and annoucing you're shooting the laser if you do it.
>not using bows
I am furious
Yeah, that's exactly what I did with the axe and it took atleast 8-10 minutes
>sprinting under 30% weight is only 5% faster than sprinting under 70% weight
What does it have to do with bows?
Less than 4 minutes
>running thief with dual daggers
>can't parry for shit
>casting the tower knight spell on himself
No one has any tips?
I did not mean to reply.