Fertile Demacian wenches edition.
Old and busted
Fertile Demacian wenches edition.
Old and busted
Other urls found in this thread:
Volibear best waifu
Furst for burds
>leave lolg for over a year
>come back
>everyone still retarded
>shitters posting about how they can't get out of bronze/silver
>shit taste in waifus
Why the fuck did I open this thread again?
Important (lewd) poll pls vote!
>arcade ahri
it seems fiora ruined the party like she ruined my elo
You didnt had to doing it twice if you dont like this place. Be an atettionwhore elsewhere :^)
>people spending IP on shit champions they will never use just to complete the le album xd
>when chromas will be on sale for 2k IP a piece for a limited time.
nice meme
Also like how she ruined me for other League-girls.
>tfw people use my reaction images
>tfw birds are awesome
>tfw no owl champion
Rengar is so fucking obnoxious of a champion
Best male charecter
Best chest.
Best hair.
I miss graves poster
xth for ap nunu
>That lulu option
>Mfw I'm black
>Mfw I'm a thuggish youth
>Mfw I get to ruin Lulu for lulufag forever
This is my type of poll, this shit was made for me
Does anyone else here retexture there champs to suit themselfs? I main jax and I changed his icon to have the little level 7 mastery thing in the coner and I changed his cape on his classic skin to be white instead of purple.
I wonder what happened
Did he find the man of his dreams?
I hope so.
Nothing lasts forever, friends. Don't forget that.
Appreciate the people who are always with you and enjoy every moment you get.
Bait his spin and shield
go in afterwards
disengage with E, he can't catch up
t. garen memer
my extendo last forever, fuck u mean
take ignite and push to his tower the entire game
but I want it to last forever, why can't it last forever user?
it's not fair. i'll make it last forever. you can't tell me what to do
will there be more of these agument boxes?
Friends and family are alive one second but gone the other. It's surprising how quickly and unexpectedly that change happens.
Cherish them while you can because you never know when they'll be gone for good.
tryndamere is a fucking retarded champion
xth for best hips!
How do you even go about winning games as Lee in plat or below?
Show me on this doll where he right-clicked you.
Illaoi go away
>play annie + veigar bot lane because why not
>safe farm till lv 6
>annie clicks Q for stun and i press R
>enemy adc is deleted
GG, out played and outskilled.
lord of the memes grant me strength
thnx for sweet message user
just don't pick him
pick maokai and be effective with your braindead point n click snare, free tankyness, free dmg, free dmg reduction for your team, free ward etc
did u lose someone? : (
his right arm touched my peepee
for real though, he didn't touch me, I've touched other with him
just had a game where I fed a fiora 4 kills because of getting camped, still farmed and was able to 1v1 her and split to victory
had another game today where the enemy completed ignored me pushing from tier 2 tower to top inhib during their siege
high plat elo as well
Oh hey, contest update!
Hey /lolg/ you are now head of the balancing department at riot. What do you do to change the meta?
I would buff urgot, morde, yorick and a bunch of underplayed champion's to cancer levels and nerf the shit out of champions like zed, yas and ekko
>twitch 1/7
>i'm diana and had a hard time with gp while the enemy jungle was camping my thick pale moonlight ass
>i'm 1/2
>lost all my motivation
>"you guys surrender in 20 or I'll quit"
>they don't surrender
>I actually quit
I bet he regrets it now
Mundo or Gnar.
Muay Thai or Knockout?
>getting carried through plat as support
you're a fucking quitter as well as a shitter
cottom farmer kled WHEN
>I would buff urgot, morde, yorick and a bunch of underplayed champion's to cancer levels and nerf the shit out of champions like zed, yas and ekko
You main one of those and You're a hipster
Nobody likes you.
And as soon as you do that they'll call you cancer
go away
Dragon Rage
you autist he's bard top, did you even look at the champions?
How the fuck do you play Teemo? What do you build?
I've tried several builds over the past 5 matches and got raped every time.
Muay Thai is the worst skin that is somehow popular. Probably because it's so overused
The one with hard cc
>bard top
Remove true damage against champions from the game
Why would you want to buff the king of no counterplay?
t. twitch
watch'a gonna do? report me? so they will judge me on the tribunal? oh yeah, it is deactived for 2 years now
I literally rampage shitting in these servers and this company can do nothing to stop me
>mfw my 2 best friends ruined our 15-year long friendship because one -with approval of the other- got with the other's ex, only to find out the other wanted to get back with her 2 weeks later
>no safe space to go back to
>Things that pisses you off
-As a jungler, a lane is pissed that you haven't ganked their lane even though you know that it's a bad idea to gank during that time, especially if your champ needs to farm to 6 quickly as much as possible like Nocturne
-People who judges a person heavily and harshly during early game. I understand the frustration you get from seeing someone getting killed during early game (especially if it occurs frequently) but come on, some champs will kick ass later on, not to mention if their enemy laner is someone who counters them easily, so be patient. Reserve your rage 'till mid to late game if you can clearly see that that person is not improving at all.
-People that are just plain stupid. Double the salt if they think their doing fine and blames someone else instead.
Nah dude, I've come to rob your homes, rape your daughters, and feed with Yasuo top
on hit shit if you're against tanks
guinsoo > runaas> bork> mallet some other on hit shit
ap if they are all squishies
ap is just shit if they have 2 tanks because they will eat your shrooms
>the enemy completely ignored me pushing to inhib tower
Had this exact thing happen, then I made the mistake of helping my team who managed to feed there asses of to an akali, she was over 20 kills 25mins in.
As garen i was able to 1v1 her even though i only had half her kills but she still outplayed me when her team had her back. Eventually lost the game because jinx was way too behind and the enemy graves was just stomping on her.
Did i also mention that jinx's support was a yasuo? I should have dodged instead of thinking it wont be that bad.
Instead of adapting to a situation /lolg/ would rather a champion be straight gutted instead
are there any dual wielding champs besides loaf?
>pruposely trying to change the meta as opposed to letting it evolve itself
not gonna make the same mistakes Blizzard does.
Id work on fixing and updating older champs and adding more content.
Junglers that fuck up the minion wave while I'm playing top lane and put me behind in experience. The worse part is you ping them back and they just get pissed off and start typing.
GP is best husbando. c:
I miss Graves too...
What's up your ass?
>teammate says "don't ban blitz"
>I ban it
>leave leblanc, yasuo and zed open
lucifer is my middle name
she needs 3$ for toothbrush and toilet paper?
shyv sort of
fast negro of many dashes
>All the champions I play are almost canon as having gigantic dicks
Am I subconsciously compensating for something?
Draven is better
draven proposal picture when
>tiny chink dick instead of udyr
Leaked splash art for upcoming League of Legends champion.
Hello friends I dropped from masters 120ish lp to d1 25lp can any of you guys give me some words of encouragement so that I can get back to where I once was?
>teammate says "don't ban vayne"
>i pick vayne
>roam bot lane all game just to steal cs
>big dicks
lol, no
dont be gay mang
Master/challenger players play like shit too. So it's not just us who are bad. They are bad too. They are really bad too.
Best girl.
Best scent.
Best wife.
>no google image search hit
>sion, darius, graves and panth not having big dicks
>best scent
Lulu smells like dried cum due to all the dicks she sucks
Always believe in yourself, son. Do it for Jesus.
>enemy team is Xin, Riven, Fiora, Karma
what the fuck do I do about this? im adc
but you can't propose to urself
can you?
Hope your team has peel and CC.
>Have tuition and insurance payments coming up
>Captain Fortune on sale
Meme it up and go something like adc mundo.
We both know riven is going to snowball her opponent out of control, might as well have fun.
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Why is he so cute lads?