/ddg/ - Dragon's Dogma General

Best girl edition

You can change vocations at level 10 at the Gran Soren inn or BBI.
Character appearance can be changed later on.
You don't need pawns, but they help.
Don’t miss your sidequests: dragonsdogma.wikia.com/wiki/Side_Quest_Progression
Further info on "Must Do" sidequests: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qS9A47duONEwozGu8A6_oX_HyCxgBwbquGmlZqEQqqg/edit?usp=sharing
Make sure you understand the romance system before you get too far: dragonsdogma.wikia.com/wiki/Beloved

>Wiki you lazy shit


>NEW /ddg/ Pawn Sheet

>Stat Growths

>RC Calculator

>In-depth Beginner/Advanced Player Guide and FAQ

> Old /ddg/ Pawn Sheet

>Character Creator Sliders

>Collection of small mods (model/color swaps etc.)

>Current mods available
pastebin.com/jcbPgLdj (embed)

>Hotkey Script for PC Players
pastebin.com/7gju0zt8 (embed)

>Modding on console and old pawns
pastebin.com/NMTBXnxA (embed)

>Guide to get DDO
pastebin.com/hywvK0qT (embed)

>DDO Beginners Guide
pastebin.com/xgzbcXNg (embed)

>Screenshot Guide
pastebin.com/6YtfNbcb (embed)

>Make webms
pastebin.com/4ipnGRND (embed)

>[un]official Steam group

Previous thread:

These threads don't seem to be lasting long. /ddg/ death soon?

I'd say it's already dead.

And I bought the game a month ago. Fuck

The other thread practically reached post and image limit. We're fine!

M8, the one I pulled up earlier didn't even have 20 posts before it got got.

I didn't even have time to post.

Why the fuck do the BBI dragons have more fucking health in their wings than in their entire fucking body?

And why put one in a fucking village where it's tail constantly clips into buildings where you can't fucking get to it.

We go through cycles

so I'm assuming at this point getting your pawn hired is basically impossible right?

It's a shame. This game is so fucking good. I'm just getting back into it after being unable to play basically any games for a couple months and I really wish I could have been here for the PC launch.

>at my 4th playthrough decide to make a new arisen, a female one
>instantly go for big-bootied maiden's "set" wearing hottie
>feel bad about myself
>see someone named "lolivamplover" in the wiki
I suddenly feel a lot less bad about myself

I just bought the game on steam and just fled the spooky tentacle pit

Am I in for a ride?

>first time playing
>finish up a quest, going back to the city for my reward
>complete fucking pitch black nighttime
>hear a gust of wind and a slight roar
>"what the fuck was that?"
>for 10 seconds i look at the sky to figure out what just took off
>a fucking dragon lands right next to me
>glowing eyes in pitch blackness and shit
> i start to book it
>catches up anyway and kills me

fun times.

I had an amazing ranger/strider as my first pawn but I later turned them into a fighter/warrior while I leveled non-melee roles myself.

Now that they're back to ranger they're always going melee and almost never shooting except when using skills, what the hell am I doing wrong? Their inclinations now are challenger and utilitarian.


Not really. PC version still gets a goodly amount of random hires--not a ton, of course, but it should mostly be enough to cover purification.

Unless your pawn is a dude, in which case you're just fucked.

Same thing happened to me, except it was before I finished my quest and I had Adaro in tow.

Also I managed to not die, which was nice.

I shill occasionally in the thread and the hires I get are enough to cover my purification and rarefying costs, so it's not too bad.

Ideally you want your ranger pawn to be using skills constantly--preferably the shooty ones, of course. What dagger skills do you have set?

You may also have scather or something in the tertiary incli spot that's making him want to melee more.

You can just unequip his daggers, in which case he will only shoot from range.

Just killed the Ur-Dragon, am i good for the DLC?

Figure I'll go ahead and plug Snapdragon again, seeing as the last thread died shortly afterwards. Level 125 ranger, 100% resistances to sleep, petrification and possession. Want to rack up that monster knowledge and if anyone feels like gifting BBI Gear so I can finally get some decent skill rings, that would be cool too.

Gonna play for a bit, I'll grab her.

Anyone else?

Hundred kisses, instant reset and advanced trigger. Didn't expect other inclinations to matter that much, guess that the time as a warrior ruined their habits.

They're slowing shooting more, though
I guess.

Oh and I've decided to go to BBI which I put off for a while.

I'm new to the game still, am I poorly leveled or are you meant to be escaping from most of those large monsters that appear?

What level are you?
Entering BBI is a good idea when youre level 50-60 and have fairly good gear.


Uh, user...

I mean I tried it before around that level range you mentioned but come a boss like monster and I'd be one-shot.

And still shit is tough. I had to run from the random cursed dragons and I can only beat eliminators by grabbing their necks and attacking non-stop since they can't counter at all. It feels cheap.

Killed some bishop guy and unlocked those two doors at the entrance to the isle though, it almost seems like I'm doing progress.

Is there any reason to use lift stones when you have the eternal ferrystone? Seems they both just take you to the entrance of BBI.

Also, I killed the condemned gorecyclops in midnight helix, but I don't really know how I got its helmet off. What's the trick?

Eternal Ferrystone is unusable once you're actually inside BBI (as in, not on the pier).

There's a strap running over the scalp of the Gorecyclops' head connecting the mask and the brace on its neck. Do enough damage to that, and the helmet falls off.

Depends, killed the Ur-Dragon but BBI still fucked me up. Come prepared or get wrecked

Prey fought back. Lots of surprises.

Those cursed pawns one-shot all characters with spells or 2h weapons, giant gore cyclops everywhere, death or elder ogres won't stop spawning.

Jesus Christ the base game was too easy but now this is just not fun

You're unskilled. You can get better.

I can't, it's more about numbers at this point.

Knock them over, m8.

>Best girl edition
>doesn't have best girl

If you're talking about your second run through BBI then either your are underleveled or undergeared. Either go find a good grinding spot or rush through and farm the chests.

Mate they shrug fully charged Indomitable Lash with a Dragon's Repast without flinching.

First run, I might as well rush.
It's hard mode but I don't think it matters.

Boltbringer or Twinterfang should be accessible at that point of the game through Lv2 Weapon drops/chest drops.
If you're unlucky with the drops I guess you could shill your pawn and I could give away a Lv2 Weapon from my hoard.

I'm honestly giving up.
Thanks for the offer.

Oh come on, take the help.

Have you tried just walking past them?

>tfw we'll never get a proper Dragon's Dogma 2

Dogma online control scheme is balls

no rebinding skills

plus shift + skill has a small window, (like 5 frames at most) where it has a chance not to proc due to a bug with the shield or some shit. shits retarded

I'll grab her. If I get any lvl 2-3 rings, I'll send them your way.

You could do that, but a lot of BBI is basically a Daimon damage check. If you find yourself having difficulty killing Eliminators then you're going to spend hours fighting Daimon himself.

It's about pleasure, user.

how do I make a qt girl anons? Literally impossible.

Also, is hard mode even worth it? I accidentally deleted my save with all my gear. I really want to start over and hard mode seems cool. Is it just a hassle to play or is it actually "fair" hard


Make a qt pawn by having a model or something. Take a picture of a real qt from different angles if possible and then try to make an identical looking pawn and then modify it to look different if you want.

Also, hard mode isn't really all that hard, but I think it was a lot of fun. BBI was more fun in hard mode.

I made her a Ranger now, didn't give her daggers so she should shoot things just fine.
Looking for Moonshimmer Pelts if you got 'em.

She used to be a fighter right? I have her now I think, will send back a pelt when I get home.

Yep, she was. Thanks for the pelt in advance.

>It looks like we've truly seen the Dragon's Dogma. Dark, Arisen; we'd best find lodging

Seriously Capcom? Fire your fucking hack writers

God damn I love my ranger pawn. She absolutely obliterates bosses with that great gamble.

I was fighting the lich and his dragon and that Lich fell on the ground and my pawn went up to him and aimed the bow into the back of his head execution style and half of that guys HP bars just fucking vanished.

Thanks, lads.

>qt girl
Is that really a girl's name?

fucking perfect
is that really a line in DA?

>check pawn after months of not playing
>11 hirings
>all three stars/no comment/no gift

please protect my pawn and dont let her die so easily


stop it

You wouldn't plow a dirty she-goat, would you?

I'd pay for DDDA again if it meant getting the rest of the planned content put in the game

Wait what?

I'm off /ddg/. Have to leave Dragon's Dogma behind to concentrate on other stuff, like work, and other games, like Dragon Age.

Take care of Octavia in my stead, she's a level 112 Fighter. Search for 114 if she's not appearing in the rift.

I'll see you in the next chain of the eternal return.

Take care of yourselves.

Ooh, those hips.

I wouldn't stop until she's pregnant

So in the Tainted Mountain, can I go back right before the dragon to change my vocation? Or will I be locked in there once I enter?

Also, of I equip a Sword and Bow and beat Grigori, do I get both Dragon's Dogma AND the Dragon Bow?

>Design Idea 3

>follower comes back from assisting someone
>0 RC
>No comment
>5 stars for everything

Did someone just hire my pawn to oogle at her or wtf?

Yes and yes. You can turn back before tou go through the gate from the prologue. You get whatever weapon types you had equipped.

That happened to me too.
Never experienced something like that in PS3.

hey guys

i want my mystic knight to be as DEUS VULT as possible

i already have the divine surcoat and chimeric helmet, anything other recommendations for fashion?

I actually did this to one pawn.
I went into the rift, released my two pawn, then spent some time trying to find good pawn.
I was looking for pawn to fight Daimon 2.0 BBI and hired a sorcerer and a ranger. Then I noticed that the Ranger had a rusted longbow.

I was right in front of Daimon's Door, so I released the ranger with 5/5/5 because a rusted longbow would have been useless against Daimon 2.0.

So no worries user, it could have been that your pawn was "accidentaly" hired.

Dragon knight helm instead of edgelord.
>not being a crusader

>can't even get that helmet because i have shit luck

user please

I've done it before if I didn't get them any RC. Sometimes I just change my mind about who I want in the party after I've already hired two pawns.

Just go through every possible combination untill something looks good.

He said qt, not slutty.

Shes naked so you can dress her up.
Pawns are nothing more than dress-up dolls anyway.

Anyone have some sliders for a good shortstack kinda girl ? They just end up loooking like fat dwarves when I try

the secret is facetype 28, nosetype 6

I've been playing around with this the past week. Just keep trying until you find something you like.

Then try something else.

The do more stuff and end up putting a mask over it.

I know you guys come up with backstories for your characters. Post 'em.

My Arisen was a bounty hunter from a foreign land who figured that the job of Arisen was better than her current gig. Incapable of imagining a more competend person than herself, she made herself a clone pawn.

After defeating Grigs and getting fucked over by the Duke, she left Gransys for BBI and hasn't turned back since. Now she's old and tired.

looks gud



Mine are too weird to share.

My Arisen is an autistic assassin who was orphaned as a teenager. Since he's autistic, he was bullied and wronged by others and when he was forced to kill a man or die himself, he figured he'd become an assassin since it doesn't require any social skills. Being the autist he is, he made himself a waifu that looks like one of those girls he saw drawn in ye olde tome of drawings of nudity and reviling acts of sexuality. Tome was called 'Boy that playeth - Volume 2'

I figured since the Arisen always acts like a socially awkward autist in the cutscenes, he must be at least just that.

>no qt hat 4 quina


You better not die, /ddg/.

This is the actual best DD screenshot I've seen.

Thanks. I always liked taking them on console, didn't really get into it on PC. Burnout's a bitch.

>tfw I deleted my save to go back to Everfall tier because BBI is boring as fuck and I forgot to save sliders for my hot as fuck Arisen.

Just killed the Dragon

can I get some context? what the FUCK just happened to my sunny cassardis?
and how much more content is there in post-game?

You'll find out. There's still plenty of game to go. And then BBI.

That said, this is technically "post-game" but it's not really the end of the story until you beat Everfall.

The plot is shit though. It's literally "You must kill the dragons. No Arisen you are the dragons. Wait no that's not right, the dragons is a metaphor."

Okay maybe not literally but the answer to what happened to your beautiful fantasy world is that the plot is utter shit and the DM had a fit of CREATIVITY.


That is hot.