spectrum edition
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CURRENT UPDATE: Specters of the Rail
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nth for the filters have been updated.
>first CP after 300 hours
>mfw I finally get CP
>Nezha still not impregnated
Nekros Update when?
>tfw still no Deluxe skin for Mesa that gives her a poncho and turns her Regulators into actual revolvers
>tfw still no Akvasto Prime
>tfw still no Aklex Prime
There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn’t he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.
I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little nezha impregnation post up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don’t even fill in the captcha. Maybe you’re such a disgusting SHITTER that you actually paid for a Veeky Forums pass, so you just choose the skeleton gif. Oh, and we all know that picture. The “skeletal" guy, isn’t it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your plat on the floor, but it’s ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that’s right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she’s probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Veeky Forums posting about a fucking petite frame. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became BPNPC. A pathetic BPNPC NEET fag. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can’t even try to talk with you because all you say is “I REALLY REALLY LIKE THIS BOIPUCCI.” You’ve become a parody of your own self. And that’s all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he’s done a million times now. And that’s all you’ll ever be.
*I'm still not impregnated by Nezha
Don't fall for his fuccboi act user. Run before it's too late. He'll trap you.
Are you going to delete this like you did last time?
No spelling errors this time?
>still no clan
well i guess ill just save my money till i can afford to buy wukong and the other stuff i want
>g-guys, nezha is totally scary, t-trust me!
>h-he's not a pathetic hole for c-cocks at all!
t. nezha
What is this?
So they release this really nice mod called Health Conversion, which absolutely becomes essential on a frame like desecrate Nekros
In the dev stream, they made it seem like the toggle wasn't going to drain health which would effectively nerf Nekros, anyone got any other info on this? Worried about Jack Hellington getting hurt bad right before his prime comes out
t. Nezha's rape victim
its not at all hard to join one, stop being an autistic fuck
both are related to spam. I see nothing wrong here.
>health conversion
>essential on nekros
u wot m8
>finally have the Redeemer
>this better be worth the effort
>hold E
>level 40 heavy gunner gets fucking Team Rocketed away
>this happens without a single mod on the weapon
Shit nigguh I think I found my new favorite melee.
join crescent you cuck
Just apply to warbros, worst case you get into spectrum
Should I make akvasto or akmagnus?
Hmm, we'll be sure to fix that """bug""" straight away, 10o! There might be a delay, so we'll just make it into two parts!
>have melee binded to mouse wheel
>will never be able to use redeemer
>sold after maxing
>CURRENT UPDATE: Specters of the Rail
>trying to get drift mods in pubs
IGN: Crumpeter0
And now, a song:
(I mean, he was a launcher man)
(or maybe he was just a launcher)
You can always rebind it though.
What the fuck is spectrum? Haven't been around for a while and now there's prime and apparently spectrum.
can someone explain this draco thing to me?
Was it a good leveling spot or something? What made it so special?
Even I buy Prime pack
Odds I buy Accessories pack as well
>he actually doesnt know
spectrum as in the autism spectrum
it's what happens to stupid fucks like who can't follow application instructions
I came back after a long haitus recently
try again next thread mate
not the only thing you fucked up, senpai
welcome to spectrum!
Welcome aboard.
guys plz i only got 2 orokin cells
make the one whos singluar version you like more
Look up their stats and decide which one you want
fucking go farm some then
both of those guns are shit
akmagnus then
What have I missed since the Acolyte event?
Is Mesa good again?
because they deal shit damage
go on wfbuilder, input your mods, and look at the sustained DPS
it's shit
Because anyhting in this game that can't CC (read: single target or rifle-type weapons without punch-through and/or multishot) are absolutely worthless, even less so if they aren't 1-hit on almost anything.
This is a decent list. But at least those guns you posted will get you 10o points.
thx senpais
Why is Volt best boy?
>using literal reddit list
Given the retarded tiering and """"""""""descriptions"""""""""""" he gave frames, I would trust his """"""""""opinion""""""" on weapons about as much as I trust Trump with nuclear launch codes
And just like that the thread went to shit.
Answer the question fagtron.
Also he's sonic speed.
Everyone loves sonic speed.
Because he gave a birth to Nezha.
so, i'm trying to make a vaporwave themed frame. i got the idea after goofing around with saryn's immortal skin, ended up making her look similar to that macintosh plus cover that everyone memes. my question is, if i wanted to make another vapor-frame which one should i use? normal saryn looks good with the immortal skin but it's barely noticeable on saryn p, so we need a different frame for this
because we can.
nova is good, will write it down for later experiments. maybe liki would also be ok? i don't know i kind of wanted to do some mallsoft aesthetics with him but we'll see
There is no need to ruin a perfectly good husbando by slapping a pair of tits on it.
Besides, Volts thighs are always better appreciated when they come from a male.
youre right, idk how we never saw it before
i was originally gonna say something specific like french house or mallsoft but i decided to us the meme term because i figured more people here would be familiar with it, quit your cryin
will i get BLACKED for trading prime parts to my alt?
i asked here if people could join warbros but i just got memed on, wasnt surprised or dissapointed desu
its in the op faggot
where is the new draco? i've been away for a bit
Akkad or Stolfer. But it just isn't the same anymore.
>leveling at draco
>not doing moon spy to level and get plat from selling blood rush
>WTS vauban prime chassis
>get this
>being this garbage at werferm
don't talk to me ever again you filthy degenerate
>srry for disturbing
that makes me feel something, but i'm not sure what yet
i hate spy in this game, there's no real stealth mechanics, it sucks and bores the fuck outta me
Long ago when the game was good
when the greatest of clans Warbros stood
back before all of the endless farming
when the game was still very charming
We all had lots of fun
chanting Warbros #1
but one day DE did a terrible thing
they banned the man that could make us sing
and so the clan had lost a great man
RIP Wiawyr
do spy missions, specifically on the moon. you get blood rush sometimes which can be traded to a fellow ten0 for platinum
You faggots ready for Misery?
It's a mix between being weirded out, being confused and being disgusted.
No, I'm not that user, I meant your image, I'm lost what the context it's conveying.
>literally just trying to do limbo theorem
>connection won't last 5 seconds
>group is making fun of me
>still can't connect
i cri everytime
draco and the dracolytes bore the hell out of me, so taking 3-5 run through moon spy as loki to level +get some plat on the side is ok. i guess i don't mind the new draco that's a survival but you can't get plat for that so i just save it for leveling frames exclusively. everything else is moon spy
>buying a founders account
oh, well it's simple really i just what do some
Rate my atlas
>He's still alive
>He was alive for weeks now
the game was very promising looking in alpha
Spectrum is unaffiliated with Warbros proper.
i don't have atlas yet but when i get him i wanna get that helmet that makes it look like he's got a popped collar and color him like jotaro. i don't wanna do archwang shit so it's gonna be awhile before i get him but still
that's a nice list, it should be in the OP.
>buying a secondhand account
check faq
When will they get to join the Alliance?