So this is apparently the 'fastest car ever made'. How many cylinders does its engine have, and what's the displacement?
So this is apparently the 'fastest car ever made'. How many cylinders does its engine have, and what's the displacement?
The next one's got a V12. As a fuel pump.
powered wheel is a different category
and that's the worlds fastest motor cycle
you can see both engines in that picture. there are no cylinders
that's a jet
I don't understand
how do you have an engine without cylinders
what are rotaries?
it's a turbojet
an engine where the piston cylinder head spins around inside the piston shaft
is this some kind of engine I've never heard of
how does it drive a camshaft
Easy. Not all engines have cylinders. Not all engines are powered by gas or even internal combustion.
Two cylinders and the displacement is all the air required.
Everything is going to be wonderful.
The trick is to keep it on the ground. :)
Jet engines.
Is there any reason to use these instead of a chevy small block v8 or a hemi? They seem to not have a listed displacement number so I dont think they can displace a 6.2L v8
OP your moms minivan can try for that speed but she'll never win in category C.
Breedlove and co walked away after that bang.
Most of the beeping on the vid is to warn the pilot that he really ought to be falling out of the sky about now.
Are you retarded?
Honestly my question is how race cars in arcade games fit dual turbojets into the exhausts that can only be used for a few seconds.
Uh, they're way, way, way more powerful? This thing breaks the sound barrier.
The answer to that is a fucking retard troll.
He either can't wrap his head around the idea that Craig Breedlove can have a faster truck than him or he is just a fucking troll..
I think what he's getting at is that it's not a """real engine""" (TM)
This has a real engine.
Wasn't it an ill GE J-47 that had "fallen off the back of a truck".
>fans that spin
>somehow not a moving part
No, I'm agreeing with you.
This is the fastest steam powered car.
I wonder how many.....
139.843mph two way average and only 25ft long.
Choo choo.
No cylinders, basically infinate displacement.
Ok since you seem to be absolutely retarded, here's the retard explanation:
>get aeroplane engine
>strap it to a car
>go very fast
Just for the record.
waz zat maz
I find this to be significantly more interesting than the scc or whatever. one is making a car, especially a steam engine, fast, the other is making a jet not fly.
You do realise that it is a kettle spinning a turbine which results it moving by a similar means to the other vehicle in this thread.
How about an all wheel drive JCB.
350 mph and holds the diesel world record.
Andy Green seems to have an issue with sitting still these days.
that's nitrous fool it shoot blue flames out of your exhaust and it thrust your car faster
I'm pretty sure a Civic would smoke that shit on a real track, it can't turn so it's not the fastest
It has four wheels, so it's a car.
FTFY. Those are the engines from an F4 Phantom.
>Andy Green seems to have an issue with sitting still these days.
He's the designated british guy with experience of driving cars really really fast and not dying.
Simply surviving the attempts makes him the leading expert.
>Look at me, I have autism!
Psssh, I could smoke that in my '94 EG Civic hatch with a few simple mods.
Its a fighter jet -guns - wings +wheels
0-100 in about six 100 - 600 in about the same time, a few seconds later you get a sonic boom and it's time to think about getting it stopped.
You could always start your Civic at the start of the measured mile and see if you can keep up.
Better still start about a quarter of a mile earlier and when he rolls past about six hundred miles an hour faster you can try to get a tow.
i bet my track pack mustang can give it a run for its money on the quarter mile
Bloodhound sounds fun. Basically you get to pretty much all of what SSC had to give and then light the blue touch paper.
That might actually get someone seriously hurt.
Lol can't turn
Isn't it a F1 V8?
Your mom could.
>taking 0/10 shitposts seriously
how's your first week on Veeky Forums going?
>'Might get someone seriously hurt'
There is no might in this thing.
Any wreck at speed is instant death through sheer G-Forces. Andy Greens brain will get turned to mush inside his skull should something break and the cockpit digs into the salt. At least it'll be quick.
>Your next line will be "I was only pretending to be retarded!"
No, its a Jaaaaag V8 now.
>take speed record car
>make it pigfat
Goddammit, why can't car manufacturers stop tacking useless shit onto my favorite cars?
Have the perfect webm for this thread but has sound.
It was this vid, it gives me goosebumps every time.
>fastest wheel-driven piston powered car in history.
Ken Duttweiler built small block Chevy V8
368 cubic inches
Dart Little M standard deck block (9-inch)
Bore: 4.125-inch
Stroke: 3.400-inch
Dart 11 degree Little Chief aluminum heads
Engine management by MoTeC
2200 HP @ 8800 RPM
1313 lb-ft torque @8800 RPM
Twin 83mm Precision Turbo turbochargers
38-40 psi boost above 8500 RPM, Traction and driveline boost limited
below 8500 RPM
Custom Hogan sheet metal manifold with Wilson Manifolds
105mm throttle body and 16 225/hr Seimens fuel injectors (two per cylinder)
VP M1 methanol fuel
That's pretty damn cool.
Can it turn ;)
I hardly call a jet without wings a car
this type of shit is corny af
give me a viper any day of the week
>a thing with wheels and an engine, a driver's seat, and a steering wheel isn't a car
>a thing with wheels and an engine, a driver's seat, and a steering wheel is a car
Those are treads, try again.
>this isn't a car
Track laying vehicle steered by its tracks is on my licence. Bring it on Korean person.
She'll turn the sand up a bit so I'll do it in a corner where nobody notices.
That is a car because it's a car. Somebody put mattrax on it.
Getting back to the original topic, of course landspeed cars look different, they're optimized for maximum top speed and nothing else. It's also why time attack cars look so goofy with shittons of aero, or why dragsters look so different.
Scorpion FV101 is the worlds fastest tank.
There are an awful lot less nukes in the world because these guys took one for the team.
SALT and all that.
This guy is probably wnaking or at pictures of FV620s .
You can DD these.
The official record is apparently not as fast as they could actually go. I've heard of one being taken to a Jaguar dealership (since it had the Jag I6 from the E-type) and being tuned, with the governor removed.
They're also stupid light on ground pressure. Back in the falklands, they found they could be driven and parked on stuff that a man would just sink into. Which they discovered by getting out for a piss and sinking into a bog.
> posting a shitty airbus a320
>posting a car than can't even take off vertically
too bad obama cancelled that car.
The shuttle was a shit design and you should feel bad for posting it
>horribly unbalanced
>could barely reach LEO
>ridiculously complicated to pilot
>main thrusters are useless apart from reaching LEO
because its a fucking jet engine you dumbass
>"mussle kar" fangirls are this retarded
I couldn't contain myself when i noticed it was just a fuel system. too cool
> useless
> most powerful rocket engines ever made
user pls
Engines are fine. Shuttle design itself is stupid.
Engineers took 2 jet engines from an F-4 Phantom. Wheels are completely unpowered and don't even touch the ground at top speed.
Why don't they use Saturn V rocket engines?
I really, really enjoyed the mileage that the no replacement for displacement shitposter got in this thread.
I bet you didn't even save the list of simple mods you'd have to do