Alicesoft/Rance General

Alicesoft/Rance General #525
Last thread: Rizna's Birthday Edition

Previous Version of FAQ:
Read the FAQ before you ask questions.

Alicesoft Image Booru:
Rance Game Translation Chart:
Rance World Notes:!nRESUJYZ!ZqoypfshkozVBFpeFGI3Oi5xBtU22SjnrnfjIo2SUGY

Remember to use spoilertags when discussing and posting images of plot elements, especially those of untranslated Rance games. Ignore and report any blatant shitposting, including nameshit
Check pastebin for FAQs, downloads and General Hints


Possible MG Localisation Announcement - August 2016 (No Guarantee)

Rance X - Announced

Just Released

Tsumamigui 3 Extra

Rance 01 OVA Episode 4

Recent Releases

Beat Blades Haruka (ENG)
buy from Mangagamer if you want to buy
Physical Edition out 1th July 2016

Released Last Two Years (See FAQ for downloads and info)

January 2016 - Tsumamigui 3 (JAP)
January 2016 - Rance 01 OVA Episode 3 (JAP/ENG)
October 2015 - Blade Briders OVA (JAP)
August 2015 - Rance 03 (JAP)
June 2015 - Rance 01 OVA Episode 2 (JAP/ENG)
April 2015 - Evenicle (JAP)
January 2015 - Mamatoto (ENG)
December 2014 - Rance 01 OVA Episode 1 (JAP/ENG)
October 2014 - Blade Briders (JAP)
September 2014 - Kichikuou Rance (ENG)
April 2014 - Rance IX (JAP)

On permanent hiatus unless localised by Mangagamer. Late 2016 at the earliest for the next Alicesoft game after Haruka.

Rance 5D - 100% translated,100% edited. Never to be released

Rance VI - 88.4% translated.

Rance Quest - 64% translated.

Other urls found in this thread:

Same artist as the Shizuka birthday edition.

Remember to drawfag tomorrow if you're interested.

Also for those that missed it

Made a nice easy Rance Quiz to help pass the rest of the thread.

20 questions, with 15 needed to pass.
First 15 are single answer and last 5 are multi choice.

Difficulty is rated at the Kanami level

Will probably go up a level after this

I've only seen Rizna in SR, but I'll be sure to contribute anyway.

Drawhannies, unite!


That's a new picture.

is it? I've had it for a while.

Now I'm less sure it's the same artist though it does seem to be the same style.

I know for sure they did a Rizna picture but it's the one you posted.

>is it?
Well unless I'm blind it wasn't there the last time I visited their pixiv

Could be a different artist then.

Good picture for an OP anyway

>I'm blind
You're blind then

Is the same artist. One of their earlier works

Also same artist who did the Tilde and Rizna doujin