Movie and tv automotive inaccuracies

>character gets in Prius and drives off
>distinct sound of redlining carbed and cammed murrican V8 and sustained tire squeal

>character driving a manual car
>comes to sudden stop
>just gets out and walks off leaving car running and in gear without parking brake

>character driving 70 mph on completely straight highway with cars all around them
>car interior shots show them talking to other character while casually steering side to side as if piloting a boat and occasionally glancing up at the road every 30 seconds

>character runs car into stationary car at 80+ mph
>car now has slightly misaligned bumper, undamaged headlight hanging out of housing, faint steam coming from hood
>driver now has blood drop on forehead, a loosened tie and messed up but still fashionable hair
>continues unimpeded in violent 30 mile chase with several more equally severe impacts and 40 foot landings at speed on hilly San Francisco streets

>characters playfully drag racing stoplight to stoplight in modern 200 mph supercars
>tops out in 6th before easily getting stopped for next light

>character driving the fastest car on earth
>villain in diesel 1970's commercial pickup with full-size trailer paces and eventually passes car easily on straights to side swipe them

>all cop cars apparently have devil camber and only take turns drifting completely sideways

Other urls found in this thread:

>car chase
>convenient abandoned road nearby to avoid paying hundreds of stunt drivers

>cars skidding to a stop (with ABS)

>Hollywood takes liberties with certain facts about automobiles because they know most people don't give a fuck, they just want to be entertained
>pedantic, autistic fucks on Veeky Forums can't deal with this and many other things, creates a stupid fucking thread to bitch about trivial shit
0/10 made me reply

I remember Honda made a commercial about muh passion when bringing up a fucking accord, and there was a tiny clip about a second long of a CRX doing donuts in an intersection with an American V8 dubbed over it.

Now the implications where that the driver was a gearhead, so I dunno if they were being retarded, or implying that the driver had swapped a V8 and RWD drivetrain into a CRX. And I really hope it's the latter, cause that would be hot.

>getting mad

>character runs car into stationary car at 80+ mph
>car now has slightly misaligned bumper, undamaged headlight hanging out of housing, faint steam coming from hood
>driver now has blood drop on forehead, a loosened tie and messed up but still fashionable hair
>continues unimpeded in violent 30 mile chase with several more equally severe impacts and 40 foot landings at speed on hilly San Francisco streets


It could be worse, I'm not a /k/ommando but I know I'd be bothered by gun inaccuracies if I was.

Abs is a lie on most cars

>asshole runs me over at Mach 1
>spend the next hour mercilessly hunting him down like a good revenge movie
>sending him bantz
>raise k/d by 10 points
>follow him as he tries to join different lobbies
>eventually turns off xbox

>character has a glock
>sound of hammer locking

>character holding a gun on someone
>after dramatics he cocks the gun
>was holding a unloaded gun on someone

>hurr durrr you so mad
One thing I've never understood about this cesspool. If someone disagrees, or points out errors in someone's post, or even just has a different opinion, why the fuck do you autistic bus riding weebs think they are mad?
You do realize that people can use adjectives or curse without being "mad" right? Is there really so many edgy children on here who can't formulate an argument, or contribute anything to a conversation other than "ur so mad"?
Just add it to the list as to why this board sucks, and mainly attracts idiots.

>being this assblasted about getting btfo

GTA IV had it nearly fucking perfect dammit. You could easily fuck up your car by just hitting a curb at high speed, engines would frequently die after a serious collision, etc.
GTA V totally fucked all of that up: now everything has super forgiving handling and cars are borderline invulnerable to collisions

Fuck off Alphonse

>Gun is a 1911
>Cocks it menacingly halfway through a scene
>It was unusable until that point

>Character touches or moves a gun
>CLICK CLACK like it's full of fucking loose ball bearings

>>be watching ff6 recently
>>dom and ugly spic dyke racing through European streets in heavily modified muscle cars for dem pinks
>>shitbox euro police cars catch them from a dead stop and keep on their asses

This has never happened.

american rwd can't compete

What he described regularly happens
Or like in TWD beginning
>Turn your safety off
>It's a Glock

Even I know stuff like this is BS.
Singleplayer is still pretty easy to fuck up a car, online has to account for lag and has to reduce load so damage is reduced. While realism has been lost, it's never been a realistic game, might as well make driving faster.

>>Jensen interceptor
Lol k

>>CLICK CLACK like it's full of fucking loose ball bearings

Kek, this. It's mental.

Amusingly, all the Interceptors they used in the movie (IIRC they used 4) were imported from California, because it was pretty much impossible to find them in the UK

>watching Antman
>helicopter scene near the end
>guy pulls out a handgun
>Ants hold the (very CGI) hammer back
>it's a Glock
Wouldn't it have been easier to just use a hammerfired gun?

piss off /k/

I know what you're describing. Hilariously, when they show the close-up of the hammer it becomes a SIG-Sauer.
Which sorta begs the question of why they didn't just use a SIG to begin with

no :3

Transporter 2 and up are guilty of this.

>>The more you know.

There's a local boomer around me with a hemi Jensen. Hnnnng

>Jurassic Park
>or Jurassic World don't know don't care
>so the last one with chris pratt
>two kids find some jeep wranglers in the tropical jungle which have been standing there for twenty fucking years
>oh I'm sure it's just the battery
>replace battery with another battery that's also been standing there for twenty years
>it works

So glad I'm not the only one who got rustled by this.

Interceptors are one of the best looking cars to me. Do want

>Sneak into Johnny Boomer's yard
>Switch the battery in the Challenger that's been sitting in his yard since the 80's
>Drive it away
Finally a plan

>car chase
>turns the car around and proceeds to go as fast in reverse as you would driving forward

I noticed that they fixed it in editing for my bluray home version, but I remember that as well as this Drive also had the sound of the car changing gears like twice when he's driving the Mustang in reverse

>kid is just learning to drive
>hops in jeep and all of a sudden can drive a manual.

m8 it happens all the time, last time I witnessed it was criminal minds last night

Is vidja OK?
>Need For Speed 2015

>Nissan 240SX is labelled as a 180
>In the US

>driving in reverse
>shifting sounds

"Cops carry glocks so they must be the best! What is this weird gun? I'vr never heard of a Sig Sewer. How do you pronounce that funny word?"

In the movie Unstoppable, there's a scene with a Ford F250 Super Duty accelerating to catch up to a train. They cut to a speedometer shot, but the speedo shot they use is actually of the speedo in the Eleanor GT500 in the Nick Cage remake of Gone in 60 Seconds.

>Sig Sewer
Amusement kek

I went to buy that movie like over a decade ago. Didn't know there was two versions. Ended up getting the original and it was so bad I rage quit and threw it out.

You didn't like the fucking 40 minute chase scene in Gone in 60 Seconds?

That would actually be dope as fuck, it would be a straight up death machine

>driving in straight line, accelerating
>car suddenly has infinite gears, changes up at least 20 times in a scene

>not liking the H.B. Halicki Gone in 60 Seconds
>not liking glorious 40 minute chase scene with no special effects and no stunt driver in the Mustang

why are you on here?

I never got that far. I rage quit ten minutes in. The dialog was insufferable.
Guess I better go download it then.

The whole story line literally exists only as an excuse to film an incredible 40-minute chase scene in a Mach 1

>he doesn't have more than one reverse gear

Now I just need to find a torrent.
What do you guys use? It's been so long since I did anything computer. Pleb as fug

I got lucky and found a DVD copy at some tiny electronics store once
IIRC it's on YouTube in parts, the chase I mean

>Character needs to hotwire modern car
>Pulls dash cover off
>Wires magically appear, insulation pre-stripped
>Touch random wires together
>Engine starts

>Character jumps in new, high-end car
>Hotwires it and drives away, with no transponder or anything

>Furious 7.
>Walker driving a GT-R.
>Paddle shifter.
>Still uses the stick to shift.

>was holding a unloaded gun on someone

What is double action?

pirate bay

>pretty much impossible to find them in the UK

There's 5 on ebay alone right now. Were they looking with their eyes closed?

I did too

"remember when we fixed up grandpas old malibu?"

>proceeds to just change battery

So many things about that triggered me.

The first scene with the impala in Drive was so bad for this

>running from the cops at a blistering 25mph
>still shifts through a myriad of gears with ratios all over the place

you gotta watch out for sleepers in europe, there's a surprising number out there.

Didn't notice that somehow that's hilarious

You faggots completely forget about Knight Rider
>Accelerate or skid on loose gravel or sand
>tires squeek as if they were on asphalt

That's what I figured. What client do you use?

That was the least of its problems
David Hasselhoff certainly didn't help.

Also, what car is that?

utorrent 2.2.3, nothing better famalamadingdong

some neckbeard will probably disagree

Thanks user. /g/ is insufferable sometimes.

R31 skyrine desu

source: kiwifag

legendary AMC I6, no surprise there

I had no idea that a pop down spoiler even existed. That's awesome.

not in To Live and Die in LA nigga.

That's why he cocked it back right?

>semi truck drives by in the dead of night on an abandoned road in the middle of nowhere
>blowing horn entire time for no reason

>watching police chase
>recent, basic bitch honda accord coupe getting chased
>newscasters are unable to identify the gigantic H on the back
>"we're looking for a red... Hyundai or a Lexus..."
how do you get a Hyundai and a Lexus confused?
>chopperman loses car multiple times, at one point starting to follow a red 4 door corolla while the newscasters comment on him as if he's the runner
>eventually newscasters attempts to correct herself
>"A... Red... Hyonda."


>characters sitting in car with Windows up
>shoots someone else in car with a shotgun then just walks off without blood coming from their ears and being in shock from the concussive force

>0.3mph parking maneuver
>tire squeal

News anchors are useless.
Dat pic
You would think they would have seen the engine... Forget it, I'm trying to rationalize stupidity.

>4-stroke dirt bike
>Makes 2-stroke sounds

>unlimited ammo
>9mm recoil
>1000x scope zoom
>blood flying everywhere

Anything remotely like this annoys the fuck out of me

>shifted a million times
>tyres still good after 10 minutes of 200kmph drifting
>tyres magically change from dirt to road to dirt again
>200kmph yet stops in 10 meters
>airborne jumps not totalling chassis and suspension
>'70s/'80s NA muscle car beats tuned and modified jap sports car
>'70s/'80s NA muscle car can turn
>stickers = hp

Anything I missed?

>protagonist grabs the column shifter and pulls it down as far as it goes
>its actually a fucking indicator arm

>guy doing 150mph on a motorcycle with no helmet or glasses
>can still see everything just fin

>villain sabotages the protagonist's car so it wont start
>he rips out the wiring on the back of a headlamp

>mid-size crossover on street tires escapes out of a city
>next shot is the car outside a remote cabin in the woods with no apparent roads connected to it, completely clean

>two big guys are abducted
>put in the boot of an E39
>in the following chase the suspension is perfectly level

>speedometer is going up at a perfectly constant speed
>all while you can hear the car shifting 10 000 times

>driver of an oldGolf is steering with one hand and shooting out the window with the other
>performs a perfect handbrake turn with locked rear wheels

The jump one always kills me
>Protagonist takes a lowslung sportscar off a 50 foot jump
>Works totally fine after
Some dumbass in my high school actually had to get all the suspension replaced in his Ridgeline because he tried to take it off a "sick booter"

>hotwiring a car literally takes your hands and 5 seconds of fiddling

in ant-man the goons had glocks, and the ants crawled up and blocked the hammer from dropping.



What is terminator 2, alex?

>its a drift meet scene
>FWD cars are there

Because the magic of CGI made the gun randomly turn into a SIG Sauer just so that bullshit could happen

>>character driving the fastest car on earth
>>villain in diesel 1970's commercial pickup with full-size trailer paces and eventually passes car easily on straights to side swipe them

This shit happens all the goddamn time in Need for Speed.

I used to get Acura and Infiniti mixed up a lot

>character driving 70 mph on completely straight highway with cars all around them
>car interior shots show them talking to other character while casually steering side to side as if piloting a boat and occasionally glancing up at the road every 30 seconds

This triggers me constantly and every show and movie does it.

>Anything touches vehicle
>Explosion consumes entire city block

Do you actually know how to drive? Or are you just pretending?

Literally an idea i had in high school
Shoe horn a bored and stroked small block with a blower under the hood add a rollcage and widen rear wheel wells so it looks almost stock

Do hectic skids all over,glad i didn't i don't think i would be alive right now if i had, would it have been an epic way to kill myself probably

Because when you have a double-action gun on someone you have leverage. It ups the ante.

>point double-action gun at person (requires you to pull the trigger with a few pounds of force)
>you order them to do something, they don't do it
>you cock the gun, trigger pull now requires far less pull, trigger could get pulled just by having your arm jerked back a little, danger of being shot exponentially increased for target
>order them to do it again, threat of force much higher than previously

It's on youtube I think. Look up "greatest car chase scene of all time" or something like that.

I remember reading in a non-fiction book about cops in the 80's how one confronted an annoying shitbag suspect by pressing his .38 under the guy's chin and cocking it. Everybody tactically shits their pants, the other cops all thinking "fuck he's going to shoot this fuck in the head by accident and we'll be doing paperwork on it for the rest of our lives"

Nice digits, stupid post.
Just because I refuse to get in Ops stupid circle jerk you think I don't know how to drive?
Of course I know Hollywood takes liberties and most movies and shows are full of inaccuracies, I pointed this out in the post you quoted. I just accept it for what it is, and don't need a hug box on a Mongolian basket weaving forum to talk about it.

>character sleeps in tokyo

It's a glorious chase.

This "stunt" was actually an extra fucking up and clipping Halicki's Mach 1. They stopped filming, checked him out to make sure he was OK, then kept filming.

Halicki fucked up his back on this stunt
>he was supposed to hit the ramp at 20mph
>the absolute madman hit it at 40mph

Here's the complete chase:

Thanks m8