/evog/ - Evolve General

Shilling Edition


>What is Evolve?
Evolve uses an asymmetrical structure where five players, four playing as hunters and one as the monster, battle against each other in an industrialized alien planet called Shear.
Stage 2 is the transition to Free To Play + a lot of gameplay changes.

>What's new?

>I heard the game was dead?
It was, ~200 players on Steam and little to no updates from the developers. If F2P can bring it back is unknown, but as of right now it's been hovering in the teen thousands.

>Should I "get" it?
It's free. 18GB. Download and test it out.

>F2P Model?
Every week, four hunters (one of each class) and one monster will be in the free rotation. There are currently 24 Hunters and 7 Monsters in total. By playing the character tutorials, you unlock one hunter (Markov) and one monster (Goliath) to keep forever.

Additional monsters, hunters, perks, and skins are unlocked by earning silver keys. Silver keys are earned by playing the game, leveling up, or getting login bonuses. Currently you can't actually buy silver keys, presumably so they can test the unlock rate, but that's coming later.

There is also a monthly login bonus punch card. You get one punch for each day you log in. Beyond silver keys, this can directly award new Hunters and Skins.

>What if I don't want to grind for characters and perks?
You can buy the game and it to gives your account full founder benefits, which gives you 30k keys and most characters.

None as of yet.

>Steam group:

>Perk info(Inc. how to unlock them)

>Patch info:

>Canon Stories:


First for dem hips

second for genocide is sometimes necessary

Wraith was made for ________ ?

Is the servers down or something? I can't even start the game.

nth for Monsters are braindead easy and if you have anything worse than a 90% winrate with them you should off yourself

>I was only 16 years old
>I loved Evolve so much, I owned all the DLCs and skins
>I pray to Wraith every night, thanking her for the life I have been given
>"Wraith is love", I say, "Wraith is life"
>My dad hears me and calls me a degenerate
>He is obviously jealous of my devotion to Wraith
>I called him a cunt
>He slaps me and sends me to my room
>I am crying now, because my face hurts
>I go into my bed and it is very cold
>I feel a warmth moving towards me
>I fell something touch me
>It's Wraith
>I am so happy
>She whispers into my ear, "This is my cave"
>She grabs me with her big claws and puts me on her tentacles
>I'm ready
>I spread her thighs
>I penetrate her vaginal opening
>It tickles so much, but I do it for Wraith
>I can feel her fluids squirt as her body starts to blast
>She pulls me closer
>I want to please Wraith
>She roars a mighty roar as I fill her womb with my love
>My dad walks in
>Wraith looks him deep in the eyes as a mysterious voice says, "Dome is coming down"
>Wraith leaves through my window
Wraith is love, Wraith is life.

>17 tears old now

Read the rules kid

Are you retarded? 16 in 2015 doesn't exclude 18 now.

Cabot free week is true suffering
He's not that bad, but everyone who plays him is just full retard

Is it better to do more free constant damage as markov as the monster will never focus you but you can lay into it none stop?

Or be blitz and FORCE the monster to focus you every now and again?

It is kind of fun on just markov to be completely left alone and free to fuck up the monster but his damage is finite and all it takes is the monster landing one good combo to down and strike and early dome out. Do that enough times without real damage being applied before jetpacks and cooldowns are exhausted and it is a free win.

Why did they nerf the range so fucking much on blitz? Just 2 more meters and this wouldn't even be a question.

I never played him, but I want to know what pubs do wrong.

Blitzkov fucking blows.

It has half the range and the slightest accidental tap drops his damage back to 1/3. The monster doesn't have to do anything, your beam will get reset constantly by either range or a tap of damage.

You have no reason to ever play Blitzkov again, he was overnerfed. He's a lot better than Torvald cus Torvald sucks but not counting garbagevald Blitzkov is the worse Assault.

Cabot sucks without timing your beam with the Assault's big damage

Which never happens so Cabot is a shitty Assault that can't save anyone.

>playing cabot
>teammates are torvald, emet, and crow
>find the monster just as he starts to evolve
>turn on the damage amp and watch the fireworks
>monster dies before he can even finish the evolve

he has his moment

What are the best Hunters atm?

Thus far I've only bought Torvald and Lazarus, and a gorgon for monsters.

Torvald is a piece of shit even though I love the character design. His mortars should be fixed or something, the weakness point bomb and shotgun are decent.

Havent tried Lazarus yet but he seems to be really nice, leaving weak points in the monster with his sniper rifle, has stealth and can revive people with the addition of heals.
I would've bought Slim, but having tried him when he was free to play, he just felt really weak, you need to constantly charge your healboost by shooting the monster and spam that heal button but getting close enough to get shots in leaves you vulnerable to the monster's attacks.

And few heroes i've tried on their free week:
Lennox feels incredibly strong if you can stack that lance, it chunks the monster's health like nobody's business.
Blitz Markov is very good upgrade from regular Markov. His tesla gun starts to deal great damage if you can keep it from breaking
I got Bucket for free as a daily log in reward, but he just feels awful. His fps view models are so humongous its difficult to see in front of you, and the way he shakes them while walking really just annoys you. His drones are instantly destroyed by the monster when placed, if you try to get few of them up, you'll just end up slamming them on the ground constantly and never use your main weapon.

Haven't tried Trappers at all, Assault and Healers are fun.

Stick with Laz, has one of the highest w/l ratios of all the hunters in the game. Lots of people will tell you he's shit but that's generally because people aren't playing him right or the team isn't capitalizing on his abilities (reviving dead, picking up teammates will negate the strike against them, etc.)

gonna fight a 0 hour monster player

might be an alt

might be a hacker on an alt

might be hilariously bad

we'll see

trappers are simple, start with abe as he is the cheapest and easiest

Why do monsters generally lose in high tier comp then?

>Why do monsters generally lose in high tier comp then?

I'm confused why does this question exist especially taking into account the context and originally referenced post.

In order of best to worst:

Blitz Markov
A pile of shit
A bag full of fruitflies

Rogue Val
A big steaming Goliath turd
Quantum Caira

Electro Griffin

Tech Hank
Behemoth rolling over you in transversal

that was just a regular first timer; couldn't combo anything, couldn't down anyone, overwelcomed their stay after the early first dome and died in the second dome event

>States monsters are easy to play and if you have a below 90% winrate with them you are awful
>Ask how that could be true if monster generally loses in high tier comp where players are good

It's not difficult.

>Lennox that high
only problem

you forgot Hyde

and current Lennox is not above Parnell sadly

Reminder that it is a viable strategy to stay after the dome goes down to get another strike if one of the hunters is low health.

Fuck I did.


Revised assault list:
Blitz Markov
A pile of shit
A bag full of fruitflies

Parnell is really, really bad, don't let memesters tell you otherwise.

it's really not when your hp gets halved and you still only manage one strike

Lennox is fucking garbage now.. just let it go
I used to hate Parnell but that was when I had only played him once, his kit is pretty solid and he is good against the biggest cancer monster of the game - The Kraken


Slight power gap
Whiff of poo
Lennox/Blitzkov tie
More shit
A really big pile of shit

What is confusing?

Monsters are easy and have nothing to separate truly skilled players from just decent players because the skill cap is so low

Hunters are much harder to play so monsters fucking destroy them for hours and hours of playtime and they eventually git gud and are better than the monster player will ever be able to be.

It's not just asymmetric gameplay, it's asymmetric skill requirements. Monsters are fully functional instantly, Hunters are not.

Yeah, okay, and?
He wasn't wrong and there aren't controversial claims. They supplement each other.

Unless you can prove otherwise then go ahead, make a logic link.

Does anyone have the numbers changed on Lennox in the most recent nerf?

From "good" to "shit"
There you go

in recent patches she went from great to ok to shit

I know, but I need to show someone the numbers.

I'm confused on why you would quote the whole post.
It's the only fucking things he said, just reply normally. Sorry I'm tilted tonight.


Plasma Lance damage reduced to 125|175|225|275 from 150|200|250|300

Max spread reduced to 4 from 5.4
Autocannon is now an explosive with a 2.5 radius and 120 projectile speed
No longer will deal headshot damage due to it being an explosive round


Plasma Lance
Damage reduced to 100|150|200|250 from 125|175|225|275

Max spread reduced to 4 from 5.4
Damage increased to 35 from 28

and then there's the general unnecessary nerfing of all assaults with their matrix shielding becoming shittier with every new patch

now that I am actually reading these.... why did they reduce the radius twice from the same values no less? they already should have dropped it to 4 two patches earlier and then the 2.04 patch does the same thing? did they just forget to do it the first time?

classic trs

Is that a fucking candy
are they gonna deliver to the door
I want my candy
I hope it is caira flavored

>when support is literally brain dead Markov that only uses mines and Assault rifle sometimes
>no Cabot just old Hank
>that's my raw output

>>when support
Assault I mean

Brain dead medics are 90% of the reason your going to lose desu senpai

>Parnell is bad
We get it, you can't aim and need the game to do it for you

Best perks for Gorgon?

I currently use brawler / insatiable hunger / unkillable, its VERY good as goliath/meteor goliath, but I wonder if there is a better combo for Gorgon.

brawler, cdr, dr

I run brawler, feral instincts, cdr. is also a good perk set.

downloading now. Is it anything like dead by daylight? tactical wise?

Should i hunter or monster first?

>guy gets to stage 2 before we can even reach him on wraith trap
>ends up winning and takes around 25% of his hp
>says gg then talks shit
>on wraith trap


Hey niggs
go Ranked? I'm still silver skilled and need to move up.

So far I only encounter some dumb ruskie "Dima1996" or something

reeks of cancer

Forgot to add: I'm alright Trapper, okay Support and so-so Assault. No medic, too much responsibility.

I've played enough monster matches to know to never go ranked hunters without grouping up first

yeah that's the point

Play all the tutorials first to get the basics, including at least 2 of the hunter tutorials (assault and medic which are the most important classes). Completing Markov and monster tutorials give you Markov and Goliath permanently.

Stick to using assault first to get used to the basics of the game. Pick Markov as he is currently the best assault:
1. use his lightning gun when you are in range and it has charge left
2. otherwise switch to throw the mines on the ground or use the rifle and once lightning gun has charged up again you use it
3. pop that matrix shielding when the monster focuses you and/or your hp is down to half or less and you are receiving damage
4. when the monster is running from your team you are probably too far to use the lightning gun so try to get a few shots in with the rifle

When you understand most of the basic game mechanics try playing as monster vs bots a few times, then play vs bots in custom arena mode where it's just the fight and no chase. Crank up their difficulty (they will essentially cheat at this point by resisting ore damage and heal faster and their cooldowns are shorter) - if you can destroy them then you should be able to steamroll any team except for premades and cheaters. Just focus the medic or support first but there are exceptions to this in some situations. Rogue Val for example is a medic that you can ignore due to her strong self-healing abilities and you should focus the support and trapper instead and then you flee after giving them strikes (meaning you put them in the downed status with the draining skull icon).

Extra tips
1. don't dome alone
2. don't dome when the monster is bringing the fight to you, only when it tries to run off after its armor is gone and it's taking permanent HP damage
3. try not to play as or with the following characters: Quantum Caira (medic), Torvald (assault), Wasteland Maggie aka Waggie (trapper), Kala (support).

Suggested first monster pick: Meteor Goliath.

Who's the next hunter adaptation? What would you guys like to see anyways?

>Slim picker
>less than 30 hours played

renegade abe is coming at the end of the month

he's the day 28 sign in reward

Renegade Abe of course, but according to my wishes, i want a real quake Parnell

Rabe's the next one.
I just hope he won't be utter shit like the new additions so far.

They'd have to fuck up intentionally to make him bad, his kit is perfect normally so they'd have to completely shit on it to make an adaptation bad.

Hopefully he won't be some retarded "More damage for less trapping" like the other trapper adaptations.

Well they did just that with both EG and QC.

Spoilers ahead for Renegade Abe:

Custom Shotgun has much less spread, but also deals less damage overall
Stasis Grenades stick to monsters, but its slow rate is halved. Also the monster can shake them off with transversal.
Tracking Dart is removed, in its place is a tripwire trap. When the monster triggers it, they get tracked like they got hit with the dart.

Why does the monster have the time limit? Makes no sense he is just chilling anyway, it is the hunters that show up with a mission.

I call bullshit because the stasis nades already don't slow much. There is no need to halve that effect.


go be trans somewhere else, freak

Magical McGuffin relay shielding device finishes charging when the timer runs out, making the device immune.

>People actually main something as easy as Monster

Does it feel that good to think you're hot shit for winning 90 games in a row even though you know you aren't actually any good?

That'd be fucking useless.

>he doesn't know what a transversal is

transversal is when the monster uses its movement skill you fucking sperglord. goliath leap, gorgon spider swing, behemoth roll, ect.

it's Traversal from "travel/traverse"

Yeah well, the devs seem intent on continuing the trend of useless variations of existing characters, see e-griffon and QEDcaira

>more trans shit

fuck off back to lbtgbbqfgbxzywqfc queerbag freak


Love tech hank. 100% win rate with him.

I didn't hate quantum caira. But I could see where people would take issue with the idea of healing where players were.

I was thinking like "Mecha" Jack or something. His mom has a full metal suit so maybe "lore-wise" Jack takes on after her. Not an entire metal rig but maybe his helmet becomes metal and his arms/legs too.

As for his kit, I was thinking along the lines of stronger CC by boosting his repulsor in some way at the cost of a longer recharge time. Maybe allow it to disrupt projectiles like Kraken's Vortex or Goliaths' rocks.

Nuclear Torvald
Trash Bucket

Lennox is not his mom. Grandma, maybe.

anyone want to play ranked or hunt?

Possibly useless trivia here but our team participated in the tournament and placed 5th out of 16 teams. and here's our experiences in the picks/bans phase

Game 1 was a Lazarus, Hank, Abe, Blitz ban by the enemy Monster. The monster he picked was Meaty G
Our team was Slim, Sunny, Torvald, Electro. The monster we banned was Kraken.
Game 1 was won about 6.5 minutes in with the monster dying at stage 2 after getting no strikes.

Our monsters game 1 bans were Slim/Hank/Jack/Markov
The other teams hunters were Caira/Cabot/waggie/parnell and the monster they banned was kraken.
Our monster picked regular Goliath. The game ended after ~5 minutes with two strikes on everything that wasn't the assault before he wiped them completely.

>do you want queue up for 20+ minutes only to be fucked up in the dropship by some cheating fuck?


>was almost about to get a match that could go either way
>but then the assault picks fucking torbad

for fuck's sake
had to dodge

Do you have footage cause that sounds fucking hilarious.

Hunter game 2 bans were Caira/Sunny/Electro/Markov and the monster he picked was gorgon.
Our team comp was Slim/Hank/Griffin/Torvald and the monster we banned was Kraken.
Game ended after 9 minutes with all of us dying to 4/10th of a single health bar remaining on the gorgon.

Our monster for game 2 banned the following hunters Slim/hank/jack/markov and the monster he picked was Goliath
The enemy hunter team was Laz/cabot/abe/parnell and they banned kraken.
Game went on for roughly 6 minutes and ended with 2 strikes on everyone except the assault who had 1 strike. Our monster lost 3 bars of health in total by the end of the match

4 matches played, 3 won, 1 lost.

Now I really need to see some footage.

>Kraken gets banned in tournaments repeatedly
>retards on /evog/ keep saying he's fine and not hard to beat just like they shit on Laz and claim that QC is viable or a decent choice
>TRS thinks they are doing a goof job balancing him
>they actually gave his long distance non-melee attacks the same advantage as melee attacks


good job*

oh the ironings

Kraken is the safest monster to always ban because even Gorgon is less annoying than dealing with a retarded Kraken.

Fuckers at TRS need to remove that snowball doing melee perk effects and make harpoons slowly reel his ass in or something fuck Kraken pickers.

We have footage of our hunter games, dunno about monster games.
check twitch at puggims/v/82109954 18:43

fucking spam filter making things a pain in the ass.
I'll see if I can figure out who broadcasted our first monster game since I know puggims had half of the second monster game before his stream died.

I know, I know. Kraken is fucking cancer. Now more than ever because of the bat shit insane and retarded change to his shitballs.

I am going insane or Crow's sniper crosshair points to the left of where charged shots go? I fucking bash the mouse and never miss but charged shots just go to the side.

>/evog/ keep saying he's fine

blood guts is a shitter

z4ph3r mvp

Why go through the pain and suffering of playing hunter when you can just have careless fun and laugh at the hunters' faces when they pick laz and torvald

torvald is good

people are just bad

it's like the whole parnell thing taken to the next level

>usually play goliath or moliath if im shoehorned into playing monster
>decide to play kraken for once to switch it up a bit
jesus christ I see why this faggot is cancer, this shit is rediculous

Ok, let's just say I wanna fuck around with Slim in custom game modes, what are some perks that make him bearable?

What are some good perks for Markov and Blitz? I'm thinking Rocket Man/Capacity/Damage or Capacity/Damage/Damage

Sorry for the dumb question, but what was causing the weakpoints on the Moliath?

torvalds shrapnel grenades. 50% more damage if the weakpoints are hit, compared to vals 25% and laz's 15%

Oh, that's cool.