Leather seats during summer

>Leather seats during summer

Other urls found in this thread:


>air conditioning
>ventilated seats
>concrete enclosed garage

>sitting at a light with a motorcycle, wearing full leather gear


>tfw remote start

I do not relate to your feel.

>leather seats in winter
>car outside
Do I really have to sit down?

>drive down the coast
>sun on me the whole time
>drive home in the afternoon
>sun on me the whole time
>next day i'm tomato red on my right arm and leg

>hot day
>arm brushes seat belt metal

>Leather seats during summer

Use ventilated seat cushions. These can be made from wooden beads, wire mesh (NAPA store), or woven plastic (wal-mart). What they do is isolate your legs, rump, and back from the seat by about 3/8 inches so that air can flow and you don't perspire so much.

Man I was gonna buy this nice old Buick with only 50k on it. Seller is asking just $1100. Such a good deal

But it's summer here. And it has leather seats. Had it had cloth seats now I'd be all over that

>solid metal shift knob during summer

>nan puts dog in car
>dog jumps in front seat while i'm driving and rubs his dick all over the gearstick
>some sort of slimy dog cum substance is plastered all over it

She's got an oddly disturbing face and smile


i had to wipe dog weiner juice off the gearshift while going 100kmh
i hate that dog

ITT: people too stupid to have window tint so they injure themselves with sunburns and keep themselves uncomfortable for months at a time due to a variable that's been constant their entire lives: the fucking sun

>breaking the law

>living somewhere with tint laws


You'Re kidding right?

>not licking a super rare substance

It's like you're new or something.

>bongistani women

not even once

>making it harder for yourself to see at night

About what?
It's a nice as a car. But in old Buicks I prefer the plushy cloth over sticky leather

>Leather seats
>Heated and cooled

>have leather or fake leather seats on every car I've owned up until now.
>finally get glorious Alcantara.

Never going back.

>Heater valve stuck
>Blows only hot or FUCK IT'S HOT
>Opening the windows does jack
>Air con empty, does jack
>Dark car

>Car has no AC at all
Who needs cold air anyways

>liking tint
>making your car a cop magnet

My dad went to highschool with Hillary.

He said she was a cunt back then too.

>Check engine light turns on and then off

Did he go into detail?

Just that she was a typical bitchy feminist with a dope smoking brother (Hugh), whom he wrestled with.

I'll ask him next time I see him for more details.

Typical boomers

hillary used to be fuckable

>driving a manual

>Not driving with gloves

This. Makes me feel more manly that I'm capable of doing it. "You do what in the summer user? "
Stay hydrated and buy quality, good flowing gear.


God damn rubio looks like a serial killer

>cold enough to need defrost
>warm enough that doing so makes car unbearably hot

>have 5% tint on front windows
>1% tint on back windows
>50% tint on windshield

Never been pulled

>40% tint with a brow on the front
>TFW at high noon the brightness from under the brow makes it impossible to see gauges without sunglasses.

My windows are literally nigger black and the interior still gets hot as fuck in 80°F weather

>Real leather seats during summer.

>he doesnt have cooled seats

>turning on defroster turns car into oven
>cant see shit if leave defroster off

>car is light color
>interior is also light color
>ventilated seating with A/C
>A/C in car
I live in Florida and I just bought my first car with leather thinking ti would suck ass, but it doesn't. They are comfy as hell too. I cannot imagine why anyone would get a black interior, though.

My last car was tinted. I couldn't stand it. Seeing at night was harder than it needed to be. I will say I liked having it during the day, so that the sun didn't blast into my car and make it feel 10 degrees hotter even when driving and A/C on.

didn't realize so many people on Veeky Forums were blind


goddamn I know that feeling

You do know that you don't need heat to defrost right?
You just need air.
You could just turn on the A/C and adjust the temperature to your liking.

>So hot, put softtop down
>Elbow brushes button clasp thingy on rear shelf
>Scream 10 savage insults to invisible motherinlaws
>Drop top so hard it cracks the apparently brittle rear plastic window
>Balls so hot you wonder what volume they occupy after popping like corn and if your pants will survive

Honestly you guys. Nobody told me.
>Oh I fit in here!
>Oh there's so much leg room!
>Oh good, I have a Longnose crank!


>rand paul


Technically, you need heat. Or at least, you need enough to stop the glass from condensing liquid or enough to evaporate what has condensed.

Why not just turn on the ac?

>tfw spent my childhood in a vinyl seated Volvo with no AC and black seatbelts.

fuck me white people do not age well

>Bernie Sanders

Dude looks likes he's 40


I live in 110 degree summer weather, stop being a magnum pussy.

Believe it or not, places that get over 100 fucking degrees in the summer with a blazing sun year around usually have 90% of cars with tinting of some kind. Just get 35% on all windows, and a little dash shield when you get out and park for a few hours in the sun. Boom, 100% UV protection, ~60% heat protection, still enough to see out in blackest nights, especially since your windshield has no tint. Or, with 70% windshield tint, you can still see out fine at night but other driver's lights are just dimmed enough not to glare and blind you, but I don't like the idea of windshield tint so I stay away from it.

>middle of San Diego summer
>want to go for a ride
>motorcycle parked outside
>walk out in gear, already hot as hell
>sit down
>seat feels like the surface of the sun
>handlebars feel like grabbing a hot pan off the stove

Next time I'm parking in the shade

black windows will heat up your car even more...

Thats not actually him

I'd bone the shit of fiorona.

Why does Ted Cruz look like Stinky Peterson?