League of Legends - /lolg/

Best and most fertile Demacia edition.

Old hotness

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lissandra is worst waifu


Thicc waifu!


xth for nidalee

I can shit on your shit champion with shitty off meta picks. That's how much he sucks

>Best and most fertile Demacia
>Still no match for Faithful Fox

Best male charecter.
Best chest.
Best hair
I miss Graves poster

I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that Riot had confirmed Ahri as being "healthy enough" for childbirth.

I want to run a brothel with her!

she alone is the whole brothel

when are you posting smochi pics

>former Kalista main
>lived to see her take Urgot's place as the worst ADC while he became a top lane god


How do you even lane as Wukong, he is so squishy

Sorry, but best husbando is GP. c: I miss Graves too...

shibb go back to sleep god dammit

Draven is better

who else /0.006%/ here?

seriously though i had like 450$ in skins on this account over a span of 4 years and now im sad. cheer me up /lolg/ pls

Waiting for Moooshy to return in another hour. I promised.

You misspelled Gangplank

I really like festival kass a lot more than I thought I would for a recolor



i have to stay awake another 2 hours but im sleepy as fuck what games can i play that will help?

w-why do he look so sexy and invitating

you deserve it desu

not that hard to just not say anything

Best girl.
Best body.
Best wife.

If that's so, then how can Gangplank be better than Gangplank??

it aint gonna suck itself

ok then

i have an urge to call shit players shit, i just came back from a 2 month vacation too and this happens the first game i play

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

By just existing. GP is the best, after all. c:

>enemy team gets Yi
>he's a challenger smurf that murders everyone
>get Yi in my teams
>he's a retarded yi

-20LP, holy shit my MMR is so fucked up

I got like 4 throwaway accounts banned before but never my main, I'd quit league if I got my main banned.

>bot is 3 levels behind, keeps getting ganked, not paying attention to wards
>they try to fight the 6-0 enemy adc and support and die again
>manage to kill the adc barely
>toplane charges 1v3 at their mid jg and support
>tell botlane to freeze at t2 turret and farm
>they push out and try to 2v2 the fed botlane again instead
>somehow manage to rack up enough kills and farm to be a serious tank+threat
>mow down 4 of them with ult, easy baron
>take mid inhib, game looking winnable
>bot pushes out solo and gets caught 1v1
>bot t1 isnt even down yet
>toplaner wants to 1v5
>gets caught and dies instead of defending the turret til we are back at 5v5 strength
>cant do shit, get nexus pushed in because of these idiots who wont stop arguing in chat and play the game
I hate this fucking game
How are these retards in the same skill group as me?
This happens every fucking game.

But how is that possible when Draven is the best
>tfw your Draven falls asleep before saying goodnight to you

feel free to post account mate

>nobody on my team has any champion mastery
>3 games played with that champ this season
why do you fucking assholes sabotage my ranked games constantly?

>when you're on a team with a 4-man premade and the enemy team is a 5-man premade

>Deciding to look for information on good ol' Foxslut
>Find someone that plays ranked 100% Ahri
>If he can't pick Ahri he dodges
>If he gets top instead of mid (60% of his games) he plays top Ahri
>He reached Master regardless

What the actual fuck am I watching.

Nah dude, last "friend" i queued with fed botlane with his duo support. There's no way to win at this fucking game.
You're stuck with complete retards half the time.

I don't know that feel. We always say goodnight and I love you every night~
But for realsies that sucks. >:

If you're autistic enough you can hit Master/Challenger literally playing anything.

I'm not going to play with you.
I'm going to point out that you play like shit

If remember seeing some high diamond dude playing nothing but Ahri ADC, I'm not sure how it works or if it's good tho.

I think its just because his power went out thanks to terrible weather and it was late enough that he just went to sleep
Now I'm stuck between going to sleep or continuing to play fighting games and listen to music

I've heard some shit on Ahri ADC. Apparently it's not too bad as Ahri is suppose to be beaten in level 18 base attack damage by the following ADCs: Draven

Then aside from that you just rely 100% on charm and your ultimate and it's suppose to do decent as Ahri already has the base attack range of most ADCs.

I've never tried it though.

______ buffs when

That's not right...

>ALL enemy team is AP based
>My team Taric only build Armor

>tfw Rito still hasn't learned that "1v1, summoner's rift, no supports" ADCs are pretty much always broken and cancer

Literally just make more "you need to protect this fuckboi with the power of friendship" ADCs and you won't have to dumpster them later.

It's not that hard fuck

Q deals true damages on its way back so it adds a good amounts of bonus damages, only her W seems useless
I should try it out someday
I mean, it can't be as bad as people making lich bane on her, right?

I don't understand how you guys spend so much money on skins.

It's not a factor of having money to spend its about what these skins are worth versus what they are being sold for. jesus 10 dollars for a skin that is mid range of skins

thats rediculous

>Enemy top laner is Shen
>Our top refuses to take TP
For what purpose

Or you could keep me company here ;w; c: What chu listening to?

Skin worth is subjective and the worth of the money they cost goes down the more money you have.

I've INfiltrated the facility.

The Q is good for the movement speed and poke, and W is still useful as it doesn't interrupt anything Ahri is doing so it's just free damage in trades, even if it's not much. And since it has the same range as Ahris autos, if you're autoing something you can W them.

Also Lich Bane on her is fun ever since they made Ahri less bursty I think. As long as you don't rush it, when you get it it's adding a potential +300 magic on-hit damage on auto attacks which you can't really argue with, that's about as much damage as your W will be doing.

It's decent she just lacks a steroid.

Technically all champs can build ADC with relative success as most of the ADC power comes from the items. It really just comes down to base AS and AD and AA animation.

show us your chatlogs.
don't expect any sympathy if you don't show them.
>inb4 wishing cancer in caps

>inb4 silver

Sure, I'll stay while i look for Draven pictures
youtube.com/watch?v=ao4o-XRU_KM don't watch the video for best experience

>lose 3 games in a row
>/mute all at the start of next game
>do well and win
>do this 3 more times
>3 more wins

Anybody else feel like they genuinely play better when they do this?

You lane as wukong by killing your opponent every time they walk into lane.

>get placed lower on my smurf than my

It's creepy having someone whisper in my ear. .w. I'm listening to the KH2 OST...

Isn't that what a smurf is for? To be in a lower elo?

i don't really care about flame (assuming it's within reason), but the second someone says something stupid it's permamute and block after the game.

for example, if im playing blitz and i miss an important hook that could win the game, i will tolerate critisism.

but if im playing blitz and you ask me why i didn't hook when i had not enough mana for it, you might aswell go kill yourself, i won't care.

>I was tryharding in my placements though.

Who are you quoting user?

Promos to plat for literally the 5th time

practice in normal with your new champ before you go to ranked or at least know what to do...

Yeah that freaked me out the first time too, for my art haul, i found some good pics

no one, i'm tired and i accidentally greentexted :

>top lane is a "you must have this many stats or lose" lane
>midlane is 1v0 waveclearing PvE lane
>botlane is a tri or quadlane after 5 minutes

Now I see why this general is like 85% waifu shitposting. This season is absolute shit.

Wasn't that obvious as soon as dynamicQ was released?

I don't even play this game anymore, i'm only here for waifuposting.


How do we make Morde great again? I suggest make Q a single hit stun that has a small aoe slow around the main target he hits, make his w self cast again while stealing a small portion of armor and mr of anyone it hits, and make his w and e scale with ap and armor. Maybe even change his ult so that it has the same effect when first castes but instead of getting a ghost of whoever it killed it would give Morde some lich King form that buffs him so riot doesn't have to cripple him because of his "broken" ult. Also remove the shared exp because it's just stupid

>its a 5 ad 3 melee assassin comp episode
Welp, maybe I'll have better luck with promos next week

That's pretty cute, desu! Alrighty, I'm off! Ni-ni~

someone fucking kill me
>trades are always 2 for 2
>nobody can get near the enemy base
>fizz keeps trying to 1v5 and kha keeps trying to assassinate nasus
>ashe had rageblade until 50 minutes
>kogmaw goes full machine gun mode on me after i ult despite not taking damage
>viktor keeps ulting himself and using zhonyas
>Every person on both sides swapping out GA constantly
>finally get a 2 for 4 at the end
>only kog is up
>we have one minion wave thats fucking huge
>ashe bard and i all get fucking stuck in it trying to kill the last tower
>all of us get executed
>fizz barely manages to kill the nexus after sprinting down mid as 3 of them come up
>90 second spawn timers

Night, I'll sleep too then

Is Sona TOO big?

Mordekaiser is pretty good tbqh lads. He just bullies you the entire lane phase with E and his shield just negates the trades.

>lose one game at 0 lp
>get demoted

for you my friend, on a side note i won all 3 of these games and i still got perma banned

>Guy starts panic clicking champs at 5 seconds
>Locks in Graves
>Dies level 3
>Tries to gank my lane
>almost dies then just stands at the tower with me and takes farm
>Misses ult
>Runs face first into the enemy Darius 3 times and dies
>I solo kill Darius and back
>Him and the mid lane run top for some reason and give him a double kill
I love platinum

Yeah but the thing is they gimped his solo lane for a forced bottom lane style but decided to leave him broken and can't even do the simple fix of making w sled cast again.

Whoops didn't mean to reply

You're annoying dude, you spend more time writing shit than playing. Seriously this must be unhealthy and I mean for you. Just relax, it's a game. And don't play ranked

you havent been in low ranked league of legends games, have you? everyone gets mad every now and then. i've never had a ban in the 4 years i've played except this last year where i had a chain of bans which led to a perm ban

>queue up ranked
>get paired with a dyna group of four
>they refuse to communicate with me for almost the entire game
>2 of them eventually went afk the game because their mom said they were up too late and made them leave
>call them out on their shit
>stereotypical 12 year old banter ensues
>the remaining two children on my team talk shit the whole game and report me
Dynamic queue was a mistake.

Man, I've been a silver surfer the whole time I've been playing this game. I know there's as many retards in this game as grains of sand in a beach but I mute them and play my game. I never expect my teammates to do something, I play like if they're bots

Maybe for manlets and low test faggots.

after thousands of games and several years people tend to get tired of other peoples shit, i just happened to be extra salty this morning because i was up all night so i can fix my sleep schedule and get to work on time on monday

you have been unsuccessful in completing your series
yet again
except for
I was top cs in every game
my team fed in every fucking game
my team fucking shit the bed at champ select with hecarim zed bard garen vayne

>the LS9 video of the him going apeshit on an autistic person
Comedy gold. How did I only just discover this.

Another reason to avoid using the chat is that telling someone to git gud is useless, next game there will be another shitter and next game it will be another different shitter.
What I want to say is that it's useless to flame a player because you'll never play with him again, he won't do well in that game and next game the new one will play like shit.
So just don't use the chat

>Want to simmer down from ranked retards into some one for all
>every team wants to pick zed yasuo leblanc or an ADC for le epic outplays
>lose because the other team takes bruisers or tanks