life is so fucking easy. i laugh at my retard parents for ever struggling with money. i'm probably going to retire at 35 and just read books with my cat all day meanwhile my parents are 70 and still have to work kek
Life is so fucking easy. i laugh at my retard parents for ever struggling with money...
that is a cozy looking cat you have there
k.. keep me posted.
inb4 this is the same guy that borrowed and lost 25k off his parents a few days before he lost it.
Why does everyone on Veeky Forums think they can retire in their 30s? Why is Veeky Forums collectively the worst board on Veeky Forums?
they'd be retired already if you'd move out of their basement and stop eating their hot pockets.
>Why is Veeky Forums collectively the worst board on Veeky Forums?
It takes a unique type of autist to willingly spend his free time to discuss business and finance on an anime image board.
True. But it just seems like they reach a higher plain of autism here. Ive visited /mu/ and Veeky Forums and didnt care for the echo chamber of stupid opinions i dont share so i never go back. Its so much worse here. Thats why i come back for the lols. Its the ultimate cringe thread. I find it hard to believe more than 10% of this board are out of high school
im 29 and worth 4 mil
No youre not
i am and i know people younger with much more than that
No you dont
Wait, I thought he borrowed 30% of their life savings and blew it on crypto?
i do
OP's status: Rekt'ed.
No you dont. And you never will. You will die a prole
i've never worked a day job in my life kek nice try
Ok so youll die a neet. Thats worse
you think a day job is the only way to make money? yikes
Are you just killing time until your mom says your hot pockets are ready?
same could be said for you
so you dont deny it.
literally if you've ever gone to even public school you've probably known people that are worth at least $5 million
i haven't lived with my parents since i was 15
Reading this thread is like watching two kids in a special ed class fighting.
Yes you have
Sure is edgy in here.
This thread exemplifies the type of people on Veeky Forums.
>reminder that only one person in the history of Veeky Forums claiming to have millions actually delivered proof
report, sage, hide, and ignore brag threads with no proof
working is for cuckslaves, remember that Veeky Forums
yet you still use pilot g2 pens like a pleb. disgusting.
do we know what his profession was or how he made that shit?
He's was a lawyer and moved on to other types of investments.
>what is an archive?
>what is an archive?
seriously, newfags
Omfg fucking rekt the faggot OP