Tree of Savior General /tosg/

Miko soon!

Rank 8 Clerics:
Weekly Q & A:

Previous: >Can I play the game now?
YES YOU CAN (Get it on steam)! Rank 8 Soon™

TOS Info:

This includes more detailed information, as well as tools, resources, patch notes and official links.

>What is Tree of Savior?
Tree of Savior is an action MMORPG with a lot of classes, cute hats and autism grinding.


>Cards List:

- kTOS - Server : dead
- iTOS: Klaipeda (NA), Fedimian (EU), Telsiai (SEA)

>Official Translation Project -
Helping in the translation will speed up international server updates and remove unwanted machine-translated text. There are also rewards for contributors, further explained on the github page.

>/tosg/ Guilds info
There is no /tosg/ guild in Varena/Silute, if you want one, either wait for someone to make one or roll a templar.
If Guild is recruiting, please post in the thread.
Futureproof (Lolipan)
Clover (Karga)
Database (Cattly)
CuteNotLewd (Plasmagica)
Cake (DeliciousCake)
FOE (Jinsae)
Kotatsu (Colyo)
CoffeeHouse (Capyba)
Comfy (Katzenberg)

>Miko soon!

2nd for join f.o.e

Daily reminder to report all namedrop posts.

Saori/Kayori is literally everything that's wrong with Discord:
>borderline retarded when it comes to game mechanics and spews misinfo left and right
>pariah and persecution complexes, self victimizing, he seriously believes there is someone impersonating him whenever he isn't around
>most likely bipolar
>can't take a joke, everything has to be dead serious or he gets offended
>thinks afk'ing on sorc somehow makes him god's chosen and special and an expert on anything ToS related
>wants to win in PvP but is aversed to playing min/maxed builds, they are "too memey" for him so he forever wallows in mediocrity, this also further strengthens the complexes he has

Daily reminder to sell all your worthless gear now before r8 comes around

Kill, marry, fuck, cuddle, bully, get matched in TBL with.

Fuck Pyro, Marry pelt, bully Priest, cuddle Linker, get matched in TBL with Rance-sama


t. Saori

I heard you guys are PvE cucks.


It's time, post good builds™.


Do you think he even realizes how retarded he sounds?

I'm suprised he hasn't quit or rerolled yet

t. Saori

I want to fwee but I don't have a slot for a pet. What do.

/r/ the rexipher cute but evil comic

Literally the worst build I've ever seen.

It's almost cute how he seriously thinks he can threaten people.

I love this.

What did you blow the 50 free tp on?

Kill Scout, Marry Fire Mage, Fuck Pelt, Cuddle Archer, Bully Linker, get matched in TBL with Priest

Do your job to clean up /tosg/!

Report all discord screencaps and namedrops!


You're the best.

This guy tho.

Thank the chick that makes all of those comics. She play on Klaipeda.

IMC customer support deserves some commendation even though they couldn't fix my problems. 4 messages withing 4 hours and last one basically saying that they will forward this to the developement team. Guess it's time to take a break from ToS.

What problem?


Are there good multi target CC classes in this game besides Cryomancer? Hook doesn't count because it only hits 3.


Launcher basically gets stuck at "Arranging files 0%" and the game itself doesnt launch.


>listened to the kill counts and map exploration meme
>not 2 weeks but 1 month period as well
tfw facing party grind anxiety since I've never grinded with a party before
what do?

Any non-wizards? I'd like to play physical DPS.

max restrain

might as well just solo that last 30mil exp

CC is mostly a wizard's role

If you want to knockdown people on arena, go barb with pouncing and dash knockdown players.

You're the one who has reinstalled multiple times, right? What else have you tried? maybe you're not running as administrator and the game can't properly handle the files?

Meanwhile I made 270 in less than 2 weeks.

Database is recruiting new friends! We're slowly expanding, we've got 8 whole members now! Currently my number one priority is to help anyone with anything they need, in time when we have more members I intend for the guild to be PVP-oriented, however no one will be forced to participate.
Whisper Cattly for an invite!

I need to resort those images again, it's a mess.

And maybe it's time I release this entire folder already. It's like 512MB of ToS pictures.

>when I get a max of 9-10mil per hour
>when parties get supposedly 15-20mil per hour
I want to get into parties so badly but in every goddamn shout its always "pelt/chrono only" meme ;_;

Make yours

Rodeleros do it better.


Please don't bully, but in WoW there's lots of physical DPS with AoE stuns. It's really good for dungeons because then you don't take damage. I'm guessing this game doesn't really have anything like that?

How's that no dispeller scrolls rule going for ya pedropan?

Barbarian is what you're looking for if you want aoe stuns


Barbarian has a lot of stunning skills, same with Sword3Cataphract's spin2win with restrain.

It's alright. My SPR saves me more often than you'd think, but it's nowhere near reliable enough. I am almost considering putting more points in it after they expand the level cap. I wonder how often I'd start resisting things with 200 SPR + Pain Barrier.

- Verifying file integrity: around 20 files can't be validated, fixing does nothing.

- Re-installing twice.

- Running as admin from the steamapp files

- Re-starting router and disabling all addons.

- Adding ToS to the anti virus exception list.

Okay, I think I'll go with Barbarian then.

download ccleaner and clear your cahce

Being unable to validate files is certainly weird. If it's not an issue of permission access, maybe your HDD has bad sectors?

Should I do pyro3link1 pyro2link2? Going to transition into sorc/sage.

While I was swapping weapons around, for some reason my Musket disappeared and my bow duplicated. I think I broke the game ._.

This fucking game, man.

Unless your musket was something like a finisher, I don't see the issue, it was a good deal for you

Is it still duplicated after you went back to fedi?

Yeah, tried changing channels relogging guess I need to buy another Musket :

Stop the emoticons please, we're on Veeky Forums.

Make sure you post that on forum.

Trying to fit in way too hard, reddit-kun.

echs dee


/r/ CoffeeHouse chatlogs

If monks are for bullying , what are rogues2 or 3 for?

Sorry >_>

So who is the leader of futureproof? It cant be the retard right?

Rogue can still nothing personal you kiddo with scout
Monk can't do anything

Wow _


Not after I sell this free khasti bow I got

Did, nothing changed.

I suggest you to restart your client and check again, i remember something similar happened to me and then it went back to normal, tho i don't remember what i did

>Everytime that I get a cryomancer the retard keeps using icewall for those fucking 100 autoattack damage, while fucking the party kiting

Are Cryomancers the most cancer class after Shinobi? Literally every one that I get keeps thinking that they do damage, WHILE TAKING FUCKING CHROMOMANCER and not meme kings build.

After Jace's antics in the last thread I'm inclined to say yes. I never really thought about it but cryochrono is the ultimate griefing class.

cryo3Sorc2 is fun tho;
It was better before the shield nerf tho in pvp

>shinobi are bad meme
Every shinobi I get in missions either comes first or second place always in killing mole/bear/tree.

>class with strong pierce ability dominates pierce weak enemies


But thats not the point user, the point is hes complaining about shinobi being useless in missions when they're anything but useless

Non-bias analysis on /tosg/ guilds and their leaders:

Futureproof (Lolipan)
+ Participate in GvG
+ Serious about PvP
+ /tosg/ only members
- Leader's reputation in the gutter
- Prone to be the subject of shitposting
- Not much into PvE

Clover (Karga)
+ Decent guild leader
+ Participate in PvE
+ First /tosg/ to get guinea pig
- Lacking PvP
- Always get sidelined by the other guilds

Database (Cattly)
+- Latest guild
+ Serious about PvP
- Leader's a shitposting avatarfag

CuteNotLewd (Plasmagica)
+- Literally who leader
+ Decent members

Cake (DeliciousCake)
+ Comfy social guild
- Literally who leader

FOE (Jinsae)
+Serious about PvE
+Participate in GvG
- >Wind God
- Discord

Kotatsu (Colyo)
+Comfy social guild
- Dead server

CoffeeHouse (Capyba)
+ Leader's made a pact with the devil to have insane luck
+ Participate in end-game PvE
- Horsefucker member
- 50% outsiders
- Doesn't GvG

Comfy (Katzenberg)
+ MMO Jesus as the leader
+ Participate in GvG
+ Participate in PvE
+ Top rankers of TBL
- Dark and troubled past
- Outlaw server

>serious about anything

>CoffeeHouse (Capyba)
Horsefucker left game few month ago.
IMC cucked gvg of us. Rest i agreed.

>>Wind God
It's wind king you autistic copypaster

you dont know shit until you interact with more than 5 members from each guild so stop speculating

>Comfy (Katzenberg)
>+ Top rankers of TBL
Who? Klaipeda step it up.

Hes clearly biased towards comfy because hardly any of the comfy members are on TBL rankings.
This isn't even mentioning them getting cucked by varena guilds such as avantheim hard in GVG.

I never said that they were useless tho, I said they were cancer, which is true.

>Lemme go ahead and 1v1 he boss xD

or something

>say gg after we defeat the boss in dungeon
>guy says "thank you great healer"
>likes me after spawn on world map again

Oh my bad then, thought you meant cancer as in useless.

90% sure rance hasnt been out of the top 3 for 2v2 since the ladder reset but isnt mentioned in fp, karga is usually high in 5v5 but isnt mentioned in clover, list is inaccurate at best and misinfo at worst

How many people in the guilds you want to be in the top? Top 10? Top 20? Top 50? I think no matter how much people perform, you won't be satisfied.


To the comfy list

What's his class?
