post your twingos, twingo pictures or twingo projects
i'll be posting some OC of my own twingo too
post your twingos, twingo pictures or twingo projects
i'll be posting some OC of my own twingo too
Oh hey, so you're back from your road trip? How was it? Do you plan to make some kind of blog with some photos and stories? I always love those scenery photos.
i don't plan on making a blog cause the photos aren't really that good. i didn't take the time to take good pictures cause i was so busy driving the awesome roads, experiencing the scenery and looking for places to stay and eat.
Here's my GeoGo
i want to go to poland and serbia next. hopefully in the next couple months
whoa, a clean geo. I'm impressed (no sarcasm, it's rare to see them in good shape)
i like those
they have the 3 cylinder right ? those engines sound good. my brother has a 3 cylinder opel corsa and it sounds great. the rest of the car is utter shit, but still
Yup a whole 1 liter 3 cylinder
Great mpg and fun
but why
The American Brother
to drink rakija and remove kebabs i guess
turkish twingo probably wouldn't approve
forgot the pic
>Turkey wants to be EU so hard they even force it on license plates
So when we can finally import these shits will an LS1 fit into that little engine bay :^)
Pls no. It's a little shitbox that is perfectly happy being a shitbox.
Sorry eurofriend, it needs a V8.
it definately won't. even the 1.6 4 bangers from clios barely fit
if you really want an LS1 twingo you'll have to put the engine in the back like the renault 5 turbo
yep, I hope all this falls apart before they make it.
then they can be part of what is left, lol
Was soll das denn nun?
>RR on the original twingo
You're making me wet user, just think of the possibilities
How about taking a Golf MK2 Syncro, taking the 1.8, turbo it, slapping it into the Twingo and also slapping the Syncro drivetrain under it but only letting power to the rear wheels?
There are lots of MK2 Golf Syncros to be found on scrapyards.
Amerifat here. Is it legal for me to import a Twingo? And what's the cutest, most manchild-ish color it comes in?
usracu se.
>Is it legal for me to import a Twingo?
not yet
>what's the cutest, most manchild-ish color it comes in?
either the 1993 purple or the weird bright yellow/greenish color. 1993 pinkish red is pretty cute too
where is this?
I like how this little shit is always looking to proud of itself.
Like it achieved something and then sits in front of the owner, wagging its tail.
*so proud
thought so
where did you drive?
tfw you live there but haven't been able to really explore that landscape
Northern Gudbrandsdalen?
i too the ferry from hirtshals in DK to Kristiansand. then i drove to Stavanger, Hardangervidda national park, Bergen, Vossevangen, laerdal, the Trollstigen, Lillehammer, Oslo, Drammen, Öyne, and back to Kristiansand.
I didn't know high mileage is so common among Twungis
Hm, tactically avoiding my part of the country, although I did recently move back home from Lillehammer after three years of living there
Smart choice mate, smart choice
new twingo best twingo
basically a 911
they just announced the twingo GT with 110hp. will probably be a lot of fun
where do you live ?
it lacks the soul of the old one tho. especially with all those fun destroying electro nannies on board.
it might become interesting once people start modifying them and ripping out the useless restraints and slap a turbo on top of it.
>they just announced the twingo GT
didn't they take that back? I have to look it up now again.
oh neat, I just read there's a ELIA tuned 111hp Twungi now.
I wonder if you can get that bitch sideways.
basically it will have a 0.9 turbo 3 cylinder engine with 110HP. will be revealed later this year at the paris auto salon
doesn't look to bad either. neat.
looking forward to reviews
>tfw no geetee ninetythree
>i want to go to poland
Would meet you if I still had mine. Jealous of the trip, hope you had a lot of fun.
Probably because people don't take the time to clock them.
It's a much better successor than the second gen.
Also, I'll post pics of something nice tomorrow.
interesting wheel choice
>selling your car BEFORE you check dem
a fucking crime.
There is no LS V8 that will fit. Doesn't mean you can't swap in a powerhouse though. I wonder how well a 210 HP GM LK9 2.0L Turbo would fit...
Or even GM's new 270 HP LTG 2.0L Turbo crate engine
that heavy thing in the front of a Twingo would probably cause an... "adventurous" driving behavior
The Ecotec I4 is all aluminum, so it probably weighs as much as the original Twingo engine anyways. It's the same new 4 cylinder turbo used in the new Camaro
le epik twingo epic thread xd funnay le look at it EL CUcK MEME LEMAYO ;ddd KGHCKJCHCFG OMGG EPIC LE ME EE SO FUNNY FROM REDDIT YOU MSAD BROXD༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つYOU MAD BRO XD YOU MAD? MEME FROM REDDIT DANK LE MAYAMYA FROM 9AGA ;DDD AYY LEMAO MEME FACES XD MEME MEME FACESD YOU MAD? MEME FRO!M LOLLELEREDDIT DANK LE MAYAMYA FROM 9AGA ;DDD AYY LEMAO MEME FACES XD MEME LELEOELEOLEOELLL LE LOL BRO /B/RO EPIC MEME YLYL! banana meme ftw BANA! I REALLY LIKE THIS IMAGE deas FORM ISDES IN ORBIT MAN SIDES XD LE FRIES IN ORBIT ::dd XDD REACTION FACE OF LE COSTANZA ;P BANE?BANE FOR YOU BANA FOR YOU FFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUU FACE RAGE comci meme le me le troll :sss Dank blaz3 a marijJAUAN!!!!!11111112348O7T45OIB LE !!!!!11121ONE logf [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] holla for a dolla XD SUCK MY DICK /B/RO YOU TROLLED YOU TROLL SO HEAVI XDD LE BACON NARWhals at midnight banana for scale SLUT BU SEMEAN DEMON FOR teh winz,! interwenz [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅100)̲̅$̲̅] +100 internets to you my good sir XD (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚ ゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ) le sparkle fight!!!!! TEXT FACE FOR THE MEMEZ ;O FOR THE WIN!!1 :0 XD ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) Y U NO POST ON 9GAG?!?! AYY LMAO EY LMEO EIGH LEMEIGHOლ(ಠ益ಠლ) ~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ from 9gag a meme AYAYY LMAO AYY LMAO AYY LMAOAYY LMAO le kek so kek dae le thanks lori? xD ftw le really like this image xP why cant scruffy marry le 12 year old xD tfw no gf :P DAE LITERALLY WHO? wat a nioce board m8 i r8 it 8outa8 pleb i tip my fedora to you, ;p xD, sent ;)! xD, half LIFE 3 WHEN?!?!??!, le epic tripfriend! whos your waifu? ]:) tips fedora LE BACK TO /b/ MEME wow memez? :) le meme TRIPS (im a memer) we r moots fav!! PRO-TIP: YOU CAN'T XDp!!111 haha le pepes are rare dae le CLT le dubs goy! le why dont you kids like the copypasta? is this a le new meme!?!?! screen capped for that sweet memeing xD. top kek, toppest of keks : AHHHHYES!!!!! Ebin simply E B I N, literally eb: the in xD that sure hit the spot ok now repeat that fucking epic ass M E M E haha>
simply epic
I think most engines from Clio *might* fit in the engine bay, but I wouldn't count on every one. K4M or K4J sounds nice, though.
are you having a seizure?
only a 10th of the fun without the sound of this particular video
Yeah, shame we're not on /wsg/
Damn bruh
I am sorry hut am new to cars, is there a US equivelent to it? Seems what is quolloqially called a shitbox stopped being made by the early 2008s
>unironically owning and driving a twingo
>not enjoying fun
yeah, the fedora suits you just fine
>unironically owning, driving and defending a twingo
A twingo is many things. Shit, embarrassing, french, ugly. Not fun though. Definitely not fun. Not that you would know what fun is since you drive a twingo.
still looks too fat
Got a Herpa Twingo minikit.
>not French
>not cute
Get out
Hey OP, are you in Hungary by any chance? Because I saw an orange twingo that looked exactly like yours on the side of the road near Csákvár.
It's here!
Sitting on onee-chan's dirty hood
How did you get it and how do I get one?
Twingo's new place to sit and spread happiness on the roads.
Big thank you from the bottom of my heart to singerbr/o/s and Swissbro for this gift. I will forever remember my old cute little shitbox.
I'm not sure why but the new owners stopped parking where they parked before. I'll try to find it and take a pic of both the plushie and the original.
What is it with Twingo threads and GETs?
Some madmen did a veeate conversion.
What's up my Twingbros
OC for you twing/o/s
kek wills it
>go hon somewhere else
and it belongs to ZZtop now
I got it from Plushiebro as a gift for hosting Veeky Forums sings. It's a sample for the second run. AFAIK the second run is in preparation, so you can't get one as of now. Follow the Twingo threads and some day info might pop up.
After a bath with onee-chan
Nah its needs a 20b
I'd love to try a rotary swap someday.
I fear cooling will be an issue though.
Hello there neighbor, ZK here. Damn cute plushie.
Learned to drive and bought my BMW in ZK. The city center is kinda fucked but the outskirt roads are pretty nice. See you on the road maybe.
Look what parked next to me.
Dubs and I send all the hon to your place of your choosing.
that's a big hon
For you.
S/o/Cal WAT checking in with Twingo.
Oh look it is these man-children twingo faggots again.
Banned from /pol/?
Why doesn't that hat say "Make America Great Again"?
Because MAGA Force is enforcing the MAGA.
too much cringe
son you better DELETE THIS pic and walk right on out of this board
Just saw one in mint condition and the glass top.
I never cared about Twingos before but that one looked so fresh and the glass roof was fucking HUGE.