Did you guys fall for the "female Steve Jobs" trap...

Did you guys fall for the "female Steve Jobs" trap? I remember hearing her name a few years back and now checking how things are going for her and Theranos, what a group of scammers :D

>Trusting wymen with Veeky Forums

The only biz women should be involved in is when taking the biz

>it's a Veeky Forums takes out their frustration over not getting laid on women by cherrypicking scam artists and incompetent people despite them existing for both genders and then proceed to talk about how they ;didn't want to get laid anyways' like an upset child thread

*Tick tock*
*Tick tock*

You'll be 30 sooner than you think

*Tick tock*
*Tick tock*
enjoy it while it lasts
*Tick tock*

lmao no, women in business is a meme and women CEOs are an even bigger meme. Look at yahoo for example. That being said, competent woman executives are not unheard of, but rare. The ones I know of are either divorced or childless old maids.

This desu. Misogyny is all well and fun in some small doses but it gets old really quick.

They really are fucking terrible at bussiness though.

Look at Tumblr and Yahoo

back to pleddit

Haha those photoshop skills.

No, it's people lashing out because of how fucking hard she and Marissa Mayer were crammed down our throat as strong women leaders. Only one left in the female empowered trifecta is Sheryl Sandberg, but she's been smart enough to latch onto sure wins

Kek, found the woman.

Found the virgins. Just a handful of you lil buggers

And another woman. There are more of you here than I thought.

Why are meme magazines so desperate for a female equivalent to every male visionary?

Just more corporate Kool-aid to make people literally buy into the dream with no actual analysis of what they're getting into.

Because no sane person is going to buy their garbage so they pander to the stupid and gullible.

Which is what feminists are.

The real question is why aren't you making money off these idiots?

notice how a women wrote it. One that is Veeky Forums

>Are you fucking kidding me

someone needs put her back in the kitchen where she belongs

I get laid often

>implying I don't work at Cosmo.
I do.

> implying I'm not supplementing my NEET bucks with "male tears" mug sales.

Name a woman that's been good as a CEO then? Marissa Mayer, Meg Whitman, Carly Fiorina have all run their companies into the ground. Lisa Su is in the middle of killing AMD and she'll get a golden parachute for crashing that plane with no survivors.Ellen Pao (Reddit CEO and also a fraud and criminal) ran reddit into the ground and was finally forced out when reddit got smashed by other social media sites back in 2011.

>It's a "some white knight on Veeky Forums with zero experience unconditionally defends females despite their numerous failures" episode

Hey, I hate to break it to you, but stereotypes and consensus exist for a reason.

>it's a Veeky Forums takes out their frustration over not getting laid on women by cherrypicking scam artists and incompetent people despite them existing for both genders and then proceed to talk about how they ;didn't want to get laid anyways' like an upset child thread
>It's a PC Culture shilling gets rightful hate thread
Hating forced bullshit and lies isn't misogyny, and quit using that word like a retarded SJW.
>Found the virgins.
Found the SJW's. What's funny is you're even using the same shaming tactics SJW's use when confronted with truth.

Best example of this confirmed for being a meme is the "dreams in code" kid. This is just what happens when a magazine or newspaper doesn't have anything to report on so they just make something up.

>hired by some meme company
>re-makes a todo list program for >mac
>can't get a kickstarter funded

meme "next steve jobs" shit doesn't help you but get your foot in the door, if you can't code or succeed at business, you will still fail

I like how all the media outlets who were sucking her dick quickly swept it under the rug and pretended like nothing happened.
This society and it's habit of putting people on pedestals for doing jack and shit themselves.

True, but to be fair...

Name even a few great business leaders who are/were female.

where do you think you are