im buying a 68 mustang pretty quick here, but it's a v8 and i'm poor for the most part, i know i'm eligible for historical plates cus it's over 26 years old. it says im not allowed to use it for day-to-day driving. how do they prove that i am or am not? if it's the odometer, couldn't i just disconnect it from the trans/gearbox?(i don't know which it is on fords). help me cheat the system and get cheap insurance.
Historical plates
You're an idiot for buying that car if your that poor.
You'll probably be fucked if you crash it. Insurance company will see you were using it for your dd and not pay.
my state makes you keep a mileage log. if you get pulled over they ask for it.
You won't cheat the system. Believe me, it'll catch up to you in one way or another. You shouldn't be buying a classic if you can't afford to own one.
What the fuck state is that?
>trying to get cheap insurance for a 68 Mustang
>mfw my own classic is only ever driven by old people who baby them so insurance rates are lower than some modern sedans
well, i'm 20. i pay 160 a month for a 2000 accord and that's a 4 banger. no tickets, no points on license. i can only imagine what they would charge me for this. i just can't stand driving something that isn't pretty and nice. i make like 18 bucks and hour, but i'm a college kid. i used to drive my dads 67' camaro rs/ss every day for like 3 years. i can't stand what i drive. i need a muscle car, i don't care how dumb it is.
$160/month on an accord? I pay $114/month for a brand new jeep and a GTO and I'm 22
>20 years old
>buying a muscle car from 1968
>already paying $160 a month for a fucking accord
Enjoy $500 a month rates. Hope that V8's worth it.
i have no idea why i pay this much. it actually bothers me a lot. i've never even gotten a parking insurance has been this much since i got my license when i was 16.
In Wisconsin, collector plates are a one-time fee of like $250. You can't drive it in January, and you have to have another vehicle registered in your name on standard plates.
I started a thread like this before I plated my fox asking if anybody who drives on historical plates has ever been hassled for it. No one had and I put on the historical plates. I haven't been either.
>Hope that V8's worth it
You and I know that's a stupid fucking question.
You're insurance will be cheap as fuck if you don't get comp and collision.
If you can share a policy with your parents it can be super affordable insurance wise to register it like a normal car. One time for shit's and giggles I called the insurance company to ask them for a quote on a daily driven 66 Mustang, and for a 19 year old sharing insurance with his mother, both with spotless records, the insurance was like $500-$1000 annual. Even if that tripled in cost should I pay it on my own, it doesn't look insurmountable. Go get a better paying job, build up savings, THEN get your Mustang.
As other user's have said, in most states it's about the insurance. If you ever get in an accident just say you were on your way to Autozone or your mechanic since driving it to perform maintenance is one of the allowed things you can do in Ohio at least.
Right I forgot to mention that this was how I got it so cheap. Told them liability only because anything short of a serious accident is easy as piss to fix yourself on an old ferd.
I have basic liability on my DD Comet, $28/mo on normal plates. I don't understand the deal with historic plates, they don't seem like a good deal.
i live in michigan, is that even legal?
i pay 160/mo for normal plates with basic insurance for a 2000 honda accord. i envy you.
I'm an old man and I've never had a ticket or been in an at fault accident. Just never make a mistake and you'll be good someday.