Is moving to Malta only way to avoid paying a shitload of money to the gov? im currently living in germany and paying around 15k tax off and 50k income. im selfemployed with internet business. business skyrocket this year and hopfully will continue to in next years - so i will even pay more tax. pls tell me best way to not support merkel.
Tax optimization europe
Find a trustworthy lawyer and ask them to set up any and all tax avoidances possible, while also tell him to find ways for you to gain welfare money to reverse the taxes you will inevitably pay.
I'm in a similar position. I actually went to Malta to check it out in April to see if I want to live there. I have not quite made up my mind yet.
Malta does seem like the best option though in Europe. Bulgaria could be another option since you would only have to pay 10% there.
In Malta you only pay tax on income you remit to Malta, so that's great.
Do you guys not bother with friends?
Doesn't Monaco not tax foreigners?
Or is that only rich foreigners?
no capital gains tax in monaco if you're a foreigner...but rents are extremely high... good place to live. clean, safe, no riff raff
you're a small fish. you don't even come close to the maximum on german progressive taxes. you're honestly not bad off, stop complaining. after all you benefit from all the good things the state provides for you in germany.
the only sucky thing operating a business as a person is you can't forward profits to do investments in following years. if you want to park profits, found a limited (german GmbH). income tax on a limited (german Körperschaftsteuer) is only 15.825% flat, add something like 7% for business tax and you'd only have to pay ~23% flat tax. you can't take those profits out without triggering an additional 25% capital gains tax of course, but at least it allows you to save up your profits within the limited. especially useful if you expect irregular profits, so you don't pay 45% personal income tax in one year and zero in the next.
get a pro to look at your finances. why are you asking anonymous idiots for tax advice?
anything effective will cost him more than 15k a year
>In Malta you only pay tax on income you remit to Malta
doesn't mean other country will accept that you don't pay taxes anymore. basic rule is that *both* countries tax you and you have to convince one to give you credit for the taxes paid in the other (which only works if both countries have signed a DTA)
if it were that easy, everyone would move to monaco
i wasnt saying it was easy... its mainly for people who've made all their money already and just want a nice place to live carefree from the taxman. business wise, its subject to corporation tax etc... but if you're already minted, its a nice place to be. the reason its hard to find a place is because real estate is limited...and super expensive.. but if you can afford the rent and have at least 500k in the bank account, anybody can come
>doesn't mean other country will accept that you don't pay taxes anymore. basic rule is that *both* countries tax you and you have to convince one to give you credit for the taxes paid in the other
Where the fuck do you live? USA? In Europe we pay taxes based on country of residence, which is where you spend more than half of each year.
legal not much
illegal, the possibilities are endless especially in the internet business world.
A little bit of research and you will see how ridiculously easy it is to pay 0% tax when you're an online entrepreneur
however this is fully illegal but there's close to zero probability of you getting caught if you do it right
>doesn't mean other country will accept that you don't pay taxes anymore. basic rule is that *both* countries tax you and you have to convince one to give you credit for the taxes paid in the other (which only works if both countries have signed a DTA)
nah man that's not how it works outside of burgerland
actually USA is one of the very few countries on earth that do double taxation
most civilized countries have tax agreements to prevent double taxation, you don't have to "convince" anyone to give you a tax credit
nope. you're talking about the unlimited taxability which depends on your residence. but every country puts you under limited taxability for the majority of the ways you can generate income in that country. which means by default both countries tax your income.
>tax agreements
yeah, said DTAs. i'm aware. "convincing" as far as getting the country to give you credit for the foreign tax paid. the path is set, but you still have to do the work (filings, etc).
Bump. For awhile now I've also been interested in residence in Malta or Bulgaria or any other low tax countries in Europe.
> convert to Islam
> move to caliphate
> profit
This OP, malta is a place for people who don't have jobs and earn all their money through passive investments. You need to have 500k euro for their residency scheme, that's why it's so popular with retirees.
Im not american and this might be a retarded question, but what happens if someone earns 6k a month in the US on a job? You only get to use 3k?
>Not moving your business to Bulgaria and enjoy the 10% flat corporate tax while trading in the whole EU.
>Bulgaria or any other low tax countries in Europe.
This. One of the best places in Europe for doing business, especially in IT.
Sauce: Business optimization expert in Bulgaria.
i heard bulgarian woman have beard
i have a friend who moved from germany to malta. basically when i ask him he said its not that good in malta as expected. ofc he safes some money on tax. but gov administration is shit. he needs a guy for everything especially in business and finance. infastructure in every sight is bad (especially health). other thing is that you can't really live there because you get ripped of from everyone there because they know you saving tax there. other thing is malta has a lot of debt (73% of gdp).
is bulgaria any different? i really like germany tho. travelling a lot and saw no place better than here. but would love to spread time and go 6 month germany / 6 month warm place over the winter. dunno if that could be connected with tax optimization.
>is bulgaria any different?
From lifestyle point of view, yes. Everything is cheap as fuck and the people are friendly. Crime rate is low.
From govt administration and infrastructure point of view is the same as Malta. You will need trusted local partners in order to get shit done smoothly. But once you've got this settled the rest is easy. Health care is pretty decent and affordable tho.
The economic climate offered here is fantastic especially if you're in trade and IT and operating in the EU or worldwide.
In the same time the local manufacturing and trade are crap. The market is small and over-saturated, the local people are poor and the corruption serious.
Why don't you just set up a company in BVI?
BVI will be kill soon.
Just wait till article 50 is being activated and the Brexit happening.
Not to mention that if you have to you can reach Bulgaria or Malta in a matter of 2 hours from Berlin.
Is BVI kill for everyone or just EU people? I'm in NA but I was planning on incorporating there.
>Is BVI kill for everyone or just EU people?
The EU residents. Brussels will blacklist and triple tax the shit out of BVI immediately after brexit. I can even image that the same will happen to the City of London as well.
Isn't that kind of futile? What about all the other Caribbean tax havens that are almost as good?
BVI is part of British Overseas Territories.
Which automatically is giving them a very big advantage regarding the financial transactions and trade with UK (i.e. EU) compared to the rest jurisdictions.
Btw. The above is valid for Gibraltar as well.
>Btw. The above is valid for Gibraltar as well.
Meant: The above is valid for Gibraltar, Anguilla, Bermuda etc. as well.