/sthg/ - Sonic the Hedgehog General

Welcome to Sonic the Hedgehog General. Let's talk about Sonic games, old and new, and the entire franchise including animation and comics. Share art, music, talk about new developments, discuss ROM hacks, speedrunning, etc.

/sthg/ - #531 - CHILLY DONGS Edition

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I guess I'll repost here;
Am I the only one who liked where this hack was going?


what hack is that?

Every time I miss the threads for a couple days this happens.

Sonic Boom


Tails is so cute.

>dat OP picture

No. I liked it. Haven't played it in a while though. I remember the 2nd boss being a pain in the ass and having to use savestates to beat him.

>complaining about embed
What exactly is the problem?


That's what you get when you use youtube links in the op and fuckers are too lazy to edit out the [embed]

When you copy and paste pre-existing threads, you need to remove the [embed] text lines otherwise the Youtube links will keep duplicating it.

This was pretty dope. Kinda felt like what the series might've been if it stayed 2D.

>Act 3


>Act 3
>Fire chasing you meaning instant death


Sonic CD is a weird game.

I'm kind of iffy on the level design in Mania Green Hill. The floating level pieces don't match how Green Hill usually is, making the level feel more like Megamix's Green Hill, which makes sense because Stealth is on the Mania team. It gets better before the boss room though. I like the level design of Studiopolis too so I've been biting my tongue on the former thought.

I don't mind it since it reminds me of Emerald Hill Zone

Green Hill Zone is boring anyway

Sonic was never good.

It's basically a Green Hill/Emerald Hill fusion. It's got the mobius strips from Emerald Hill too.

Fuck off ign

Are you offering to draw some?

goddammit user, I can hear the music playing from that gif

Boomy is that you?

Oh look is Arin again

You're right. He was great.


Sonic is usually good.

Still trodding my way through the dark ages. What becomes of the relationship between these two?

Here are the links to the 25th anniversary party VA panel, for those who haven't watched it yet:
Part 1: youtube.com/watch?v=UFSCRsnICag
Part 2: youtube.com/watch?v=lhHNURjmDqc
Man, those are a lot of VAs. They really made an effort to bring so many of them.

I wish there would be a transcript, my English is not so good to make out everything they say with the low quality and brackground noises.

It ends violently, then the reboot happens.

>don't make thread for once

genuinely not even upset


Yes, violently.

A 25 Year Lie

> how petty do you think I am?
I think you're exactly that petty, pinko

I never noticed Mecha Sally had a mouth all this time

>amy didn't even appear in sonally future comic
>mfw she killed herself

They fuck. It's gratuitous and uncensored. I'm really surprised Archie ran it.

she ate her self to death on cookie dough and ice-cream when Sonic got married

if only

Amy is love. Sally a slut-munk.

Thanks for whoever suggested Tumblr for updating a fangame attempt, it's making me actually work on something for once.
TUMBLR A SHIT TO USE, and if I see one more Steven Universe post I'm going to puke, so I'm just sticking to posting updates to keep myself sane

>Archie actually ran the Tails Doll monster
They somehow managed to make it a lot scarier now but still the look of the old one is ultra lewd.

Believe in Steven user


You have that backwards.

They never actually work to undermine each other, an actual bit of refreshing attitude in a love triangle. Sonic chooses Sally and Sally eventually chooses him too. Amy is stuck with weapon's grade denial, like a neckbeard with a fedora.

>when Sega likes fanmade games more than Nintendo does

Amy too cute
>dem eyelashes

Amy is an ugly psycho-stalker.

Amy is pure, you gay swine!

Good thing SEGA is pretty good about Sonic fangames, & romhacks.

hi ,sthg how are you?

Fucking Nintendo.

>tfw feels good being a sonic fan

>tfw feels REALLY good being a sonic fangame developer

In the end Sega literally DOES what NintenDON'T

How the fuck does copyright and trademark work anyway? Do you really have to defend them or you lose your licence? How does Sega get away with letting entire communities dissembling their products and making fan games featuring their mascot? I know all fan work is actually illegal.

>my little sister is signed into my youtube account on her ipad
>recommended videos cluttered with minecraft shit, steven universe and hamilton crap
fucking racist mario all over again


>tfw feels really bad cause you were doing alright but then got stuck on something and the willingness to continue is fading

No. Old shitheads just think that if they don't keep their IPs locked up tight then they will stop being pure or some shit. Fangames do nothing but perpetuate a community and history proves this to be true.

This is great ABT.

she is so cute

You did this to yourself. I cannot offer sympathy as none exists here.

Finally, an official design! Thanks, ABT, you rock.

Good work abt, they look stellar.

I bought my little sister Minecraft for my Ps3 for her to go on whenever I'm back from Uni
She uses the online on my Ps3 to watch other people play the same damn game.
I just don't get it.

Nice one ABT, you're too kind to us.

Thank you, based drawsenpai. You're the best. This will be of great use to us in the future.

Trademarks can lapse if a company doesn't defend them or they become genericized. The latter is why, for example, LEGO doesn't like it when you refer to any toy building blocks as "legos"

Copyrights aren't as strict but in the case of Penders and Fulop they're the ones who filed copyrights which means Archie and/or Sega have to sue them to stop (and Archie did with Penders) and allowing it to happen can cause them to lose the copyright.

Anyone else remember when Sega went full on retard with Shining Force? It's nice to see that they've recovered from that.

My outfit autism is flaring up but other than that it's great.

Wow! All this just for us? Really fantastic.

Yo! 3D user! You seein' this? You better be seein' this.

What'dja get stuck on? Maybe I can help?

mfw when i'm a drawfag who wants to draw but no good request on wall.

>Ian comes here
>Hesse knows about us
>ABT is one of us

But why, we're like 100 odd people at best who shittalk Sonic, how come you guys know about this place and like talking to us? Apart from you abt, an actual one of us who got a job.

You're all cool as fuck, keep at it.

You can follow up on the Knuckles and Amy requests from last thread.

Okay, bud. How about "Sonic X" Sonic and "Sonic CD/OVA" Sonic running side by side?

I was an active member of Shining Force Central when that happened, shit was nuclear.

Draw Sage looking at a giant list that says "Drawfag Idea Wall" and saying "These all suck"

It's because we're a hundred people on an anonymous imageboard. Low profile and plausible deniability.

>what'dja get stuck on
Using Unreal Blueprints cause coding's hard, trying to make it so Knuckles walking animation plays when he walks, but Unreal's retarded so it's really complicated, at least to me.

My autism flares up on a few things too but I know ultimately people will keep drawing her as they want so all is good.

Unreal 4, eh? Wait, are you the guy making the silly low-poly Knuckles thing? That looked like it was coming along pretty nicely!

>Draw Sage looking at a giant list that says "Drawfag Idea Wall" and saying "These all suck"
This is a great idea

Why do you have to specify the style of sonic like "Sonic x" Can't it just be modern and classic? For them to draw it that way certain shading and things would have to be implemented. Just seems overly complicated to ask for certain set show styles that dont even look very different to modern normally..

Hi, I just ported a shit ton of Sonic assets to UE4 and downloaded a big open level with lots of grass and particle effects.
Can I be incharge of the next Sonic game now?

I'm gonna do this.I like it



I'm going to do this too, when my scanner gets fixed.

I wanted an artwork of his two "Anime" interpretations. I could also just as easily asked for the "Advance Box-art" design. Same thing.

Only if you add actual physics and make an actual level out of it. No sandboxes, or aimless playgrounds.


>that belly
>no blob feet

That's the one, glad you remember.
It's coming along all right thanks, got a kind of gliding down and assets are coming along quickly if not good.
Just the mechanics are kicking my ass.

You working on anything or you just a good programmer/gamedesigner person?

mfw when i drew a bump reference and it looks like shit compared to this. It looks amazing abt.. i'm super jelly of you amazing skill and hope i can do what you do one day.

I was making fun of those videos where people port assets from other games to UE4 and ask for jobs

Only if you put a backpack on him and make him vulnerable.

I'm not sure if you're joking or you're taking the mick out of that video.

He does it with loads of em, like THE POWER OF UNREAL 4 and all he does is put the characters in big fields and put the lighting effect on.

I know that face.

So I'm playing SA2 and I can't fucking get past Pumpkin Hill. Any advice?