Tfw you want Japanese luxury and comfort like an LS400/GS300/GS400 but still want a manual transmission

>tfw you want Japanese luxury and comfort like an LS400/GS300/GS400 but still want a manual transmission

Is there any hope?

>Japanese luxury


You could always just kill yourself.


>Manual Transmission

pick one

luxury in japan is no beds and no seats at a table they are basically savages

Is300 and is250 are available in manual. Also infiniti G35 and G37 sedans are available in manual.

>lexus is

>Infiniti anything


Kek, automatic is a luxury item. Manually shifting your car is for fun cars/econoboxes. Modern automatics are also faster than manuals so there's that too.

Why do you want a manual? So you can hoon a luxury car?

Sorry boyracer, I don't think you understand the point of luxury cars.

Just buy a fucking LS400 it's perfection.

GS is crap

>He thinks having total control over his luxobarge in perfect comfort instead of a computer trying to guess what he wants isnt luxury
>He is so mentally retarded driving stick actually takes effort and attention instead of just happening autonomically
YOU are the reason for the sad state of cars today.

You faggots too

>thinking you know better than a Japanese computer how to shift luxuriously

>luxury and comfort
>wants a shit transmission for it

sometimes the consumer is wrong

You can swap a 5 speed into a LS400 for about $10k

that's like twice the price of the car

Stop being a >MANUAL OR BUST faggot. Automatics were originally designed as the transmission for disabled people and for luxury cars. Luxury cars are for carefree lazy driving, not racing. That is what an automatic gives you.

It's all going to be custom work

There are no off the shelf parts to accomplish it

>He thinks a computer slipping the bands for several seconds causing excessive wear and premature failure is the only way to shift smoothly

Oh jeez you're right better call Cadillac and tell them to never put a manual into any of their CTS's for the first 2 generations and while they're at it don't even think about making a ctsv let alone a manual one as no one would ever buy a manual luxury car let alone one with a supercharged v8 since it's too loud and rough to be luxurious




>Hurr it doesn't fit my personal definition/I don't like it so it's not what you say

It's OK friend, I too dream of an e39 with Japanese reliability.

CTS is objectively not a luxury car

You're confusing objective with subjective

I know this car is ugly but God Damn it is fucking comfy. Built around the same platform as the Lexus ct200H. It was nice inside too.

It's automatic gearbox is far from perfection.

Now that you mention it: a sportier LS400 with a nice 6 speed and a ~400hp V8 would've been a great match for the E39 M5. Too bad Lexus never made that, and if they did, they would've made it way too comfy.

I would love an LS400 if it had a modern autobox. Too bad fitting something like a ZF 8 speed would be extremely expensive.

Not many jap luxury cars have manual transmissions

Some lexus SCs and Acura TLs have manuals but its uncommon

99% of Lexus' consumer base isn't an unreasonable faggot such as yourself.

Manual is not comfy. Same reason old caddy's from the 80s were using automatics.