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hana song

I want Mercy to POOF

why does he wear the mask?

Rate my waifu

4th for image limit before bump limit

I wish I were better with this edgelord.
Maybe it comes with knowing the maps better.
Maybe it comes with being matched against dumber teams.

Gotta keep walking that razor's edge...

>Your car has come under some mechanical issues that you're not able to diagnose

Do you let Hana have a look?

>play junkrat
>enemy genji and tracer keep getting caught in my traps and dying without me doing anything
>type "you should watch where you're goin mate" in chat every time it happens
>they start sperging out about "invisible glitched traps" for the rest of the game

File Name.

I want to deflower hana!
aka dehana!

Assuming we're in a relationship, I don't need to let her have a look. She makes enough money that I can just take it to the shop. Problem solved.

Friendly reminder that the maymay is "Me ooga team booga" and if you say "Unga bunga," you slit your wrists after leaving Veeky Forums and going back to your home, Reddit.com.


>There are people in comp that do not shoot the mercy

Why is this?

nth for cat ears

can you not eat while you work on my car? thats how you get ants, do you think i want ants?

Hello friend

Is solo queuing and lonewolfing as Genji really how people climb ranks all way to top 500 in a game with 15 million players???

>Implying I have a car

>There are people in comp that do not get anywhere near the payload in defense
now that's the biggest pain

But 하나 is not 花.


I-I guess so... b-but I won't make a mess! A-And if I do, I'll clean it up... I promise. Please let me work on your car, I know I can fix it!

Anyone wanna play in a group?
I've been solo queuing lately and my rank dropped from 52 to 47, I just can't handle this game anymore by myself.

Mic preferred. Like REALLY preferred. If enough people are interested right now I'll post my ID

my loo is ready..

I will keep you safe in my arms!

Ok, so I can play mc REEE with no problem except for his ult. I can't kill anyone with it. How do I know when to use that shit? they always run away too fast or kill me before I do anything, and I can load the ult really fast, I'm just shit using it

when are winston and pharah getting buffed

I NEED 76's olympic voice line

Can't decide if 76 or Hog should get gold

Also what's the BEST non-legendary 76 skin?

flank behind them sneaky like

then pop it quick while they're distracted

Best results seem to come with having the rest of your team keeping them occupied.
Then run behind them and tell them the time.
One way or another the enemy will have a bad time.

flank when they busy, alright cowboys

Fucking check your time when you ult alawys. You don't want to say its high noon when its actually 6pm and then your team laughs at you. I had that happen once and haven't lived it down since.

Ready for what? For Symmetra to ignore it and shit on the designated shitting street instead?

Does Reinhardt even say anything in German?

>enemy has afk in lucioball
>I switch sides and help them win by being their goalie
didn't think I'd get such reactions

sieg heil

If you buffed donkey kong anymore than he already is no one would ever be able to make it to the point.

Yeah, I'll play a couple games with you. What's your Battlenet?

I just had a horrific thought that Genji might get nerfed around the same time Sombra is released.

If this happens, it may usher in Overwatch's most cancerous era. All the Genji kids now playing the stealth hero.

Just fuck me up.

/owg/, how do I become that Genji that makes people ragequit?

Reinhardt's and Torbjorn's voiceactors are both Americans who speak zero of their character's native language.

Rein and Zarya have such great banter when they are the same team.
>not bad old man!
>keep training and maybe you can handle a real weapon!
>i think i got this old man
>reinhardt you promised to arm wrestle me, nervous?
>nervous? ME? NEVER!

>Afking in Lucioball for exp
>Make a sandwich
>Come back
>The game is somehow tied
>The enemy team keeps pushing my idling body into the goalie position to at least make me useful to my team

I actually felt like an asshole.

>dat pic
I love it

He says German shit when he uses his ult I think

How come Symmetra and Lucio don't say anything in Hindi or Portuguese? How come Ana says things in Arabic and Pharah doesn't?

>Mercy asks me not to play Torb because he's "shit"
>Proceeds to die constantly from standing in front of rein's shield
Bitch, don't even...

well he is shit

>why is that enemy Mccree standing still and staring at me..

afk'ing just makes things worse, ending the match takes forever since the other team fucks you up so much that you are stuck watching replays the entire time

>on losing streak in comp
>will never get gold gun
kill me irl pls

What kind of retard do you have to be to smurf in a P2P game

what time was it

>play Lucioball
>have an AFK
>win 7-1 anyway
>next game
>same guy from last game is on my team again
>the enemy team has two people who switched
>Pharah and Soldier 76
>we win 4-2

Because Phara is the product of some smooth german engineering on the beach

>Character's on the enemy team typically say their ult in their own language.
>Except Reinhardt
>And D.Va
>And Torbjörn
>And Pharah
>And Lucio

Roadhog is the worst tank.

Prove me wrong.

File Name.

>Ad hominem
Just because he's X doesn't mean his point doesn't stand, Torb is awful.

Winston exists

Nah, she's S:76's kid
Nice meme meta sheep

Is S76 viable at 65+? Or do I have to git gud at Ree or Weebstick

Why would Pharah not acknowledge her as her dad though?

winston is the worst tank
>shield is plastic with a long cooldown
>not enough damage to be a threatening flanker
>if the enemy does have a sniper he will have taken two headshots during his leap
>his leap has such a high cd he ends up running away after he lands
>his ult could be called anoying and not much else
>even with ana's juices flowing through his veins winston cant do damage or survive shit

You're my waifu user

You french fucks and your fucking grating accents need to get the fuck off my America servers

holy shit i can't fucking stand hearing you cunts speak, i can barely understand you and you always bitch about something even if you're winning please fuck right the fuck off

jesus god damn christ

Link me to those streams/vids where Torb is picked in comp play with good results.


What kind of things would McRee and Hana do together if they had some free time while stationed at one of the Overwatch outposts?

Winston has more use than Roadhog as a tank.

Because Ana never told Reinhardt or Pharah.
>Nah, she's S:76's kid

Zarya > D.Va > Roadhog = Rein > winston.

>have an asian mcree with godly aim carrying me in a comp match
>add him and check his stats
>he's top 500 on korean server
wew lad I've found a duo partner

Her dad's Reaper or 76 tho

Hana would get bored of stereotypical cowboy guy and kill him.


>All this drama in comp right now about cheating rampant.
>Shills still evaluate characters solely on their competitive play.
Are you retarded or some shit?


Please respond to this poll its really important

So I really enjoy tracer but if I learn her and play with her for a bunch of hours am I just going to regret it later on? I want to learn a high skillcap hero that I can carry with and take myself to higher ranks but shes so squishy and doesn't feel like she can make big team plays.

I'm not looking for an argument for or against her being super strong or weak, I just want to know if my time invested will be worth it later on.

>change winston's ult
>now you maul the fuckers stunning them in place, maybe not too much damage but keeping them controlled

I think she'd find him fascinating

That's what most Korean and Japanese girls think of Americans now, anyway

How would you correlate ranks between a PC and a console player?

My guess is that a rank 80 console player will be easily outplayed by a sub-50 shitters on PC.


why would Ana keep it a secret from Reinhardt though? Theres no reason to keep it a secret and it makes her a super cunt if she did.
It would make more sense if it was kept a secret if Reyes or Morrison was the father since they were in the top secret super soldier program. Either they knew or didnt know they were the father.

I feel somewhat conflicted

How are Rein and Roadhog comparable? Roadhog has no protective abilities for his team and is essentially an ult builder for the opposition.

I think this is a little out dated but still pretty much stands.

McCree is just flat out better because even though Soldier has DPS from an automatic weapon on his side, McCree with amazing accuracy still out damages him unless it's longer range, which you never want to be far enough to the point where McCree's damage is shit anyway, which is where Soldier begins to shine.

>tfw can't break out of low rank becuase of shitters
>Despite destroying everyone I meet.
Fuck me. Why does everyone decide to be a lone wolf?

Lets play who's the father
>ana is a notorious slut who has every original male overwatch character flirting upon her return
>ana telling everyone they look good
>she probably made a cocktail of genes and injected it into herself

File Name.

she was sleeping with a bunch of guys, rein didn't think his german sledgehammer was too big for a magnum, and she probably didn't even know he was the dad

you can stop now

Lucio should say huehuehue

Come on, let's bring it together

The devs have said that everyone in-universe knows but they haven't revealed it to the players yet, which is kinda weird but since it's a hidden thing it must be someone important.


He only has a boner for Justice

>10 ranks higher than the second highest guy on our team
>"can u play lucio plz"

No. Waifu shitposts make my dick hard.