/hbg/ - Homebrew & Hacking General

Previous thread /hbg/ Wiki: homebrew-general.wikia.com

3DS: 9.2 (Downgrade: 10.7 - Homebrew: Browser/Menuhax up to 11.0)
Wii U: 5.5.1
Vita: 3.60 (Userland)
PS4: 1.76 (Kernel)

3DS: pastebin.com/TQwDsWh9
Downgrade + a9lh: github.com/Plailect/Guide/wiki
Wii U: pastebin.com/8u0WAyJC
Vita: pastebin.com/89L1aqAC

-11.0 Browserhax & Menuhax are out now! smealum.github.io/3ds/
-Install Menuhax ASAP if you're not already on CFW, because Nintendo can block Browserhax remotely without a workaround. twitter.com/smealum/status/758450605568372736
-You STILL can't downgrade, use CFW or install .cia files from 11.0 without a hardmod or hacked system transfer. github.com/Plailect/Guide/wiki/DSiWare-Downgrade
-Playing 3DS with various controllers now possible. gbatemp.net/threads/435788/

>Wii U
-Kernel exploit for 5.5.1 leaked, allowing Loadiine to run and more.
-Development on IOSU allegedly underway i.imgur.com/6f4Ktlh.png

-New vita update released. It patches HENkaku.
-Homebrew available now on firmware 3.60. henkaku.xyz

-HENkaku ported to PS4 firmware 3.55 github.com/Fire30/PS4-3.55-Code-Execution-PoC

Other urls found in this thread:


1st for piracy

4.80 when?
IOSU when?

2nd for egyptian womens beach volley ball team sucks!

4th for PS3 HENkaku when?

Let's be real. The Vita got off to a great start with HENkaku, but how many people/groups are actually contributing? 10, 15? Maybe a handful more.

I don't mean the guys on Reddit making custom themes, or undubbing their games.

I mean progress in the actual exploit.

Shit, most of us here don't know what the fuck's going on, and are relying on a small amount of people.

This is why I think that HENkaku will be unlikely to lead to anything other than the current homebrew we've got currently, maybe a few other apps that are only good in certain situations.

It's a shame, but it can't be helped.

Only the 15 year old demographic ever turns out any hacks.

Honestly, since this is my first time making a guide like this, I never really considered it, but I do have my reasons.

One, I suck ass at both drawing and using Photoshop, so this is one of the few ways I can make OC for the site. I feel like adding my name to it is like watermarking an image macro, but I guess that's really more silly of a reason.

Second, if I were to leave /hbg/ for any reason, another user could pick up the torch if he or she so wished.

I may consider creating an account now since multiple people have suggested it already.

Thanks user, I'll revise it

Just make a generic non-specific action hero username.

MicroSD hardmods for Vita when?

My poor Vita, I don't want to see her defiled like that.

I just finished Part 4 of the Plailect guide.
The worst is over, r-right?

I hope for PSTV USB memory. I know that you can use USB to update software at very least.



Yeah, you COULD stay on 3.60 forever
But I guess if you dont care about the Online features...

I will when I update it again in the morning user

What about the unused expansion port at the top? Maybe the chinks will reverse engineer it and make a dongle to attach external storage to it


I don't need to be internet connected on Vita when running emulators right?

What online features? Is there any game worth keeping online functions for?

All I know it's JRPG station.

Online for what? To play Freedom Wars with vitagen? It's not like it has its own monhun.

What online features?

>not being physical only
>playing multiplayer shit

Nope, you can play them just fine offline.

This guy knows what's up.

yep part 5 is really short and there's no way you can fuck up anymore

Cool vita got a firmware patch for patching their hacks, hopefully those faggots leave our general now right guys

>tfw update blocked
>using online features just fine

Thank god. All those hours spent pre-reading and understanding the instructions were worth it.

Well then, sony doesn't fuck around


Isn't it temporary?

Why does the PlaiSysUpdater appear on the Home Menu as "Built with devkitARM & libctru"?

So no games for Vita, huh? back to the shelf then

Are the cards that come with 3ds already in mbr?

Until 3.62

CRT shaders when?

What did you use to block it?

Hasn't it been out and worked for a long time? Why will the next update stop it from working all of a sudden? Or are we just expecting Sony to do that so we're forced to update?

Because that's it was built with?

I'm not sure why, but that's what happened when using on 3.51 to 3.52 and the 3.55 update dropped.

It only works when you're one version behind.

>online features

I'm on Part 4, section V

Are FBI and PlaiSysUpdater supposed to disappear when you downgrade?

don't think so no, you don't need plaisysupdater anymore after the 2.1 downgrade, will need to reinject fbi again later though

>lose access to your games if you want to stay on an old firmware
>lose all your games if Sony decides to ban you for whatever reason
>more expensive
>can't sell games when you're done with them
>Sony hands out your credit card details to any passing hacker
>requires precious space on your ludicrously overpriced memory card
>if you're smart you keep your Vita in a case, which usually has places for physical game cards

Remind me again why people buy digital?

so can you still get online on 3.61 with VitaUpfateBlocker?

Because I didn't think ahead, or even consider this situation. Also sales are tempting nonsense.

Because they occasionally have decent sales going on.

>stay on 3.60
>keep henkaku access
>lose online access
>and as a result sony loses access to your playlog and can't see if you use henkaku anymore
Seems like a win-win to me

Having a hacked 3ds is delicious

>sony loses access to your playlog
It is still in your gaming feed and seeable on near

For now, yes. Do it quick if you need to.

Not if you put everything in private.

Didn't work for me, fampai. Keep getting a NW-10743-5 error

I just want to take my Vita online for once.

>second vita still in the post
>will be forever because Royal Mail are incompetent fucks.

I just wanna henkaku already. Tell me what it's like guys, is it fun?

You can still use an updated PS3 to transfer over Vita games to an old FW Vita, right? I wanna get a digital copy of Diva X on Vita when it releases but stay 3.60, and happen to have a vanilla PS3

yes I'm certain Sony with their massive anti piracy measures has no way to see information that your vita transmits when it connects online.

Of course this might be me being tin foil, but I'm okay with being the last person on the horse to see how far it takes the previous person before throwing them off

>Part 4 pretty much done
>but my 3DS will only boot with the SD card removed

I hope I didn't fuck up.

Anyway, should I use screeninit or noscreeninit for arm9loaderhax?

Remember when 3DS versions before 10.3 only had kick ass homebrew and people were thirsty for CFW and more? It's kinda like that.

You should be able to, unless Diva X requires 3.61 when it comes out.

Yes. But make sure the game itself doesn't force an update.

kek, when it's done it'll be the other way around.

screeninit if you have a gateway, noscreeninit otherwise.

The best part of 3ds hacking desu. Waiting in excitement.

It says right on the fucking guide that that's what's supposed to happen. Also, as far as I'm aware there's no real use for screen init at this point. Could be wrong, though.

>It says right on the fucking guide that that's what's supposed to happen.
Scatch that. Guess I misread your post, but the guide does suggest booting your 3ds without the SD card in case of a black screen on boot.

It said it could happen. I think I've just got a bad case of always assuming the worse.

But thanks for the answers.

thats pretty meh, anyone can do it, even on 11.0

Does my account region matter using henkaku? I'm Hong Kong account.

Until they accidentally update

Should be fine.

Awesome. Thank you

So wait, is Brickway incapable of initiating the screen on its own? How?

They just didn't program it that way. It's not incapable, it's just badly written.

>it's just badly written.
Brickway, right? But why would anyone on their right mind buy one then?

Where would somebody go to learn to develop homebrew for the vita?

For quite a while it was the only option, and the only decent option for quite a while after that.

It's pointless now, of course.

what do you want to do exactly?

Anything really. Ports, games, file viewers.

I have no coding knowledge or experience.

Use lua player plus then. Lua's a pretty basic scripting language so it shouldn't be hard to get to grips with.

Awesome. Thanks pal

This question is about 10 years out of date, but anyone here ordered from here before?

I'm looking into installing PS2 games to a hard drive and these guys sell network adapters pre-modded for SATA at the same amount it'd cost me to buy just the adapter in Australia

Following Plailect's guide, im in sysupdater and about to update.

It says "use the homebutton if you run the CIA version"

do i just click a and not worry about that?

Update firmware cloak vpk when?


is modchipsdirect avoid place to buy an r4i gold in the US

Are there APIs for the camera, gyro and accelerometer yet?

>lose access to your games if you want to stay on an old firmware

I've never understood this meme. Why would I lose access to my games?

Because you don't have a PS3, don't make backups and are retarded.

Would also like to know about this desu


It now says "This system will recieve system updates and other important notiices from Nintendo via the internet"

It doesnt actually connect to the internet does it?

Or does it and download 9.2?

Okay, well I'm none of those things. All good then.

>Part 5 section 2
>Go to the URL listed
>bottom screen glitches the fuck out
>troubleshooting says to press select and arm9loaderhax will install anyway
>press select
>the system immediately shuts down
>check the SD card
>the OTP.bin is 1kb and listed as being modified on 2/29/16

Did something go wrong, or is this normal

I installed/whatever is needed for arm9loaderhax and it's working great. MHGen came out and I wanted to transfer my EmuNAND to a new mSD card but now homebrew/EmuNAND9 won't start. Any ideas? I tried running it from SysNAND too.

if the system won't boot with the SD out then you're good you can continue with the next step

with a9lh you launch those apps on boot there isn't an emunand anymore and you're sysnand is now cfw

So simply moving all my stuff to the new SD card would've worked, right? It isn't for me.

If you want a new SD then yes, literally copypasting your old SD to a new SD will do the trick.

Thanks man. I'm dumb as fuck. I honestly thought I copied the Nintendo 3DS folder in it's entirety.

What are the chances bans go down on the Vita? I wanna try some emulators, but spookied of a ban.


It's a 50/50 chance of getting banned.
They either do or don't.

After installing al9hax and luma on my 3DS can I delete my NNID and get a new one or will that fuck things up? I remember back when I used rxTools that was supposed to be like a big no-no or something.

You faggots literally killed the Vita. We won't even get any localizations anymore. I hope you're happy with waiting 3 years for a fan translation that will eventually be cancelled along the way.