Metal Gear and Konami General - /mgg/

2deep4u Edition.

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>Weapons and stuff

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it's dead jim

So this is how it ends.

>So this is how it ends.

You joostfags are pathetic, if you had any understanding of underlying narrative you would notice that Venom Snake has nothing but disdain for Quiet, she loves him but he doesn't love her back, her dying alone and heart broken was always part of his revenge plan.

Snake slowly manipulated Quiet's feelings of hate for what happened to her into feelings of guilt for doing he stuff she did to him, and then those feelings become love to which he rejects her, just as he planned, making her lonely and depressed and suicidal, when she finally tries to kill herself she fails, and when Snake goes to """save""" Quiet, she is misled to believe that Snake wanted to bring her back to his home, when the only thing he was really there to do was stab her in the back.

Quiet was less than nothing. She didn't belong anywhere, she wasn't a diamond dog and Snake never cared about her, he certainly never loved her. No one did.

She was less than friendzoned by Venom.

Yes, I would that this is how it ends. So leave it alone.

The best way to survive is to have everyone know you dont even exist.

Like big boss, eventually they figured out but it gave him a head start and when they found out, they couldnt kill him, he was too much of a legend, they wouldve started a war.

We need to remember big boss' plan for us.

for the love of mgs2, let's die a while

Shigu did the smart thing and moved on. Why can't you, OP?


Like Quiet unintentionally had everyone forget her and Venom deserted her, because he hated her.


>can't take selfies with the iDroid

why live

user... Let it die user. You remeber how last thread turned out don't you?

Yes. If this continues, I will make sure it meets the same fate.

>Only puchis can keep this thread alive
Start posting puchis

i dont have any sorry

do you have metal gear inspired puchis?

psycho mantis is the dumbest and laziest shit ever

>You remeber how last thread turned out don't you?
Yeah, everyone talked about metal gear and it was great

Psycho Mantis is the only supernatural in the entire series who wasn't ruined by having some retarded explanation because people like you couldn't just accept it

>tfw I'm not the only puchiposter
Do you keep the puchi love alive in /aceg/ also?

>>Psycho Mantis is the only supernatural in the entire series who wasn't ruined by having some retarded explanation
>some retarded explanation
>randomly recruited by skull face
>not retarded
>campbell AI
>The Boss AI/peacewalker
>not retarded either

come the fuck on dude and dont give me the; "raiden is just a cyborg" bullshit

I will make sure there are wasted replies user. do you want wasted replied in an already dead general user? Even if you do not see them, it is still a waste.

just like Stefanie Joosten was a waste of time to Kiefer Sutherland and he kicked her out because she wouldn't talk , he always hated Stefanie but never knew how to tell her other than leaving her for dead.

And Venom hated Quiet soo so much user.

Quiet loved him with all of her heart. Venom did nothing but hate Quiet.

I just want this general to go back to the way it was before. I want to go back to playing Peace Walker with anons. Listening to stories of the anons catching up before MGSV. Explaining to everyone how MGS3 is a kiddie watered down MGS for kids who like DBZ and who didn't understand amazing MGS2.

You know, that's too fucking bad. we all don't get what we fucking want.

Just like Quiet never got what she wanted because Venom always hated her, he was going to dismemeber her and throw her body into the ocean if she hadnt left Mother Base.

Or he was going to let Diamond Dogs have their way with her

How the fuck do you install infinite heaven mod?

I'm using Snakebite (8.3 version and all that shit) but whenever I go to "install mod" and add in the inifteheaven.mgsv it still says "No mods are installed" in the Snake Bite app?

just play vanilla and IMAGINE there are other cool things around.

The snake at the end of mission 45 was defanged, most likely planted there by Ocelot or Kaz to assist Snake in making her think Snake wanted to bring her back.

he had antivenom on him also, and pequod was waiting near the LZ. They played her like a chump.

Just like Quiet imagined the things Venom would do to her after she got out, she would make love to him in all sorts of ways, but she was just a prisoner, he always hated her, she was never a diamond dog.

i bet you were the guy who never posted qts in the old /mgg/ threads

Snake never felt anything for her but hate and rage when he looked at her, Snake never loved Quiet.

I posted a qt, but faggot mods deleted it.

Just like Snake never cared about Quiet. The only emotion he ever felt was anger and hate, He never trusted Quiet. She trusted him too much, however.

What the fuck happened to this general? Holy shit

The truth happened, let it die. let it go.

i bet you hate flaming buffalo for her breathing despite her being qt

you suck

all because Quiet never was a qt and a waste of time, Venom never brought her back, he always hated her. He could have cured her.

>flaming buffalo

I never use her but I dont hate her, I'm an Amber Fox kind of guy.

Venom Snake always hated Quiet though, it's obvious, he wanted to rip her guts out and then some, he only ever loved Paz.

I can keep this up, but you know, you don't care, or something.

Of course

Amber Fox is better than Quiet.

Are there really only like 4 hairstyles for character creation or do you need to unlock them?

Venom always hated Quiet. He told her to kill herself and then some it's like you haven't played the video game TPP.

Venom Snake never cared about Quiet.

He fucked her over.

You are really trying to force this meme huh?

Those are the only ones, I-I'm sorry.

does anybody here have a botanist qt?

i need me one of those.

I'm sorry you think its a meme; play The Phantom Pain and you will see the truth, this is a dead general and I will not stop.

How am I supposed to make a waifu with dyke hair? I mean there's one that would be cute for a Japanese waifu but the rest are dyke tier.

just choose the short haircut and give her lots of scars, i dont know.

Why would I give her scars?

well if she's a dyke, she must be a rough bitch with lots of 'experience'

Why did Snake wear the mask? Why did Quiet not talk? things we will never know, Why did Quiet love Snake so much? Why did Venaom hate her so?

>wear sneak dicksuit on my first playthrough
>start to wear Camo on my second

I feel like everybody goes through this change, why is that?

camo index my dude.

but personally, I used sneak suit + d-horse + night shift to cheese all the missions to S rank.

All because Venom hated Quiet and never wanted her around.

Dr. Emmerich, I'm DD.

I alternated. If I was going into an industrial area I went sneaking suit. Otherwise I went with camo.

Venom never alternates, he always hated Quiet with a passion, a waste of time. Ocelot had to tell him she is not suffering anymore. That made him sad because he only wanted Quiet gone and suffering

If anybody is interested (the other three legit dudes posting here) this filter seems to clean up the thread.

/Just like Venom|Quiet|Venom|abandoned her|about her|hated her|rejected her|deserted her|Kiefer Sutherland|Stefanie Joosten|joostfags|joostfag/i

I dont know regex so this can definitely be improved.

In the end, Kaz never appreciated Code talker and she died alone and heartbroken, there was only hate for code talker,

the replies will be taken up, but you clearly don't care about that.

thanks, filters updated.

the replies will be taken up, but you clearly don't care about that.

David Hayter was in love but Kojima didn't care about him and replaced him with Norman reedus

well at least you are writing less now. good job

can you vote more than once in that poll? it would be nice to make a legit count of the people posting here.

nope only once

You still deny the truth that Venom hated Quiet.

nice repost.

thank god

>posters 15
>votes 15

well that answers my question.


she wants to kiss Snake's luscious lips
Snake hates her

Are there any cons to expand base facilities as soon as they're available? Can it rape my gmp balance later?

The soviets raped Quiet but snake never felt bad for her.

Snake Always hated Quiet.

How many lethal one-shot weapons are there that are not a sniper or shotgun?

None, except a shot to the heart, heartbreak. Because Snake doesn't care about Quiet, and abandoned her.

>Are there any cons to expand base facilities as soon as they're available?

nope, expand away.

>How many lethal one-shot weapons are there that are not a sniper or shotgun?

rocket launchers :D

I started doing FOB missions pretty much the minute they became available to me. My resources, GMP, and overall bases levels blew up fast as shit. Expanding just made it even easier because I had more room for better scientists. Only downside was I had to go back to the main game for specialists.

Snake also left that one tank at the end of mission 45

When Snake left her for dead, he had better outlook on life. It made him feel better about himself because Quiet is the only person he wanted revenge on and breaking her heart was the perfect revenge.

Man, you joostfags are the worst

Ocelot's revolver wounds them first hit from close range

if by "worst" you mean the most honest on the internet, I agree.

Snake never respected Quiet.

That reveolver Quiet used in the heli scene, was blank rounds so Quiet didn't feel bad about herself, she is actually very bad.



*autistic post about quiet*

*truth post about quiet*




hey just like installing the game

>Evades FOB
>Hears Female Voice
>Goes Nuclear
>Steals 10+ Hacked Waifus with this face
He will be mad when he logs in.



Just like with Quiet.

Just like Snake was mad that Quiet was utterly worthless.

Retardation is an ugly thing.
inb4 hurf durf quiet snake bane

Did Snake ever verbally announce his hatred for Quiet?

Quiet is indeed ugly to Snake.

he was disgusted by her and hated her.

he still hates her

In the gameplay, have you ever played it?

It's quite obvious.

You didn't answer my question user.

H-He did, I'm s-sure.
My autism can't be for nothing.

Doesn't need to be verbally announced to be completely obvious, doesn't need to be stated by a Dev to be clear.

So you're going with a theory based on....nothing. Head canon is cool, just make sure you don't overdose.