/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #473

>Schedule for August:
7/31 - 8/8 - A Slice of Summer
8/8 - 8/15 - Rise of the Beasts (All Four Celestials Rerun)
8/16 - 8/22 - Cerberus and Fenrir Showdown (Reruns)
8/23 - 8/30 - Guild War
8/31 - 9/8 - Scenario Event
Start of September - Lord of Vermilion Collab

7/15 - 8/31 - Swimsuit Characters
8/4 - 8/18 - 12 Million/Summer Celebration Part Two (1/2 Off Special Quests, Rare Monster Discovery Up, Daily Memeroll and 120 Gems, Other Stuff)
Sometime this Year (Hopefully) - UI Improvement (Skill Queue, etc.)

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Please, READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Info (Updated)

>DEFEND ORDER schedule and star halo times

>Tweetdeck Raid Search Phrases

>Japanese Wiki

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deport muslims

Am I guaranteed a Satan if I roll now?


Reminder to protect Kumuyu with your entire life.

Please don't post old memes. Every wind god switched to dark with Six.

Why do you have to think like this user? Can't you see this is harmful for your country?
You have to prevent them from entering in the first place.

Still does less damage than Jionger.

Ornstein basically whipped his ass at Wind, so he quit playing that element and moved to dark only to also get BTFO by Jionger and Calcia

He should go fire then if he can't handle the competition. Or would he lose from a fearbot too even if he didn't bring Percy?

Jionger = Calcia.

Isn't Jionger and Calcia the same person?

That's embarrassing. How can he even show his face in front of them after all these?

Is it time?

>IRC tranny namefag drama

Even worse, he still seems himself as some sort of god who just not trying. He's deluded.

Post the old Celestial one, please.

can you guys stop talking about me?

are you jealous or something

are these XuanWu Shellfists good for autoattacking Yoda? at late game he shouldn't even care about firing ougis would he?

What's the twitter term for Kirin?

>"oh man"
What did he mean by this?

He was replying to one of the censored replies.


I'd tell you but that means more competition for joining them so I won't

So, any comparison on how EX+ were before and how are they now?


>log on at 4am pst
>people shitposting about guilds
No question which region is the most shit.

Nerfed hard.

Yeah, NEET USA is pretty fucked.

its pretty much designed for Silva since she benefits the most out of it

Does that mean that people will actually join my Agnis?

Why were they nerfed? They were pretty easy before.

the game's popularity is starting to die so HRT decided to nerf them so that even more people can easily get gold bars and GW characters

Loving this meme desu

How do I keep my Summer Naru alive?
Should I just bring over Petra or something?

Preventing rerolls and not celebrating 11 million was a mistake.

Where is my 4th gold bar, I'm too lazy to grind the seals

One BP's die so fast I can rarely break the minimum points.

Would you fuck her while Minigob watches?

How do I remove char?

>granblue does summer event
>no hype
>fatego does summer event
>anime commercial
>hype as fuck
what happened?

post titan

FGO is a better game.

Granblue is strong and does not need more players
FGO is a wasteland and is desperate to boost numbers

I'd fuck her AND Minigobu

100% of people play FGO for the tits and ass.

I love Jeanne!


Granblue has a huge playerbase and doesn't need that much publicity since everyone is already playing the game

FGO is a dying game that needed to do this otherwise they'll become even more dead.

What's up with this long ass code


>FGO is dying
>GBF is going strong
Is this the new new meme?

Your whole life is a new meme.

The new meme is either of those games dying

you are the meme

who the fuck opened this to the public fuck off holy shit. This why we can't have nice things like in-houses cause some faggot always opens it

Go back to your dead game general faggot

They're both dying
Time to switch to Pokemon GO

Calm down, man. Some newbies need those blue potion.

>not locking your raids
You can't trust anyone here.

I didn't lock it because I'm too lazy to change settings

but if u lock your raid then people can't get that extra pot!

11 million was basically 600k rerolls during the 10 million celebration.

I want to fuck that Baihu butt

Should I get the point dagger first before anything else?

Point dagger doesn't work for this event, I think.

I want more pots from the celestials

which of the wind weapons is better??

>Set up everything for a big ass ougi burst
>forget to click the auto button

Spear is ok. Whip for Kurwa memes.

You need the spear if you want to play wind HS

Pokemon Go will be about as popular as vaping or hoverboards in about 5 months.

People play pokemon go just because other people are. It's not actually a fun game. It's a trend. No one is going to log into their pokemon go account in a year and get addicted again, because no one else will be playing it and it's a shit game.

How many gold bars can i get from the shop?



Someone host a titan just for gbfg :^)

Will it work as a stat stick or am I better off getting something of my element?

>buy three rolls yesterday against my better judgement
>Wstar today


Well the gacha contents changes, so if you wanted Percy that was the time to roll.

Percy is still in the gacha though.

Not at a 0,7% rate though.

Which is the best granblue doujin?

>debuffs don't land

That Gran mindbreaking one, you know the one.


I wanted Kumyu. I did not get Kumyu.

I. Hate. It.

why is altair such a useless nerd with his skill 2

You guys brought clear, right?

Not even a contest

That non-h one

I bring holy saber with clear for everything I join because I don't trust anybody to do anything right.

Just 2 1/2 hours in with 6 nuggets I'm fucking burnt out already haha. Time for a fap


Star gacha was a mistake

No worries, you will have another chance in 2 days :^)

I got a Vira gold moon too, fuck star gacha

>Ever rolling the summon star gacha

>People play pokemon go just because other people are. It's not actually a fun game. It's a trend. No one is going to log into their pokemon go account in a year and get addicted again, because no one else will be playing it and it's a shit game.
This. Always had a soft spot for Pokémon and PoGo doesn't interest me in the slightest. My older brother and sister, who are stuck in the 90s keep asking why I'm not bothering with it like every other 20-something out there and don't understand why I'm not playing glorified. Paper Toss.

In fact, most people that I know IRL that are playing PoGo are people who weren't into it the first time around

>not rolling the summon star gacha