/wowsg/ - World of Warships Admiral

SAY Edition

Patch 5.9 (LIVE):

Patch 5.10(Soon™):

Stat tracker/Stalk your favorite wowsg

>Useful Information:
pastebin.com/ec862KsG (embed) (cyka blyat) (poi)

>In-game chat channel
EU Channel: "Official Veeky Forums channel", password is "vidya"
NA Channel: Search for 'Veeky Forums' channel by Antibully ranger
SEA Channel: Veeky Forums

NA: [NTR]: na.wargaming.net/clans/1000021519
NA: [KUMA]: na.wargaming.net/clans/1000007315/
EU: [NOFUN]: eu.wargaming.net/clans/500011239/

last thread:

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Mods delete and ban this faggot, he keeps spamming new generals even though we haven't hit bump limit yet.

>587 posts

Do you not know what an image limit is? Is this your first month here?

>image limit

Do you Anumati?

>Ship (Tier IX - X) will NOT be available for purchase.
WTF WG? Just why? I just wanted to try Roon in secondaries build.

>newfag trying to damage control

You want the T10 German BB on test server? Too bad, buy doubloons and free xp her like a good goy


r8 this Kraut ship

All i want is my crusier munching torp launcher

Lawl i just posted that in the old thread. :D

>three ships show their broadside to a BB at effective range

are you playing against AI?

kys flamu

I honestly don't care about T10 German BB.

AI plays better than a large chunk of the server pops man.

Not Flamu

>talks about shell speed and compares a T7 to Yamato

Yamato has slower shells because it's shells are the size of a fucking couch.

He's refering to how the ship differs from other BB's Yammy is just an example.

He was just comparing to other BB's. Specifically, he compares to Yamato because Yamato has among the fastest battleship shells in the game.

Which is one of the reasons why Yamato is stupidly strong. The faster shells are there to make it possible to use her max range, but in turn give less time for cruisers to evade once they're below the 15km range.

Considering a Yamato and Tirpitz nearly got double striked by an atago, I might as well have been.

Is Scharn included in this or nah?

>Win 10 battles on the Public Test in any ship Random or Cooperative battles and get 12,500 Doubloons on your Public Test account to buy a Premium ship


>Win 10 Random or Cooperative battles in a cruiser to receive one day of Premium time on the live server.
>in a cruiser

>when you see it

Simply ebin

Why don't you hang out in the vg channel you faggot

Because I'm not a memester loser like raptor.

>being this jelly
guys lets at least TRY to get to like 650 posts before hitting image limit this time

So why do destroyers seem so lackluster compared to BB's?

But how else will I be able to post my

That happens often or was that just last thread?

Can you faggots stop posting anime so these threads can last longer?

>this breaks this combined wowsg/wowg poster
honestly it's 50/50 whether or not we hit the image limit before bump limit, but it doesn't REALLY matter. anyone being salty about it is a buttmad faggot that doesn't have any interesting to contribute

flamu doesn't come here, he's a dirty redditor

stop dropping his name here

wanna know how arlios came here? nigga literally googled his name and then started avatarfagging mercilessly, want frampoo to do the same?

>implying /wowsg/ is some secluded sekret club of autism and shitposting.

>club of autism and shitposting.
You got this part right

>72 IPs last thread
>some of which are undoubtedly the same person posting from their phone

I'd say it's pretty secluded senpai

I don't even know these names

most dead generals on Veeky Forums stays between 60-100 IPs, popular ones such as dota, lol and overwatch is 150+

>club of autism and shitposting.

Sounds just about right.

In the grand scheme of things it is.

Arlios is an NA player who makes videos that are relatively popular and Flamuchuz is an EU player last I checked who is a ST. Alrios browses and posts in this general, Flamu does not.

even worse shit
fun with friends, bleeding players like a stuck pig

>bleeding players like a stuck pig
Is that so? Please explain.

he's not a supertester you fucking annoying samefag, go back to being banned already

Community Contributors the same level of access as supertesters, minor difference.

no it's not, stop making up shit you don't know anything about

7v7 autism match canceled, raptors mom started self harming again, raptor has pussed out.

stop ban evading

Who is ban evading?


no idea

totes not anusmati

it's a eecret but it smells like anus in here

the only way I can enjoy this game nowadays is getting drunk and yoloing with russkie DDs

German BBs strong ja?


nah. small penised Germans can't compete

It's sad, really that China line will be in game before Pasta

it'll be copy pasted ships from the russian line

Reminder that it's QT Hotel's birthday.

I'm just sad that the chinks won't be in the game before the britbongs, the autism from triggered bongs would be magical.

You can still enjoy combined French-Italian butthurt. But I guess without Royal navy it just isn't same

>bringing up penises this often
just admit you're a fag

i think a german bull rekt his sissy burger boypussy

That would actually be November 4th.

Japs like using ship launch date as the birthday for the ship for some reason, giving Yamato a birthday of 8 August 1940.

Compare with the modern USN, which uses the commissioning date as the birthday. This means that the USS George Washington has a birthday of July 4th.


>tfw I missed it because it's the 9th now here and in Jap time
I knew I should have taken her out for a match last night

correct one would be launch date.
>born by getting out of drydock
>sea trials are school
>combat is real life

Guess I missed it then.

Requesting screenshots of torpedo soup

thanks in advance


You should take her out on a date with fire every day desu.

>torpedo soup
>not torpedo tempura


>torpedo soup
>kitakami flashbacks

>>kitakami flashbacks
that's actually a nice idea for webm
to bad I am lazy shit that won't even try to do it


I'll do you one better famalam

I would but the problem is that I really don't much like BB gameplay at T9 and 10, which is a shame because muh Hotel is my favorite bote in the game and my most played


>Win 10 battles on the Public Test in any ship Random or Cooperative battles and get 12,500 Doubloons on your Public Test account to buy a Premium ship

Here you go senpai

>reinstall after 4 months
>6 wins in a row

Is it just me or there's less retards now?

It is beautiful ;_;7
No there are even more. (ratio stayed the same I guess) There was simply more in enemy team than in your

Are ARP events going to continue forever?

At this point they should just add missiles and lasers to them and make it a minigame.

No. IIRC from anime EU and SEA only have Yamato and Takao left. And like hell WG is going to give free Takao.
Though on the other hand EU is currently giving possibility of having third Hiei capitain.

They could keep recycling the ships/captains to have new players grind it as well.
>new players

If Hiei is already back they will keep running forever with ships that appeared earlier. This thing is going for half a year now and I came back after Kongou event so I don't even have her.

And Takao or Yamato are probably going to be skins.

Up until about T8 German BB's will just be bigger cruisers

They could offer those two to only those who already own the historical ships.

Obviously. They won't be giving free Takaos.

>ARP skin as a purchasable permanent camo

Just imagine all the shekels they could be swimming in

Did they actually add the corrosive torpedo effects?

hey kid you want a job at WG?

t. Serb

I dunno the 6 has 8 15in guns decent armor and a fuck load of secondaries. thing might be a better warspite

Kongo cadenza version will probably be next after they run out of ships. Then ARP camos.

If they are actually recording voices for captains ARP crap is obviously bringing shekels.

With Voiceover as part of separate bundle?

>backless dress

>5 strikes in chat violations can result in a permanent chat ban.

can't wait to see ppl here get fucked by the new rules lmao

>If they are actually recording voices for captains ARP crap is obviously bringing shekels.
This got me thinking.
ARP fags if voice for capitains wasn't free, would you pay to get it? I wouldn't because I am poor

Cadenza Kongou is pure sex.

Why is DJ Khaled there

Should start a Deadpool of sorts..
On how long it'll take for certain autists to be banned from the game. Or first to go, last to go. etc.
