>Finally successful
>Women all over me
>Can't find will to love
>Afraid of losing it all
How do you do it Veeky Forums? How do you rich fucks deal with these succubuses
related: youtube.com
>Finally successful
>Women all over me
>Can't find will to love
>Afraid of losing it all
How do you do it Veeky Forums? How do you rich fucks deal with these succubuses
related: youtube.com
You aren't successful. You are a neet
That never works brah, i-i don't want to have to make a phone call ;_;
You aren't successful you are a frogposting neet
What if he's a successful frogposting NEET?
are you successful enough to be able to afford to hire a asset protection lawyer to tell you ways to protect your assets such as putting them in trusts and advising you on the best jurisdictions to protect yourself?
Ba-bah butthurt
women are on me like flies on toads
I drive a BWM and live on my own, that alone makes women wetter than a NEETS left sock.
>Afraid of losing it all
>I drive a BWM and live on my own, that alone makes women we
so you're concerned that women will only try to get with you and take your money but you also want to flash your money around?
well anyways here's what will work for you in many jurisdictions: acquire everything you want to keep before you meet a girl, then meet her, and if it ends in divorce many jurisdictions consider everything you had before you met her as your's alone and everything you got after you met her as both of yours.
also own as little as possible by having things not in your name but in the names of other legal entities like trusts or corporations or whatever.
hire a asset protection lawyer and they will tell you all about what you can do.
If you're telling the truth, then it's too late for you, unfortunately. You need to find the woman before you get into the upper levels.
One thing to consider is to ditch all of the flashy stuff, sell the car and dumb down your wardrobe, assuming you were dumb enough to 'invest' in clothing.
Live like a shmo, dress like a shmo, then go after love. It's a better guarantee that you'll find someone authentic.
>before being successful
>women don't like you because you aren't chad
>after being successful
>women will marry you, and then cheat on you for chad
There is no winning.
> BMW and an apartment
> Rich
Lmao, I bet your job managing a local Walmart makes you a real hit with the local trailer trash.
I've seen literal college students do better.
>live alone
Where do you live that those things are not considered completely average?
The plural is succubi
This was going to be my comment.
+1, I guess
you mean past-their-prime sluts that were fucked by Chad for free for the mere reason of existing as a superior genetic being on their primes while you jerked off in between studying/being a cuck.
You want pussy you fuck a whore
You want a friend you get a dog
>There is no winning.
Exactly. You are Dogshit to women. A Chad working in McDonalds has infinite value compared to you. This is why you should not contribute to society and be a leech by all means possible. All other stances are a cope.
Gotta trust.
Get used to the fact that women love men's circumstances, not the men themselves. It's all business. Sorry, but they're not what you were raised to believe they are.
thrown out all the time on the whims of judges.
>Tfw you are the Chad
I don't know if I'd say it's 100% too late for you, but this guy has it right.
If you got attached/married before you were wealthy, it's a non-issue.
>Elon Musk said that he's very confident that the deal will go through and predicts that it'll pass with a super majority (2/3s of the vote).
cause u only love one girl but u try to tell urself otherwise
you find a woman thats not a gold digger and wants to add to your success
One reason why marrying a woman before you get rich is because in the divorce courts in many jurisdictions around the world will consider all the money and property you acquire after marriage is considered as at least half hers. And these courts would consider all the money and property you already owned before you met her as yours alone, as long as you dont mix it with assets that you acquired after you married. But you have to be very careful about not mixing the assets you bring into the marriage because its very easy to fuck up, even something as simple as making a payment from an account which is considered community property will taint your separate property, in many jurisdictions even interest income on your separate property being payed into your separate property account will taint it and it will become community property and then its suddenly half hers. Which is why you need to get a good lawyer.
Also look into asset protection trusts. Trusts from different jurisdictions are not equal. There are some jurisdictions that have stronger trust laws.
>Veeky Forums
pick one
Does anyone else get gut wrenching disgusted at what an industrial complex marriage has become?
become a woman, so you have woman and money at the same time
>grown men and women "shutter"
>a prenup "are" usually contested
I stopped reading Robert Pagliarini's article after the third mistake a fifth grader could catch.
Was this run through Google Translate, or something?
But I'm Chad too. I've been on Veeky Forums since 18 because being or knowing about Veeky Forums before then in wrong.
>But I'm Chad too
Well now we know you are a true retard
Sure but when was marriage ever not an industrial complex? In India you get murdered by your family if you are a woman who had sex with a man other than your husband anytime after the marriage ceremony. If your husband dies that's it. No more sex for you. In almost any major religion women must keep themselves covered up and pure except for modern Christians and modernized American jews. There have always been complicated politics centered around marriage and if history tells us anything about the future it will always be that way.
Whoa were did you find that picture of me?
What even is a Chad? How do you define a Chad?