/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
Report and ignore it.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, August 9th:
48 BC – Caesar's Civil War: Battle of Pharsalus: Julius Caesar decisively defeats Pompey at Pharsalus and Pompey flees to Egypt.
1842 – The Webster–Ashburton Treaty is signed, establishing the United States–Canada border east of the Rocky Mountains.
1942 – Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi is arrested in Bombay by British forces, launching the Quit India Movement.
1942 – World War II: Battle of Savo Island: Allied naval forces protecting their amphibious forces during the initial stages of the Battle of Guadalcanal are surprised and defeated by an Imperial Japanese Navy cruiser force.

EU4 DD04/08

CK2 DD 17: Crusader Cats

>Random Country Picker

# Archive

# Mods

>>[HoI4] - More Music Mod

>>[EU4] - Expensive Warfare Mod 1.0

>>[CK2] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 29/07/2016

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V7

>>[V2] Many Houses Divided - v

>>[V2] - 7 Years v4.1

Old Thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

They are pretty butthurt today.


>HPM so flustered he makes the thread 20 posts early

Sage and hide.

HPM is based

The steamgroup no longer exists, so surely you're talking of some other entity

Reed getting BTFO'd made them extra salty.

How do I disable the cultural/localized names for titles and provinces and shit in HIP? It's getting really annoying.

>Be Britain

>Side with Axis

>Germany, Japan and I finish off France and the Soviet Union pretty quickly

>now 1947

>Been trying to invade the USA through Canada and Mexico for 2 years

>Nuked Mexico City 5 times

>absolutely fucking nothing happened

>Literally haven't moved forward in 2 years

4th economy crash, here I go.

It's an install option.

This is why playing as anything other than a GP is total suffering.

Just decrease relations with all GPs

Wrong thread.

>having good relations with germany

He didn't really say who though

red pill me on li quor

>Bulgarian Macedonia


>that single loaf of bread probably costs at least 400 rus dollars aka roughly six hours of labor in russia

Actual thread not made 20 posts early to force a reddit mod.

The problem isn't being on a sphere, it's not being in a sphere.
>only 34 coal being produced in my territory
>can't import any extra coal

Also, these 4 seem to ban eachother's embassies every year.

Slavic Macedonians are delusional Bulgarians.

Macedonians are a real ethnicity.

I like them extra salty.

Back to rebbit, commie.

Actual thread not made 20 posts early to force a redditor's mod.

So increase relations with one and decrease with all others.

Fucking hate when the AI locks itself in an influence battle.

Should I annex Patagonia as France in Victoria 2?




Actual thread not made 20 posts early to force a redditor's mod

>maybe I'll check out gsg today, I wonder what cool grand strategies I'll see
>it's another "HPM MAKES ME SO MAD RRR" episode
>it's another thread wars episode
I think I'll check out paradox plaza today.

You lost the part where they sperged out and HPM didn't give a fuck and the thread ended up being in a comfy game discussion. It only became like this when he left.

HPM is in the op for longer than you are in this thread lad

>HPM talking to himself: the thread

Actual thread not based on false flagging and shitposting and forcing a redditor's mod.

rahter, you missed

What joy does this give you, friend?

>that austria hungary
What happened, why are they eating poland?

Making reddit leave is a joy unto itself.

You can't make anyone leave. You are literally powerless.
No one's forcing anyone to stay in this thread either.

>hpm gets upset he calls his IRC buttbuddies in to bump his early thread

top lol

Reapers due when

Can I play EU IV online with a friend using the version in the op?

Reminder to sage and report early HPM falseflag threads

Only you can put an end to reddit colonization of /gsg/ via the HPMeme/Rob/Vickymodguy bootlicker cabal.

No, you need to buy the game if you want mp.

>reddit colonization of /gsg/ via the HPMeme/Rob/Vickymodguy bootlicker cabal
And they say WE use boogeymen.

There's a MP crack in the archive but I never tested it, if it works it will only work with hamaci and/or tunngle.

Are you unironically admitting you're part of a cabal to fuck up /gsg/ and promote a redditor?s mod? I'm shocked!

Reminder to sage and report early HPM falseflag threads

Only you can put an end to reddit colonization of /gsg/ via HPMeme

There is an event that should fire yeah, did you copy them?

Is it worth retaking Haiti as France in Victoria 2?

are there any somewhat realistic alternate ww2 starts instead of Poland?

No, Haiti is worthless.

I downloaded a version that makes multiplayer work with steamworks but I'm not sure how safe it is and if it could get me banned from steam

Okay, you got me. I am ressit and I love HPM. I dislike Robmod because of how racist it is towards redditors.

I get that you don't like HPM Reed but literally what is the purpose of expelling every single modder from /gsg/ just because you're autistic?

No, I didn't. That's why I asked HPM in the other thread what event 2611 was, I'll try looking for it in the event files.

>people who don't want my cancer are

Textbook used by HPM for years; wears thin.

This is why you need to go to paradoxplaza and stay there.

The Discordgruppe declares war on the Report and Ignore coalition for control of /gsg/. We are the rightful rulers of /gsg/ and will put an end to the tyranny of Alex Grandi de Silveira.

>Alex Grandi de Silveira must abdicate from the throne of /gsg/ and give it to Girlfucker420
>Alex Grandi de Silveira must be banished to Reddit along with his mod, HPM.
>Discussion of HPM will be outlawed on /gsg/
>The Report and Ignore coalition must be disbanded
>The Grandi Youth must be disbanded
>Alex Grandi de Silveira must renounce all claims on /gsg/

>every mod I don't like is literally paradoxplaza
How hypocritical. Sad!

>start Count to Emperor run
>give my starting guy high intrigue (24) so I don't get assassinated right out of the gate
>assassinated within two years


>tfw defending my island from Badawi sand niggers

my descendants will one day take your city, mark my words

>hpmers are trump racists
how predictable

I will still never understand how anybody thought that disgusting map texture was a good idea.


Strike a nerve, ey, HPM/rob/vickymod cuck?

Yeah, this has seriously made me contemplate my existence, I feel like killing myself.

Reminder that Grandimod is bringing redditors here from /r/paradoxplaza and /r/fullcommunism and should be banned

Alright, event is in but since everyone around me wants my head on a spike the game will have to wait to properly test it out another time, as I can't stay at peace long enough at the start to properly test it out and I don't have the time yet to continue my empire through the industrial age. Thanks for the help though.

But I tried so hard! HPM promised me I'd get karma!

Just make taking the decision immediately fire the genocide event, the "preparations" modifier is a shitty meme that serves little to no purpose.

No problem


I'm gonna start making it at 699 posts now just to upset him :)

>that tie

East vs West crashes on initializing maplogic, and deleting map cache doesn't make a difference

the new one? They needed to switch to it so that they could have winters and shit. I still prefer the old one, yeah

>[V2] - Make Liquor Great Again for HPM by Liquorlad*°
>This minimod reverts liquor production, consumption, and price values back to vanilla.

>[V2] - Legacy of Slovenia v1.01*°

>>[V2] - unHPM v1.5*°

>>[V2] - Robmod v2.5°

>>[V2] - Visegradmod v3.2°

>> Updated Waggle Pastebin*°

* The R&I may sperg out if you download this
° Talex and his Grandi Youth may harass you if you download this

Remember that the R&I reports all posts made by or about unHPM and is prone to delete entire discussions on it because he's a petty cunt, so if you want to report bugs or suggest something, contact the mod maker at Steam.

Are you sure you are deleting the right one?

You're part of the problem, instead of posting this reply to

These people of post games

Reed btfo (again)

Why does the R&I deletes all Talexmod criticism??

These are all facts

>Alex gives ridiculous buffs to South American countries because he lives there and knows they are shit IRL
>Alex rages whenever someone points out that his mod is a meme mod and deletes their post
>When you say something bad about HPM Alex will take off his trip and argue with you pretending to be an user
>Alex makes every new thread and then posts "Reminder to report and ignore shitposting" because he is butthurt some people don't like his mod
>Alex will take off his trip and reply with "t.rob" if someone doesn't like his mod
>Alex needs to create the new thread every time so that he can control the OP and only add what he likes
>Alex's mod HPM has attracted more redditors and outsiders than anything in /gsg/ history

These are just the facts. Alex Grandi is the most autistic and destructive force /gsg/ has ever seen.

Truth Napalm. Alex Grandi and redditors who came here for his mod might try to make the false equivalence that because you don't support HPM means you support Rob even though both are equally autistic and butthurt.

This message was brought to you by The Radical Yugoslavia Remnant.

based janny


t. alex falseflagging

>The only posts being deleted are the ones calling out HPM and his bullshit thzt negatively affects the thread..

I can only hope that he is driven out soon, otherwise this place will become a hugbox with only one modder and his """""H"""""PM.

>waaah waaah why won't the janny let me shitpost and keep actual game conversation away from the thread
Even now you fail to see you are the real problem.

Reminder that HPM brings in tons of redditor newfags from /r/paradoxplaza and /r/fullcommunism

He does?! Holy hell, I never knew this. I'm never playing that crap again. Thank you so much.



>waaah why do ppl criticize aych pee em :(((((((
>r-r-r-report and i-ignore ((((((((((

Literally the cancer he brings here.

>shitposters call shitting up the thread criticism

Only a redditor would ever side with the mods/janitors or report people.

It's time to go back to /r/paradoxplaza and /r/fullcommunism along with your master Alex Grandi.

>Wanting to discuss other mods, propose minimods, link to threads with PROPER infopics, not that shitty thing the R&I spams at the top of the thread with his shitpost is shitposting.

Fucking epic posts Miado!19

>other mods
There are already other mods in the OP, though..

>HPM calls in reddit to back him up and shitpost
>has janny buttbuddy hand out bans

Thanks for ruining /gsg/ you worthless faggots, guess what? Now I'm going to spend my offtime destroying your fucking hugbox.

T. /gsg/ user for 4 years who is tired of your incessant shitposting and false flagging

>wahh wahh wahh jannies come save me from criticism

These are all facts

>Alex gives ridiculous buffs to South American countries because he lives there and knows they are shit IRL
>Alex rages whenever someone points out that his mod is a meme mod and deletes their post
>When you say something bad about HPM Alex will take off his trip and argue with you pretending to be an user
>Alex makes every new thread and then posts "Reminder to report and ignore shitposting" because he is butthurt some people don't like his mod
>Alex will take off his trip and reply with "t.rob" if someone doesn't like his mod
>Alex needs to create the new thread every time so that he can control the OP and only add what he likes
>Alex's mod HPM has attracted more redditors and outsiders than anything in /gsg/ history
>Alex incites inter-modder feuds and rivalries via false flagging, driving them away

These are just the facts. Alex Grandi is the most autistic and destructive force /gsg/ has ever seen.

Truth Napalm. Alex Grandi and redditors who came here for his mod might try to make the false equivalence that because you don't support HPM means you support Rob even though both are equally autistic and butthurt.

This message was brought to you by the independent autists of /gsg/

Alexios Grandios refuses to add mods such as Legacy of Slovenia, unHPM and Liquor and Bureaucrats .

Maybe because these are meme mods.

>All mods not made by/for Grandi are mememods.
