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May 6th to August 28th: iM@S Platinum Stars theme for PS4 releases (free for a limited time)

August 10th: Million Radio Theme Song 2
August 17th: PLATINUM MASTER 01 Miracle Night
August 24th: Cinderella Girls 3rdLIVE BDs
August 28th: Talk/Mini-Live with Mirai, Sayoko, Fuka, Matsuri, Konomi, and Megumi's VAs
August 29th: Makoto Kikuchi's Birthday
August 31st: SideM 2nd Anniversary Disc 02
August ???: Cinderella Project Minichu and Love Laika Anastasia figure
September 1st: Wild Wind Girl volume 1 (+CD)
September 9th: Kotori Otonashi's Birthday
September 21st: Million Live Backstage volume 2
September 24th: Million Live Anthology volume 3

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Why doesn't Yuko just use her psychic powers for that watermelon?

>Band comes out
>Still misses

How can you be so fucking retarded.

And it didn't come out by swinging because ti would at least have to be superloosened beforehand for that to happen

It's hard to make out anything clearly, but is that a Texas carbon I see? Looks thick enough to be a triple bond compared to the double bonds elsewhere in the background.
Not sure if they were pulling these from somewhere or just making shit up that looks "chemistry-ish". Dealing with big ugly polycyclic compounds isn't typically my thing.

No announcement for the Live Party?

It's clearly a reference to the MGS2 OP, which invented those patterns.

>how do we make the beatmap more difficult guys we can't just spam notes like in Tokimeki
>let's just shove a bunch of sliders

Damn look at those titties
>That resolution
You a copy cat or did you get a new phone?

You'd be better off dumping the texture than trying to examine the MV

Honoka is thicc for a ballerina

Basa is pure.

Don't they usually have a live stream to advertise these?

Would have liked to have Makuhari by Christmas, but that's not looking likely.

You late night /@/nons or very early morning /@/nons are so good with revering the queen.

These threads are always comfy for her.

Here's your reward!



Hey bitch, it's me

28 stars my fucking ass this is harder than Valkyria Master+

hey thanks, here's a nice thing in return

Good Ps brush their teeth and go to bed.

This is probably the most annoying MV. I feel like they are trying too hard to use the filters they added recently and they just fuck up completely when they make a MV that switches with them randomly

The foggy parts are specially annoying

Fuck off with your emoticons


Oh there's always a few bad apples but that's to be expected. We just execute them as they come along!

I did that 2 hours ago and here I am. Thanks for nothing, Mirai.

Hell yeah, sports events with the Karate Girl, Flutem@ster, and Donuts! I hope they get a Starlight Master song soon, though I wonder what other two idols would go on the song with them.

I actually really like Haruka she's one of my favorite 765s and I think she looks really pretty in Platinum Stars
I just post it to piss you off

Why did you let Haruka have the gun? Now she'll trip and shoot herself

Good, good.

Do it for her.

Honoka is cute.

Well the good thing is they are releasing BDs for every live so I think it'll be worth the wait!

You think this is a motherfucking game?

I'm looking forward to it but my wallet sure as hell isn't.


Literally, it is.

She's ugly as fuck, buddy. You only like her for her breasts

Miku's getting too adult recently.

user you dont anger me, you anger the queen.

can't really take it away from her. she prefers to deal with dissenters personally

no idol is ugly, nerd
well, except for kusokabe and your favorite

>Anzu no Uta
>Meruhen Debut
>Himitsu no Toilette

Hijiri Fucking Mochizuki. Does Chihiro hate CutePs?

>your favorite
Delleat this

Hope her album goes alright. KoroAzu's songs seem to be a league of their own due to HoriPro bucks, whereas I can't remember anything memorable about Yui's songs.

Even Kuso is cuter than that stuck up ballerina whore

>Cafe au lait was allowed to exist at all

>stuck up whore
Don't bring your mother into this

Not sure if that would be of any use.

On the contrary, the fact that she puts songs that are actually a challenge means that she loves them.

She loves them so much that if fucking hurts.

A lot.

You're trying too hard now, user.

All the songs I haven't FCs have wacky slider segments. I can't wake up.

Better start saving now user!

Well that is what happens when you start turning into a hag.

How much you think the whole set's gonna end up costing?

Maybe $500 for a big bundle pack of all of them together?

>Asuka smells of coffee and milk
So much for black coffee.

But she's a miracle of the universe.

she did say she found that coffee tastes better with sugar and milk in her CM

And she's all mine.


Ibuki a cute

Pokemon pajamas yeah

Karen, I AM gonna pikachu in the shower.

>Aya's Deresute 1koma references her friendship with Ibuki courtesy of Flamme Rogue.

It's nice that they still make allusions to pre-established relationship in Mobamasu in Deresute.

Unlike in Mobamasu though, all group based commus in Deresute are for voice idols only. Mobamasu doesn't really stop non-voiced idols from interacting by means of various game events, unit chatter and the Theaters. Deresute doesn't liberty as wide as this yet. We only see non-voiced idols interact through the 1-komas. (And the occasional SR with multiple idols in them)

What about the idols that really on heavy group interaction though? Will we ever see them mingle with each other in Deresute?

Either they start doing events with unvoiced commus or they at least make other idols make appearances in each other's memory commus.

I just want to say I thought the reason Sachiko and Koume were taking so long for their commus was because they were going to release all the 142's together. Sachiko is not out. This infuriates me.

Deresute's main focus is songs. Every group commu is based around one. So unvoiced idols don't really have a place there, unlike in Mobamasu.
Which is fine because both games don't need to handle the same kind of thing.

I wanted that too, but I knew it would be too good to be true.

Their little trio is called "フランメ・ルージュ"

Aren't you supposed to read that as "Flambe Rouge" rather than "Flamme Rouge"?


It's Flamme Rouge.

Literally French for "Red Flame".

Looks about right for their Unit Outfit too.


Detective a cute. I bet that pixiver who /u/s her with Mutsumi is happy right now.


I'm pretty convinced that the "Idol Rumors" part of Deresute is just her notes/observations from her investigations.

CG Shiho is pretty cute



kay, @non.

That's a weird conclusion to draw from their post. Are you okay?

She's also part of the "HOLY SHIT, EAT A GODDAMN SALAD YOU FUCKING COW" club with Kanako.

>RNG'd out of Cool Idol costume so I can't complete these special A rank lives

i'm not buying fucking p-drops GODDAMN Scamco

buy p-drops

Isn't costume RNG the best idea ever.

Why buy costumes with in game money when you can buy costumes with real life money
You need to be fully immersed in the Producer experience.

Can I buy more commus yet

No but you can pay girls to text you and send you caring emails
It's just like real life

its $40 jesus christ

Welcome to iDOLM@STER DLC

I hope you enjoy your first iM@S game.

Nevermind it's actually $30 I was about to flip shit and say Jesus H Fucking Christ

no this is the next stage of DLC. It's evolving

>It's evolving
Can't wait until New Super iDOLM@STER Deluxe 4: Side Omega Platinum Cinderella Million Stars 2 where it costs $240 to buy three emails from Robo-Haruka

At least my wife looks the best she ever has

She'd look better in Xrd.

So, how much more should I shell out to get it that games in HD at 60fps?

>Anzu, Noriko, Shiho, Satomi, Airi and Kanako's diet consist mostly of sweets and snacks
>Anzu is a light weight midget
>Noriko is a stick
>Satomi, Airi and Shiho get bodies of sex goddesses
>Kanako is fat
That's some of luck on those metabolism genes

I'm sorry about your wife.
She's an educated whore.

why would you waste money on 60FPS when the human eye can only detect 24?

PS is already 60 FPS HD, though.


Yeah she is. Only for me though, in the bedroom roleplaying.

And commu was already free before without the need to buy it.

I remember this one video on nicovideo that slowed down 2 (or was it OFA) between the dancing animation between Azusa and Chihaya with the conclusion of Chihaya being the bouncier one despite having the smaller breasts. I want to contribute into such research.

>And commu was already free before without the need to buy it.
They're not actually selling commus as DLC. Emails being DLC was a thing since the very beginning.

>Chihaya being the bouncier one despite having the smaller breasts
Alright, here's my theory
Azusa is Chihaya's long lost sister / cousin, and she had a flat chest too
So she had breast implants, but they weren't very good implants, so they don't jiggle a whole lot
Chihaya just stuck with her 72s

>Azusa is Chihaya's long lost sister / cousin
>Azusa [...] lost [...]
Ridiculous but still in the realm of possiblity.

Good MV with lot of nice closeup shots.

Thanks, Shiki.