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Will it be viable?

Tyrande as priest hero when?

need someone to spectate and play a game aainst on EU server
Thanks in advance!


I thought of a fun card for Shaman

A Princess card whose Battlecry is "Turn a Frog into a Charming Prince"

Control of the Prince could change to your side, or it could be a silly minion that your opponent keeps that and debuffs their minions or forces your opponent to take damage or something.

1st for waifus

The nerfs weren't enough

Friend at the hospital for treatment, can you send him some Rexxar plz :(

I've been helped, no need to add me anymore unless you want someone to spectate from time to time

How long until the Warrior Meta is over?

Press "Astounding!" to pay respects

customfags need their own containment thread.

The Veeky ForumsMTG threads did it right by not encouring customfaggotry and thus forcing the subhumans into their own containment threads.

>not one interesting card except maybe lurker but no neutral healing to make a control Rogue deck and bounce the lurkers


What counters midrange hunter? I keep seeing them and they are holding my sxrub dragon warrior butt back. Even tho i know when i switch they wont show up anyway.

>Veeky Forums
>lets talk about the game and ideas to improve the game
>lets fuck it up custom cards poster.


>to pay respects
hopefully it doesnt come to that

Which hearthstone/WoW class objectively has the most and best waifus?

>talking about the flaws of the game and how they can be improved
>somehow the same as posting your sonichu-tier custom cards that neither exist, nor ever will, which makes any discussion pointless


Unless its that whore of random encounters there is none.

>cards in hand moving around as you play them
god damn this "feature" is annoying as fuck


They have no board clears

It might get run in Yogg druid? It's good in Arena anyway.


Priest is the Aryan class and has the best waifus

you ignore the fact that Blizzard has taken ideas from anons before.

My advice is to just keep pushing with Draggro. Except for Hunter, Tempo Mage and Control Shaman you don't have any bad matchup and even those are winnable.
If you really want to kill hunters, zoo and aggro shaman will do it.

Does it even matter? They will just create another broken Warrior deck type.

Just like when we got rid of Patron Warrior in 2015.

>no food
>no money
>falling down in the ladder


Not gonna happen. Warrior decks are the most expensive to craft, so them being in the meta makes blizzard money.

Imagine this card:


2 mana
Battlecry: Put a 0-Cost card from your deck into your hand.


How much does it break the game?

>tfw no Malkorok to play cancer

I wrote it off as a meme card on release. Guess i still have a lot to learn.

pretty awful concept

You don't need Malkorok to play Dragon Warrior. I got to legend last month even without him in the deck, even if I actually have him.

Actually, it might be useful.

The most worthless cards in there are the ones with 3 health (3 cards in total) and anima golem and the follow is the 4/4 status whose i only found 2 cards
you have a high chance of getting something useful in there.

post deck please?

Why would anyone need to find a 0 cost card consistantly to waste an extra slot in your deck is my question.

Is a C'Tempo Mage viable? Like, a tempo that has C'thun as a wincon.

Low tier but sure

Pretty straightforward list. I used Malkorok for a bit but I dropped him after one too many Cursed Blade. In his place I've put the N'zoth 1st m8 as an anti zoo/aggro tech, worked pretty well for me.

>shield slam
>ravaging ghoul
>tank up!

All these things make me rage irl. I get uncontrollably angry while playing versus these netdecking warrior faggots. What is the best counter to these desks with 10 legends dies, 2x brawl, shield soam, execute?

There's just no way to win with all of that fucking removal. Warriors are for faggots.

Midrange Hunter and C'thun/Token druid and midrange shaman are favored vs control warrior, as long as you're not retarded and don't play into their brawls.

control priest, enjoy losing to everything else though including aggro warrior

I actually run that deck with the malkorok and keep having high cost minions mulligan into my hand instead of low ones. Would you say 1st m8 helps resolve that issue? Mal is on the slow side and a 2/2 weapon isnt exactly game changing.

Zetalot proves that Priest is easily the most entertaining and most skill-based class to pilot. Why do plebs play anything else?

you niggers better have signed the petition

what petition?


Control Priest is favored against Control Warrior and Control Paladin.

Why you guys not playing Elder Scrolls Legends? It's literally hearthstone, but less P2W, less RNG and with some neat mechanics


As I said, the m8 is a tech anti aggro, more specifically anti-zoo. On my climb I've met a fair deal of them, so it was useful for me. also it's another way to activate Execute. Malkorok is more useful vs midrangey-control decks because he's a more valuable card than a 1 mana 1/1

dunno would be nice to fish for innervates for crazy druid plays

There's a petition up to have Ben Brode hanged and crucified by an angry mob.

i just said its favored against control warrior, paladin can just keep dropping dudes though

Sign my petition or i'll follow you home and kill your dog.


sign my dick faggot

topkek I didn't imagine Priest players to be this mad

Shaman players have been tier 4 for what, a full year? And nobody complained this loudly, shit I've seen toddlers scream less when you took away their ice cream.

>3 mana
> ALL minions have one less attack and one more hp. So its basically 3/4


This guy knows it.

>topkek I didn't imagine Priest players to be this mad
took you this long to realize that the Priest playerbase is the largest collection of faggots and crybabies in online gaming?

They are filthy cuckolds who love Priest because it FINALLY gives them the chance to be the Bull in the relationship. Stealing this is a fetish and kleptomania is a mental illness; Priest players often show signs of both.

dont you mean 3-3

because priest only play is auchenai circle

how new are you?
face shaman is top tier at the moment.
surely you've heard of 4 mana 7/7.
meanwhile no top player has even touched legend with priest since standard hit.
we've lost any good board clears since lightbomb is gone and been wanting a good 2 or 3 drops since all we get is fucking 4 drops. and they give us YET ANOTHER 4 DROP along wit purify which is single handily the worst card made in hearthstone

>dumb frogposter projecting so hard it's visible on the moon
No surprises here.

What if they change Shadow Madness' interaction with silence so you keep the minion?

Two games in a row now I've played some nigger who uses warrior and in one turn drops some faggot 3/3 minion with enrage +2 attack and windfury then same turn he gives it charge and uses faggot cards to buff it up to like 13/13 and win in a single turn.

If you are here please kill yourself, thanks.

If you mean to balance it then maybe but no it gains one hp. Might have to limit it to min 1 attack or zoolocks and token players are gonna be sad with 0 attack minions.

>Its another Garrosh episode

if its a 4-3 and all minions have 1 less attack then its a 3-3

you be surprised how broken that would be.
then again we deserve it, you wouldnt even be able to put card draw out without it becoming ours

>face shaman is top tier at the moment.

It's top tier NOW.

But Shaman has BEEN shit for something like a year. It's your turn now, shut up and take it like a man.

>implying priest is bad
turn 1 pass
turn 2 heal face with a tactical heal
turn 3 blademaster circle
turn 4 auchenai circle
turn 5 resurrect
turn 6 sylvanas
turn 7 resurrect
turn 8 concede

>Priest players.

Can you read?

Honestly, Priest being shit is a great thing. Their identity is being antifun. Removal, boardclears, stealing effects, silence, healing minions, buffs to health that make minions unkillable, etc. They are supposed to win by not letting you to play hearthstone. Fuck that.


How can they fuck up this bad? Let me work for blizzard if this is who they hire

Also what time do servers come up

what do you mean our turn, we havnt been top tier ever.
even control warrior was better than control priest so nice try.
if anything priest is overestimated STILL

Both new healing cards are decent enough to slot into some existing decks.

what particular word did I use that triggered you, Mr. Priest?

Feelio when there will never be a big cardpool because of rotation
>Opponent plays a card
>now know all 30 cards in his deck
Maybe I should just stop playing for a couple of years

Get fucked scrub. Bathe in the light.

name a 5 mana board clear that priest have that isnt shit

How does control priest beat control warrior? Doesn't armor mean priest just loses in fatigue?

I don't play Priest. I just hate you dumbfucking meme-spouting braindead manchildren shitting this board up. Go back to your twitch chat.

>complain a class is bad
>stick with that class for years regardless
>continue to lose and complain
>refuse to change up class and/or strategy

What kind of sick blend of masochism and stubbornness is that?

Which warrior deck will someone be playing if the play war axe then?

I haven't seen a 4 mana 7/7 in a while honestly

Only holy nova is shit, and that's just because of the current meta.

you steal their good minions and priest is naturally awful at drawing so you fatigue later

it doesnt, it only has entomb to rely on since ben brode is shit.
then again he probably gave us purify since he JUST NOW is getting shit from entomb a year ago when it was broken with gvg and naxx

>be sad a class isn't that good
>stick it out anyway
>it becomes good
playing shaman payed off

It's generally by the fact that they run similar legendaries and Priest can Entomb the Warriors.

I'll give it a try.

That and the fact that people who play Priest and complain are just mad that they can't heal enough to make up for their lack of strategic intelligence and skill.

Every time I beat a Priest I cum knowing some butthurt pussy is crying because his healing and stealing wasn't enough to compensate for his inadequacy.

>assuming I stuck with priest only
>assuming I dont even have the basic cards for any other class.
im sorry user, didnt realize how damaged you were

*tips fedora respectfully towards you*

Also Priests confirmed fedora wearers now

>tank up
