/wowg/ - World of Warcraft General

DH edition

/wowg/ guilds:

@ Illidan
@ Illidan (Horde)
@ Sargeras (Alliance)

@ Silvermoon

/wowg/ battletag friends list:
(Rarely used or updated, use at your own risk)

General Resources:

Anti-Shitposting Filters To Make WoW General Great Again:

WoW Token Price:

old thread with wrong OP info

Other urls found in this thread:


Does tradechat have any nudes out yet?

> @ Illidan
>Still forcing this dead guild.
Give it a rest son.

I didn't know it was dead, people from it still post here last I heard.

yes, google them you lazy shit

@ Ravencrest (Alliance)

You forgot this guild OP.

What's the spawn timer on invasions?

Someone make a new thread with the correct guilds, please.





>still no good horde races for druid

Xth for Gul'dan making Varian explode in beautiful fireworks.

Now these are some fireworks that would be worth to watch!

Thrall was a mistake

Up to date filter lists. Use these if you want better filter lists.

Image MD5s:




As always, add to and prune these lists as necessary so, when Legion launches, we can keep this general on topic instead of letting avatarfags and shitposters ruin this general.

Why do shoulders not sit right on undead characters now ???

Are the nethershard pieces supposed to only have Stamina?

Why the fuck did the wardens keep the demon hunters glaives 5 feet from their prison?

Not a wowg guild. Nothing was forgotten.

Remember to report copypasta shitposts for advertising.

Can readysasuke get an invite to rip in peace?


they were teasing them with it


them titties just beggin' for my thick bbc between them.

bros, if I ever get a chance to lay pipe, I'll hidden record and share with all of you. just let me know where I should bust and I'll make all of you proud.

>C-chris guide me...


Reminder that Literal Who is NOT a wowg guild as they recruit from trade chat, reddit, and only allow certain people from wowg to join.

Reminder that no one cares about EU guilds.


>the ring and trinket you get from the broken shores scenario quests have a chance to be upgrade to 715 and 700 respectively
nice going blizzard

Can DH speak demonic outside of their demon form?

Thinking of rerolling warlock for legion

Whats currently the best dps spec at 110? I don't want to waste artifact power on a weaker spec while leveling

>tfw only ones here

damn alliance you let me down

Is there Hordes kneeling at Vol'jin?

They get bored if there is no one to catch.

>Did the broken shore scenario.
>Didn't get my artifact weapon.

real thread by somebody that isn't a Big Guys shitposter

>no main stat
don't care

"Keep trying Big Guys" ediditon
Ravencrest - EU

Memes are welcome, but drama and autism will be low tolerance
Aiming for fun with friends raiding - Mythics may be a possibility.
Currently we have enough people for at least normal/HC progress, but if we get enough for a mythic raid we can move onto them, if timescales allow it

Currently our raid times are planned to be a main raid on Fridays (starting at 7pm server time) and a secondary/cleanup raid on Sat or Sunday (starting from 6pm server time)

We should remove them then, got any proof though? Because we shouldn't just randomly remove guilds because some shitposter guild is angry for no reason.

I have but I can only find bikini pictures

you get that later

>that name

based af

Man it's fucked up how they can never get their characters power levels straight.

Affliction for pvp and world stuff demo for raids according to ptr.

recruitment =/= advertisement

>shitpost copypasta resposts
>starting thread wars even though there's a thread already
>falseflagging and namecalling
>including non wowg guilds in the OP

You should leave.


The Fire Rises is a Veeky Forums guild, except the GM just doesnt want retards, specifically the ones that shitpost like crazy now and make OPs leaving out rival guilds

Big Guys, fuck off

Alright lads, what would I need to get realm first 110 warlock/gnome? You think dungeon spam with a good group would be faster than questing?

Can someone make an actual good new thread with reddit/dead guilds in it?

You can call it whatever you want, non wowg guilds don't go in the wowg OP.

You can try spamming in the thread, but enjoy getting reported.

>still no good alliance races for shaman


Yet more evidence that blood elf should have access to every class.

>manage to get on in the initial panic and get my DH out of the intro zones
>no lag at all
>decide to do broken shores questline on my main
>suddenly server is lagging to shit

I love Jaina

Big Guys please go.
Youre really the cancer killing this general, its clear they dont want retards like you guys, so why do you shitpost this? You can have the retard, they can have people who actually play the game.

eu demon cucks when

literally how do you do this dark whispers shit

It's not a Veeky Forums guild, said by himself as seen here , he also said he doesn't want to be in the OP.

Also the only one shitposting about guilds and talking about rivlary is you.

As I said, non wowg guilds don't belong in the OP. You spamming in the thread is a different thing.

I'm not in that guild, stop embarrassing yourself.

I'll repost it anyway since Big Guys is hella mad right now for being shitter

Ravencrest - EU

Memes are welcome, but drama and autism will be low tolerance
Aiming for fun with friends raiding - Mythics may be a possibility.
Currently we have enough people for at least normal/HC progress, but if we get enough for a mythic raid we can move onto them, if timescales allow it

Currently our raid times are planned to be a main raid on Fridays (starting at 7pm server time) and a secondary/cleanup raid on Sat or Sunday (starting from 6pm server time)

10 hours

>alliance struggling to escape the onslaught of the legion with varian sacrificing himself in a badass last stand
>vol'jin dies? like a bitch and sylvanas flees, leaving the alliance to fend for themselves
>anduin is a cuck and refuses to break off all treaties with the horde for betraying the alliance yet again

So tell me, why the fuck does Blizzard have such a hard on for the Horde that they write them so poorly but let them get away with ridiculous shit?

>tfw friend got triggered over me saying that since they've fucked the lore so hard they should just make every race be able to use every class

7 Submitting false or misclassified reports, or otherwise abusing the reporting system may result in a ban. Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.

Can readysasuke get an invite to rip in peace?

>Thread is autosaging.
Good job retards.


Read the rules.

Which one of these did I do?

A lot of people still want Horde vs Alliance to be a thing and still want to play Horde for some unknown reason.

Anyone has the illidan pdf?

Please dont post this for us, whenever I'm online, I'll post it myself

Just bought wow
Can someone explain what the fuck is going on? It gave me some spells on a ship and then I'm here

wow this guys an ass you should leave the guild

Do the invasions lag horribly for everyone?

o shit waddup!! its dat boi!!!

You sure shitpost like youre in it
p.s. not him, but the guy youre trying to prove something to with the screenshot; youre not proving anything, Dancouga didnt say he didnt want to be in the OP in that post at all


Make a new damn thread, this one is autosaging.

>unlock garrison on demon hunter


Hey anyone know why when I try to que for broken isle dungeon it says I don't meet requirements?



Rate my temporary mog until I find a more unholy looking one

>Awful meme class with no talents
>Invasions are twice every 4 hours
>Whispers event appears pointless and boring
At least it's better than the Cataclysm prelaunch event

He said it in other posts, you can ask him himself. Are you illiterate though? This is /wowg/, only /wowg/ guilds go in the OP, he said this guild isn't a /wowg/ one.

oh look! big guys are posting the fire rises recruitment post to try and turn the general against them!!

you guys are so smart1!

>2009 rexx

old af

>people actually jerk it to this shit

Reddit is blowing up with all these faction leader deaths! Haha I've never seen so much butthurt!

Go back to twitch chat, or stop shitposting with your autism. Nobody cares about your shit.

Big guy here,we're not removing you from the OP its some falseflagging faggot,we include you in the OP whenever we make threads.

Nope he didnt. Thats the only post he made in all threads ever.
Youre just bullshitting at this point and have no proof of it.

Keep projecting etc.
lw has a subreddit
bg has a subreddit
therefore theyre not wowg


Does Blizz just not have the money for good servers anymore or what?

>Nope he didnt

He literally did, look at the image and read it 10 times if you have to, before you shitpost.

Post those subreddits, I haven't seen them.

>mages trying to sell portals
>all you have to do to have access to every one of the invasions is have hearth set to shrine in pandaland

please respond


Either youre not big guys or youre lying.
That guy isnt from TFR and Big Guys has already been outed as shitposting

rate her feet

>Thats the only post he made in all threads ever.

So a redditor that discovered Veeky Forums a few days ago and came here to advertise, got it.

Damnit now I want a Pepsi