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Sylvanas edition

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>he doesnt play a female worgen

reminder to not waste your time with havoc if you want to raid as demon hunter in legion

Heh, nothing personal kid.

Why do you play a female, /wowg/?

Why are crz so fucked for invasions? Why is everyone of them 400 horde and 20 alliance?

>have to level dk knight to 70 to be able to make a deamon hunter

kill me

Xth for deport all muslims

>Vol'jin's soul was stolen
>Varian literally explodes

Looks like you forgot The Fire Rises, big guys OP

>vol'jin gets cancer and dies before we even set foot on broken isles
Well that didn't last long.
>sylvanas is now warchief

It's not a wowg guild, so it doesn't go in the OP.

is there a cutscene for when vol'jin gets stabbed? im ally

>Undercity gets taken over by Varimathras
>Putress goes rogue and slimes everyone at the Wrathgate
>Garrosh goes full Hitler and uses an Old God to fuck Pandaria up
>Sylvanas turns into a coward and calls a retreat leaving the Alliance to get routed by the Legion
Why are the Horde always the ones fucking up and the Alliance always get to be the heroes cleaning up the mess. Why, why, WHY! My faction is a fucking joke

induring thread wars

it's after you set foot on the isles you fucking nig nog

you think you smooth samantha?

>big guys shitposter samefags again

yes, he gets fucked from behind by a felguard while he's distracted

part of his tusk gets taken off too

>make one post in the thread
>accused of samefagging

Nice try newfag.

>from behind
From the front.

got a link?

You can't swing a dick in Org without hitting like ten demon hunters, half of which are probably shitty donut steel RPers.

And half of THOSE are probably futas.

>lagging like hell since patch
>dungeon queue
>cant teleport into dungeon because of lag
just kill me

>Gelbin Mekkatorque comes out of it looking more impressive than Vol'jin

wtf is happening in org
alliance players running around as the dinosaur from siege

I have been told that the Alliance fights Gul'dan but the Horde is just fighting some bats

Am I being meme'd the fuck out

>multiple unique named npcs spawning in the same phase of an invasion
ok blizzard

Horde holds off a tide of lesser demons and felbats while the Alliance faces down Gul'dan and just about every major demon from WC3 to now. Even Jaraxxus is there.

It ends with Varian killing a fel reaver, on his own, in one hit.

Sort of, Gul'dan shows up and summons a Fel Reaver on steroids to fight against the Alliance, horde are just dealing with run of the mill Legion shitters.

Anyone that has beta know if they made frost better than fire for pvp yet?

the burning legion is infinite and can travel between alternate timelines :^)

its a fuckton of them though

i thought the game was bugged, my fps was tanking

>the loa tell Vol'jin that the poison in his system will claim his soul

is this just a fancy darkspear way of saying he's dying or does Vol'jin actually lose his soul to the legion when he dies

>PvPing during invasion

For what purpose.

>gelbin's mech isn't an actual mount in legion
guna kill myself desu

What edgelord names is /wowg/ naming their DHs?

Why has blizzard removed reverse bag sort?

If da loa be sayin it, den it be fuckin true mon

What is this talking about? The end of the Demon Hunter quesline?




>Friend tells me new WoW xpack is really good
>Never played wow before but decide to finally break down and play
>Boost to 100
>Do some raid thing which was just me following people around
>Get put into main city
>Giant dinosaurs (part of this invasion shit?)
>Die from something?
>Go back and then finish a quest chain to kill some demons
What do I do from here to get gear as a priest? This game is kinda overwhelming me right now.

Just did the broken shore scenario.

7/10, at least they didn't do the cliche thing and let guldan corrupt varian or harvest his soul and just straight up killed him

broken shore

>horde shadowpriest
>do broken shore
>actually able to keep voidform up indefinitely for the finale because there are so many demons piled so close together that mind sear hits all of them
>no StM




I issue you a challenge /wowg/

type /who 100 demon hunter

Edgiest name wins.

>Genn Greymane

Holy fuck. Why do PC worgen look so shit?

>fel reaver
looks like an infernal desu, same way of spawning just different armor/model

He basically joins the Loa, like all shadow hunters do

Whats really fucking retarded is why do the Loa care about an elf? Sylvanas should have zero significance to them

Calm down autist. I'm asking what's the deal currently.

It's a bad time to join the game tbqh. You probably should watch a few introductory videos that will give you some information about the game.
Or read a guide.

But it makes the fel reaver sound

Armored infernal.



only name that was close to edgy I've seen on a DH is Slaanesh

other than that its all ironic names

>Balance druids are actually good now
Why did no one tell me?

Last year they talked about the worgen/goblin models in one of those developer panels and said that eventually they were going to revamp them.


I want to take his knot now and I didn't even know I wanted it

>want to preorder from blizzard so I can get on the DH dick early
>at the same time I want to buy Legion from retail because they give you a poster and a cool looking box

Help I can't decide.

I got the name Analqueen for my fembelf DH, surprised it was allowed.

I wonder how long before I get a forced name.

Give this to my wife's son!










>log in
>this is literally the first thing I see
>log out

Just wait, DH aren't that great.

t.level110 DH in beta


jesus christ

Can I spam dungeons as a Tank to blow through Draenor or is it faster to just quest normally? Keep in mind I have no Heirlooms, EXP Elixir money or even flying.

So Horde does some busywork bullshit while the Alliance gets shit done.

>I skipped every opportunity to learn what to do
>Now you tell me what to do

How long does it take to farm all 4 mog sets from this event?

>playing barefoot female night elf
I mean, I am not even a footfag but I am slightly turned on.

Allaince breaks down and has a bitchfit as soon as their Horde backup is forced to retreat

>i cant google because im a retard
>so spoonfeed me how to do everything right as pre-expansion hit

It's Alliance so Never Ever due to "a lack of resources"

>t. meme

back to /pol/

I've wanted to be a demon hunter since I was a kid playing WC3

you guys can call me an autist if you want but I think I'm gonna main it along with my rogue in legion

How do i pvp as the master edgelord class?

From my understandimh it was co-decision by both factions to have Sylvanas' archers support Alliance from the mountains (as seen in the cinematic), it's just that they had to retreat (so did Alliance). Dunno though.


Not very. Each day the invasions are going to come faster and faster to the point where they will be back to back and harder which will give you more rewards.

Speaking of which, is there a mod or anything yet that allerts you to when the invasions are up?

What a silly view to post in trade.
Communism is a terrible system without whole automation of resource generation. automated mining, logging, food production and power generation are needed for communism to be viable.

You do know if you have beta and can log in.

Gelbin called in a bombardment, Varian told Sylvanas to have her archers clear the skies, Horde retreated, Alliance was forced to retreat.

If only I could give him an afro.

Why are goblins the master race?

Same, dudes one sexy beast.

>Tfw Genn gives you zoosexuality fantasies

Because the writing is a fucking disaster

Garrosh was looking to be a badass warchief in Cata with him redeeming himself over the re-done quest zones

Then they do a full 180 and make him le evil badguy 4 no reason


>utopia is needed for communism to be viable
So it will never be viable?

lets use this moment to remember the great warchief voljin and his achievements

>appears in a cutscene of ur garrison

>mfw a fucking gnome had a better moment than voljin in that cutscene

This is surely some sort of bug, right?

What are some fun places to farm transmogs?

Good for you then, its nice that people still have fun with the game.