/evn/ - English Visual Novels

Tiddy Edition

Do you have a question about a Japanese visual novel or a translation of it?
/vn/ is ready to answer it. We are not them.

>Developer Resources, Getting Started:
pastebin.com/7LsCvtq3 (embed)

>Recommended Reading:
pastebin.com/zGVSpH0B (embed)

>For Developers. Huge collection of guides on everything:

>Ren'Py Download:

Other urls found in this thread:


why live

To make me a game

If you're going to make a shitty game though fuck you

Quality bump

Does anyone know where I can find a collection/gallery of high quality JVN sprites?
I want to study the colouring style to try and improve my own.

I do but I'm not telling. I'm so mean.

Bully ;_;

I'll give you mai waifu.

Okay, I'll spoonfeed you a bit. There are full JVN CGs and sprite rips in exhentai. Poke around there.

Thanks famanon

those tits are outrages.

Any game gallery in exhentai?


But yea. I agree. Those tits are the worst.

I personally avoided large tits for my characters. Did I do the right thing?


If you hate money, then yes.

I also did this, but it wasn't on purpose. I just like flat girls that wear suits, so that's just what most of my characters ended up being.

Is SAO 16.5 an example of a nicely written sex scene?

>flat girls in suits
Show us the honey.

Would pay to see SAO with lesbians.

Quick! Kickstart a yuri "trapped in another world" VN!

> more yuri

no user.

Instead of having the usual fantasy "trapped in another world thing", how about "trapped in a fucking advanced world" or "trapped during the biblical times"?

> biblical times

just wait until someone decides to do that saint fucking game.

I just want some temple-trampling action.



>make 30 something character with large breasts
>make her a virgin



why did someone put effort into this?

would she be a social retard too?

just a prude who was waiting for the right one, but the right one never showed.

That's super common though. Never heard of the Christmas cake archetype?

most of them are used goods

No, they're mostly virgins, due to the nip obsession with purity. They often complain they've never even had a boyfriend.

This is how I feel about this game.

oh really? well i'm fine following this trend.

nobody wants those.

Not in the nukige I fap to, then again it is nukige

>nice backgrounds
>nice sprite for the one girl
>obvious effort put into the scenes
>painful meme writing
>all the other sprites look like

too bad.


>That poster

What kind of perspective is that even supposed to be? It's wrong on at least three levels.

my meme masterpiece

I love you

get out driftwood dev

I'm glad I didn't even give this a chance. Maybe he should have just admitted he can't do this and gave up like Dischan.

>previous thread isn't in the OP
Fucking what


like i dont have an ounce of respect for him actually finishing it
its worse than fucking nothing

Why do I even come back to /evn/?
It's like I think it's possible to make a good vn still.

i feel bad for driftwood

why you feel bad for shit ?

>tfw never noticed sprites could be such a problem since they usually look nice

I feel bad for good for nothing pieces of shit who like to pretend they make vns but are just hateful motherfuckers who cant actually do better so they hate everything under the sun. Fucking kill yourselves.

Hi Driftwood.

I-I can change, user. If only everything weren't so easy to hate.

>waste 8k of KS money and 20K of your families money for 3 years
>make nothing
>ask for more money to do the same thing

Hey, you never know, maybe this time, he can make things right. Haven't you seen the Hollywood movies? You just need to give them another chance.

jokes on you
i make real games

>real games
>posting in /evn/
Why? We don't make games here.

>20K of families money
holy shit sauce

>make nothing
Sounds like college without the college.

i feel sympathy since it does look like there was actual effort put into it

>20K of your families money


Who even makes anything without effort? That's just simply not possible unless you're autistic or like to waste time.

>Who even makes anything without effort?

omg i thought this shit was the full game
now i learn its only the 1st fucking act

Why did you post this great looking game?

omg, liek, totally

I can imagine them drafting the script and saying all those lines out loud before giving themselves a mental high-five.
Unless they didn't write that and they just have the misfortune of looking like someone who finds that shit funny.
Don't know what it's for, though.

He wrote the entire thing himself. He also finds everything funny if his facebook is any indication.

Yeah, that pose just kind of screams "I think the gangster talk translator on lingojam is the height of humor."

Let's get some positive vibes going!

What part of your project have you completed recently?

This one is my favorite.

I found old shitty anime art of mine from some time ago and the differences really blew me away, made me realize I've made a lot of progress even if I'm not where I want to be yet.

New background + some simple "handwritten note" CGs were delivered today. Just threw them into the game and they look pretty good.

Also did some cool (read: very basic) shader coding yesterday to get a neat little wobble/distort effect.


Confirmed for NPD

Stop releasing crappy vns that you kickstarted and abandoned. Running a new kickstarter at the moment isn't winning you any points either.

all of it
now i'm waiting on others

For some drama, Japanese dev/publisher Frontwing is holding an AMA on Reddit. They said that they have no idea why people think they have no problem releasing 18+ content. People said that Sekai Project blamed the lack of progress on 18+ content for Grisaia on Frontwing. Sekai Project's bias against 18+ content confirmed.

Someone make a VN about mind hacks

>One of the most interesting differences we've noticed about the VN markets is that Western fans tend to evaluate the amount of content in a game based on play time, while in Japan, the number of unique CGs is the biggest factor.
Heh, you guys are doing it all wrong. Artist have all the power.

>mind hacks

Gaijin fucking things up as per usual.

i can't take those people seriously after purino party

It's the Western fanbase's fault. Look forward to a 10 hour vn with 5 CG.

At least that came with an 18+ patch at launch unlike Grisaia.

This plus english devs are too fucking poor to afford art so they just settle for whatever they can get.

it should be self-explanatory really

It also helps that just about everyone thinks they're a writer. Many devs are also their teams writer, which saves them alot of money in that area. I feel like artist devs save a ton more money on their projects.

>I feel like artist devs save a ton more money on their projects.
i paid my last writer 2000 USD, more than my backgrounds cost.

>i paid my last writer 2000 USD
Last thread we were discussing that "you are a retard if you are paying for expensive music", and now you, with your numbers.
For that price that fag should've wrote 200k script without a single meme.

But user, writers should be paid 5 cents per word!

it's almost like /evn/ isn't a hivemind. almost. i am using 100% stock music my soundtrack was 45$.
i wish

Where do you get stock music for that price? What I could find was at least $100 per track for commercial use

nukige where you mind hack to watch your parents fuck and starve to death afterwards when

>mind hack your mom
>make her your sex slave
Oh wait, there's a lot of games like that already

>mind hack your dad
>make him your sex slave

Make $50k milestone - trap dad.

because it's more fun than doing a recorded thing? Also feels more intimate with your viewers. idk, it's weird how having a twitch stream with 50 viewers feels like a bigger deal than having a youtube with 1000 views.

U wot

>Actually paying your writers